Star Wars - IG-80 Assassin Droid
Woohoo - the Star Wars Genre word lists are complete :]

In case you are wondering why there are three, I had to add separate lists for indoor, outdoor, and space in order to get meaningful results for the Get Place and Opposition buttons - just switch to the appropriate genre whenever you transition in your story. Also, if you're wondering why I chose the Clone Wars era (ep. 1-3) instead of the Rebellion era (ep. 4-6), it's because I like droids and I like jedi, both of which are more plentiful in the Clone Wars. I do plan to tweak the lists though, so we can add a "Star Wars - Rebellion" genre, but I'll get to that later.

Right now, I've been itching to play an assassin droid (my favorite character is IG-88, so I'm basing myself off him... it...)

--> [Holowan Laboratories Droid - Designation: IG-80]
--> Self-Activation Sequence Complete
--> Diagnostics Complete - All systems nominal

Where am I?


Am I in orbit?


Am I outside?



I have self-activated in a small crude shelter perched precariously on a jagged rock in the middle of an archipelago - Other makeshift dwellings and bridges span the tiny islands around me. No cloners here - this is a slum of Kamino. I shake off the pile of scrap metal that was camouflaging me and stand up.

Who is my target?

Hasty Trandoshan jedi conselor.

A jedi... This will be an adequate test of my capabilities.

Is my mark on Kamino?



Accessing data for records on Tython...
> Region: Deep Core
> System: Tythos
> Moons: Ashla, Bogan
> Class: Terrestrial
> Climate: Temperate
> Current inhabitants: Various colonies (predominantly Twi'lek), Jedi Temple (active training center)
> Tython is the birthplace of the jedi order and site of several historical battles (see Despot War, Force Wars, New Sith Wars).

I step out from the shelter of the hovel and into torrential rain. Do I spot any transports?

Yes, and...


A Kamino physician is tending to a patient and has left his repulsorlift skiff unattended. I attempt to board it without being noticed. Do I succeed?


The tall spindly biped spots my approach and turns to face me. "A droid? Where did you come from? What are you doing?"

I attempt to snap his thin neck with my grasper...


The Kaminoan is remarkably lithe. Does he attack?



Yes, and...

He leaps onto his skiff and it lurches in the water as he begins to speed away. I leap for the skiff...

Yes, but...

My grasper latches onto the aft rail, but my torso and legs are dangling behind, skipping across the ocean waves like a stone. Am I damaged?

No, and...

I begin to pull myself into the skiff. The Kaminoan medic grabs a...

Blaster carbine.

and fires it at pointblank...


I parry the shot and attempt to disarm him...

Yes, and...

I easily snatch the weapon from his grasp and knock him off balance, causing the skiff to bank in a wide uncontrolled circle. Do we hit anything?


Negligible: Nick/Scratch/Dent.

The aft end of the skiff careens into a rocky outcropping from the same island that we just left. Is the Kaminoan able to stay on board?

No, and...

He launches backward over the side and hits the outcropping the an audible snap. Am I able to stay on board?


I take control of the skiff. Is there a star port near my current location?



After accessing the navigational system, I see that there is a small Kaminoan shipyard nearby, so I head in that direction. I will need a long range transport to reach Tython.

(To be continued...)
It is dusk and the pouring rain has further reduced visibility, so I cannot see the shipyards, but the navigation system insists that I am almost on top of them. Are the shipyards underwater?

No, and...

I throw the skiff into reverse just as a towering structure looms ahead, trying not to crash into it. Do I stop in time?

No, but...

Severe Damage: Incapacitating and may become Critical if not addressed.

The skiff it totaled, but I am able to leap safely onto the structure. No lights or activity... Is the shipyard abandoned?

No, and...

A turret detects my presence and opens fire. This must be a military instillation. Am I able to evade and find cover?


I duck around the corner, clinging to the side of the structure on a small pipe. I recall the turret's position and attempt to destroy it by firing my E5 blaster carbine around the corner...


I had a blaster rifle and two thermal detonators, but the locals managed to steal them without tripping my proximity alarm. It was convenient that the Kaminoan medic had this carbine, but its accuracy at longer ranges is insufficient.

I swing back onto the catwalk and charge forward, trying to evade long enough to get a closer shot at the turret. It tracks me and beings to fire rapid blasts. Do I evade?

No, but...

Minor Damage: Largely superficial; degrades performance, but not disabling.

It grazes my armor and causes light damage to my hip actuator, but not before I close the distance. Do I hit?


The turret explodes in a shower of sparks. I make my way to the nearest hatch, which is locked, as expected. I find an interface jack and attempt to hack the security...

No, and...

Negligible: Nick/Scratch/Dent.

The system shrugs my attempt with a jolt meant to fry my circuits. I'm prepared for this, so I manage to disconnect before any real damage is done. Time for plan B... Do I spot any security cameras?


With the turret destroyed, the installation's security will be blind at this entrance. I fire my magnetic grapple above the hatch and reel myself up, waiting for the hatch to open. Does it?

Yes, but...

The door opens, but nobody steps out. They are cautious. I drop into the hatchway and attempt to enter blindly before they decide to shut it.

Squad of B1 battle droids.

That's unexpected. What's the Trade Federation doing on Kamino? Speculation is irrelevant. I fire at the closest droid out of...

4 = 4[d6]

Yes, but...

Minor Damage: Largely superficial; degrades performance, but not disabling.

I should have steadied my weapon instead of trying to fire the second my feet hit the floor...

1 = 1[d6]

Three of the battle droids are slow to react, but the one I singed returns fire...

No, but...

"Close the hatch!" The lead droid commands in its low-pitched oscillating voice.

The battle droid closest to the hatch control panel reaches for the button, so I aim my carbine at that one and open fire...


Severe Damage: Incapacitating and may become Critical if not addressed.

With superior speed and accuracy, I continue to fire at the three remaining battle droids as I step into the corridor...


Moderate Damage: Hampers functionality significantly; will require repair/mechanical attention.

The lead droid falls with a clang, but it's still functioning. It yells to the remaining two droids, "Blast 'em!"

No, and...


The closest standing droid backs up while firing and collides with the other droid, causing both of them to miss. These droids are pathetic unless they are part of a massive formation on the battlefield. I attempt to dispose of them quickly, not wanting to waste any more time on these worthless piles of scrap...


Moderate Damage: Hampers functionality significantly; will require repair/mechanical attention.


Critical Damage: Requires immediate attention; clearly disabling if not immediately desctructive.

The lead droid is able to get one more shot before I kick its weapon from its graspers...

No, but...

It manages to drop a frag grenade. I try to leap around the corner before it detonates...


And that takes care of the four inferior battle droids. I follow the white brightly-lit corridor, blaster carbine at the ready...

Shuttle bay.


It was very fortunate that I entered the installation near the shuttle bay, but not so fortunate that there is a droideka guarding the two Sheathipede-class shuttles. Is it's shield already activated?

No, but...

It is already deployed and about to activate its shield and open fire with it's repeating blasters. I try to hit it before its bubble-like shield appears...


The rapid shots from my E5 carbine are defected harmlessly as the shield activates and the droideka turns and takes aim. I bolt for cover...


Does it hit?


I continue running perpendicular to the heavy blaster fire across the open hangar. Do I reach the cover of one of the shuttles before I get hit?


I'm I near the shuttle's hatch?

Yes, and...

It's open! Is there anyone inside?


I close the shuttle hatch behind me, but the droidecka is now firing at the shuttle's hull...

Minor Damage: Largely superficial; degrades performance, but not disabling.

Is this shuttle armed?

Yes, but...

The weapon controls are at a separate station from the pilot controls. I power up the shuttle from the pilot's position and then move to the gunner's position...

Moderate Damage: Hampers functionality significantly; will require repair/mechanical attention.

Am I able to blast the droideka?


I interface with the ship and attempt to hack the bay doors open...

No, and...


The doors open and two more droideka roll into position. I try to blast them before they can deploy and do more damage to the shuttle...

Yes, and...

Blast doors close over the entrance from which they came, which means the Separatists don't want to feed any more expensive droids to the laser cannons on this shuttle. I don't currently have anything against the Trade Federation, but I'm not currently employed by them either, and they are slowing me down.

I set the shuttle's power to overload and quickly exit, crossing the bay to the other shuttle and looking for an interface jack along the way...


I interface and try to hack the bay doors...


As soon as they begin to open, I run for the undamaged shuttle. Once inside, I power it up and try to escape before the first shuttle explodes...

Yes, and...

I'm able to leave the facility without being pursued. They're probably tracking the shuttle, but since it doesn't have a hyperdrive, I only need to borrow it long enough to reach the nearest spaceport, which I am now rapidly approaching.

(To be continued...)

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