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Episode 7
Is Kaylana there?
Is she alone?
(50/50 | 2[d10]) No
Who is there?
Punish / Victory
Hmmm. Makes me wonder if it’s enemy soldiers? It’s by the docks and they have been trying to push into the city, so it’s possible, but
(Somewhat Unlikely | 8[d10]) Yes
Okay... Is she alive?
(50/50 | 7[d10]) Yes
Any dead bodies?
(50/50 | 7[d10]) Yes
Were they friendlies?
(50/50 | 9[d10]) Yes
Sounds like this is the situation...
Collan and Arnstein came to a modest home near the docks. Dead soldiers, defenders of the city, along with fallen attackers, lay on the street. In the distance, a block away, they heard the ringing sound of steel on steel, with shouts and cries.
The door to Kaylana's home was slightly ajar, a bowl of potatoes half skinned, spilled on the ground, along with a paring knife. The two soldiers looked at each other and Collan’s face went white.
"Kaylana," he whispered, worry on his face.
Arnstein drew his one-handed battle axe while Collan pulled out a short sword. Arnstein gripped Collan’s shoulder and put a finger to his lips.
They stepped cautiously into the home, Arnstein first, Collan following behind.
Round 1
Assessment Phase:
Perception vs Stealth
Collan Perception:
41 = 26[d100]+15
Arnstein’s perception:
84 = 54[d100]+30
For enemy soldiers. Are they stronger than a typical Hillman warrior?
(50/50 | 6[d10]) Yes, but...
Not by much. We’ll go with this.
Typical Enemy Warrior
Lvl: 2-ish, MR: 15L, Armor: LA, DEF: 20 TSR: 15 WSR: 15, HP: 55, Attacks: +55 Wpn / +55 Ran, CT: NH, Rog: 15, Adv: 15, Lor: 0
Is there more than one inside?
(Somewhat Likely | 4[d10]) No, but...
There are others fighting just a block away, and who knows how that might influence things.
Vs Stealth of enemy soldier:
25 = 10[d100]+15
What is the soldier doing?
Persecute / Dispute
Arnstein’s stealth:
76 = 51[d100]+30-5
Arnstein and Collan moved into the home stealthily. Arntien’s axe scraped against the wall as they enter and they heard a man's guttural voice and a woman’s muffled whimper. A guttural shout and then a slap and a chair fell over into view on its side, bearing a woman, bound to it, with a cloth gag in her mouth.
(The complication was that they didn’t move quickly enough and she took some hurt. Superficial impact:
48 = 48[d100]
36-50 Beat to forearm. Drops weapon or shield. If they aren’t holding one, target Stunned.
Blow is to the head I think instead since she’s tied.)
Her face is bruised. Blood ran from a gash where her head hit the floor.
Dazed, she blinked unsteadily at Arnstein, then her eyes focused and flickered to Collan...Her eyes widened in recognition and hope, and she heaved against her bonds.
Action Declaration
A wicked serrated blade came into view, first its point then the rest of the blade.
(Somewhat Unlikely | 10[d10]) Yes, and...
Is the enemy soldier bloodthirsty?
(50/50 | 1[d10]) No, and...
No, he’s scared, trapped behind enemy lines, and trying to leave.
Arnstein will engage him.
Woman is bound and will struggle.
Collan will rush to aid her.
Move Phase
The enemy soldier, in leather armor and a longsword, shouted again and then turned the corner, jogging toward the exit, his face white. Arnstein raised his axe, intent on braining him as he passed. Since the enemy is surprised, he won’t be able to attack in the first phase.
Arnstein didn’t hold back. Collan rushed to untie and assist his sister-in-law.
Spell Phase A
Ranged Phase A
Melee Phrase:
Technically the soldier would go first but he’s not aware is is trying to leave, so he’ll go in other phase.
Arnstein attacks (+20 for surprise, -20 for defense--enemy can’t parry)
199 = 94[d100]+105+20-20
20 hits and a lethal critical
53 = 3[d100]+50
Minor forearm cut. +4 Damage, 1 Bleed, and Stunned.
The man saw the flash of steel and reflexively raised his forearm, and his leather bracer took Arnstein’s heavy blow. The axe’s blade sliced through the hide and crunched into the man’s forearm in a splash of blood. He reeled from the pain and slammed into the wall behind him, sending a shelf of crockery smashing in white powdery shards.
Other phases...
Enemy Soldier (Medium human) – Level 2, HP 55, Damage 24, 1 Bleed, Stunned
Round 2
Action Declaration
The soldier will defend completely since he can't attack. He's stunned so only gets 1/2 CMB to parry.
Arnstein will attack completely.
Collan has the bonds cut and is pulling his sister-in-law free from the chair
Everyone is in their same places.
Arnstein goes first because the other man is stunned.
105-20 def -27 (half parry)
103 = 45[d100]+105-47
10 hits and light critical
He’ll do impact crit.
Enemy Soldier (Medium human) – Level 2, HP 55, Damage 35, 1 bleed
21 = 11[d100]+10
Blow to the upper leg, painful bruise. +5 Damage and -10 activities
Arnstein’s blow was a weak one in the confines of the narrow hallway and the soldier turned away most of it and only the flat of the axe blade slammed into the man’s leg.
All other Phases
Enemy Soldier (Medium human) – Level 2, HP 55, Damage 40; Bleed: 1, Penalty: -10
Round 3
Action Declaration
Does the soldier give up? Likely given his current state and that he’s scared.
(Likely | 3[d10]) No
Okay. Too scared to think straight. He’s not stunned anymore, so he’ll go for an all out attack on Arnstein.
Arnstein will meet him.
Collan will aid by flanking the attacker on his side.
Melee Phase:
Arnstein will parry with 60 then fight back.
Enemy Soldier goes first
1d100+55-25 def, -60 parry
66 = 96[d100]+55-85
Doh. He got open ended on Arnstein.
Roll low...
19 = 19[d100]
(Yes! Whew!)
66+19 = 85 vs Medium Armor, but -10 to his attack from his injury so 75 on the table.
The man screamed wildly, raised his blade, and hacked with ferocity. Arnstein blocked, turned aside one blow and then another, but part of the blade slammed into his chain mail.
He takes only 4 Hits and no crit. But he’s still injured from before.
Arnstein (Medium human) – Level 2, HP 130, Damage 49, Bleed:
(That leaves Arnstein with +45 CMB to hit him back)
104 = 79[d100]+45-20
10 Hits and Light.
Minor chest wound. +3 Damage, 1 Bleed, -5 to all actions
Arnstein's axe bit into the man’s chest, cutting through his armor, slamming him backwards into a kitchen table, breaking it in two. The man groaned but couldn't turn in time to meet Collan.
Now Collan’s attack:
76 = 46[d100]+50-20
5 HPs
Collan slammed into the soldier with a cry, his short sword piercing the man’s side.
Enemy Soldier (Medium human) – Level 2, HP 55, Damage 59; Bleed: 2, Penalty: -15
End Combat
The soldier gasped, white from fear and blood loss and then he slipped in his own blood and sank to the ground, his eyes flickering up into his head.
“Well done,” Arnstein said, kicking away the longsword from the man and then shoving him over with a boot.
(50/50 | 4[d10]) No
The soldier looked to be in his late twenties.
He was a youngish man with shoulder length hair, a leather cap, leather greaves and bracers. A dagger in his belt.
Anything else on him besides his weapons and armor?
(50/50 | 10[d10]) Yes, and...
Arnstein pulled out a small leather packet. Inside he extracted a folded parchment that appeared to be orders, but they were in no tongue Arnstein knew. Around the man’s neck was an iron band with runes.
Arnstein took both, staunched the man’s wounds. “We can take him to Lord Tozak for questioning.”
“Collan,” Kaylana asked, sitting again in the now-upright chair, a wet cloth to her head. “Thank you for coming. Who is this?”
Arnstein introduced himself, and looked at Collan.
Collan looked away.
"What is it?" Kaylana asked.
“I am Arnstien,” he said. “I met your husband.”
“You did? Is he well?" her bright eagerness, cut through her own pain. It was like a dagger thrust to Arnstein's heart. "I received a letter from him a month ago and--”
“He is dead, milady," he shook his head, heavy with sadness. "I am sorry. His last words were for me to find you and let you know.”
She reeled, clutched at Collan blindly. Collan knelt beside her and took her in his arms as she rocked back and forth.
Her weeping tore at Arnstein’s heart. “He died well, fighting these invaders. His last thoughts were on you,” Arnstein said.
The woman said nothing, her choking sobs cutting the air.
“Collan, I don’t think she should stay here,” Arnstein said quietly to him. He picked up the enemy’s sword, strapping it around his own waist and then easily picked up the wounded soldier. “The fighting is nearby and it could spill over into this street. Come with me to safer streets.”
“You are right,” Collan said and he pulled Kalya to her feet. He whispered to her. “We must leave, Kaylana. There are more enemy soldiers close by. Can you walk?”
She nodded into his chest, still shuddering against him. Together they stumbled after Arnstein to a higher levels.
Squads of soldiers rushed passed them down into the neighborhood where they fought back enemy invaders, slaying those who would not surrender.
Arnstein helped Collan take Kaylana home.
“You brought ill news,” Collan said in front of his home. “But you have my thanks. The truth is better than clinging to some false hope.”
“Thank you, kind sir,” Kayla finally said, sniffing, her eyes red. She held Arnstein’s hand for a moment. “You saved my life.”
“Collan did too,” Arnstein said giving his hand to Collan to shake. “You fought well and bravely. Fight for the memory of your brother and for those who cannot defend themselves, and courage will see you through.
“I shall,” Collan vowed.
Arnstein bid them both farewell.
Arnstein took the injured soldier to now-captain Idair, who promised to keep him under guard until Arnstein came for him. Arnstein then gathered Parth, Shuaneer, and Loremaster Coamr, at the palace where they looked over the items collected from the fallen soldier.
Inside Coamr's room:
Loremaster Coamr looked over the orders.
139 = 89[d100]+70-20
“It bears resemblance to ancient elvish, but corrupted... by some other human dialect. The glyphs are old...very old,” he traced the orders with a wrinkled finger, and squinted down at the script. “But yes, I can read the script and decipher the code within it,” he smiled. “You’re welcome.”
Ambush / A representative
Was it a kill squad for Tozak?
(Somewhat Unlikely | 10[d10]) Yes, and...
“These are orders for some men to infiltrate the city, using the distraction of a different attack on the docks. Then under the cover of darkness, they were to scale the palace walls and kill Lord Tozak,” his face paled. “There may be others! We must see to his safety!”
“Dark is a ways off still,” Arnstein said with a nod. “There is yet time. What of the amulet he bore?”
“The runes are in a different tongue,” he said and began to puzzle out the markings.
90 = 50[d100]+70-30
Imprison / Love
Finally, he gave a soft chuckle. “Well, given more time I could puzzle out the exact meter and structure of the poetic phrase, but suffice it to say that it appears to be some form of endearment, a bond from his betrothed.”
Arnstein frowned. “Can you speak with him?”
“I believe so,” Comar said.
“Then let’s find out what he knows.”
At the barracks, Captain Idair waved them into a locked room where the enemy soldier sat with hands bound with leather cords behind his back. Dark eyes met theirs as they entered.
Is he willing to talk?
(50/50 | 5[d10]) No, but...
The soldier is resistant but he’s scared (already established) and likely wants to be home. It’ll take some convincing, but they’ll get a +10 bonus.
Shuaneer will take the lead with Coamr acting as translator. She’s not trying to deceive him or even intimidate him per se.
Shuaneer looked at the man. He looked back at her, unblinking.
She brought up another chair, flipped it around and straddling it, settled her arms across the chair's back. She watched him calmly. “I tell you truthfully, it will go poorly if you do not cooperate. But if you do cooperate, you will come to no harm.”
Coamr translated and the soldier glared at her.
She sighed, pulled out a slender and ornate dagger. The man jerked his head back reflexively, eyes going wide. She held the dagger out to Arnstein.
“Cut his bonds.”
“What?” Captain Idair and Arnstein asked together.
“Release him. He’s not going anywhere, and we need him to trust us,” she said.
Arnstein shrugged and then did as he was told. When the leather bands were cut, the shock on the man’s face was evident but some suspicion there as well. He slowly massaged his wrists, never taking his eyes off of them.
She poured some wine, drank some from a cup and then passed the cup to him. “Please drink. I can tell you’re thirsty. I told you that it will go well with you if you tell us what you know. You can trust us.”
Coamr translated.
158 = 88[d100]+60+10
The man looked at her and then to the others, then lowered his head, but after a long moment he finally looked into her eyes and nodded.
The questioning didn’t take long. He willingly gave what information he could.
Does he know anything about who’s commanding the invading army?
(50/50 | 8[d10]) Yes
Does Shauneer recognize the enemy commander’s name?
Songs and Tales:
103 = 43[d100]+60
Was he the same captain that was under Ravkeen from centuries before?
(50/50 | 5[d10]) No, but...
“He mentions Ag’thar. That is a name of darkness, of death,” she said with a frown. It means “Blightbringer in the old tongue.”
“Yes,” Coamr also frowned, tapping his cheek in thought. “You are correct. Blightbringer... If I’m not mistaken, the same title was given to a captain of Ravkeen’s forces many years ago, but surely this Ag’thar you faced, Arnstein, cannot be the same person, is he?”
“How could I know that?” Arnstein shrugged. His face darkened at the memory of his encounter with the dark-plated commander. “He was fully covered from head to toe in dark plate armor. I never saw his true face.”
“It may be that this commander is the same and is kept alive by some arcane means, or that he has elf lineage, or most likely, that he’s simply taking on the same title as Ravkeen’s earlier commander.” Shauneer said.
Does he know why they are attacking Silver Bay?
(Somewhat Unlikely | 3[d10]) No
The questioning continued.
They learned that the captive’s name is Grend. That the man’s tribe is from a continent far to the west. All the men were rounded up and forced to fight. He doesn’t know why.
He himself wasn’t part of the kill squad. He wasn’t well trained enough for that, but he was leading a squad of ordinary soldiers as part of the diversionary attack force. The rest of his squad was cut down, and he ended up fleeing into Kaylana’s home.
Does Grend know anything about the events that Michi spoke of on the Skywind in episode 3?
(Somewhat Unlikely | 3[d10]) No
Does Grend know who commands the Dark Knight commander?
(Somewhat Likely | 9[d10]) Yes
Grend nodded and his face took on a somewhat worshipful expression. “Edraithdir,” he said.
“Is that--?” Coamr began.
“Yes, ancient elvish,” she said, her eyes narrowing. “In the common tongue, it means ‘One that Saves’.”
Coamr nodded and an expression of excitement mingled with horror crossed his face. “Ravkeen took on a similar name during his invasion centuries ago. ‘The One Who Brings the Dawn’.”
“Blasphemy, there is only one Dawnlord,” Arnstein said.
“Ravkeen’s actions brought only a new dawn of death and destruction,” Shuaneer stated flatly. “It is a common practice to hide the unsavory behind a more palatable name.”
“Typical politician,” Parth added with a sour expression.
“Well, ancient accounts confirm that many in his force truly believed he really was the Dawnlord of old,” Coamr added. “At least initially.”
“So, what does all this mean?” Captain Idair asked.
Arnstein and Shauneer shared a look and Coamr paled.
“It could mean that Ravkeen walks the earth again,” Shuaneer said. “That he has a new following.”
A long silence hung in the air. Parth's face went white and he grabbed at a nearby table to steady himself, spilling the wine.
“And that his war of conquest has begun anew,” Arnstein added. His statement was punctuated by the sharp crack of a hurled boulder from a ship-borne catapult that slammed into a nearby tower, sending masonry spilling into the street, scattering shouting citizens.
3 XP for facing a Fellbeast and a Dark Knight Combo.
1 XP for surviving the threat
Arnstein (Medium human) – Level 2 XP 25/30, HP 130, Damage 49, Bleed:
Drive Points: 1
Hero Points: 3
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Joined: Jan 2022
Thoroughly enjoying this read, keep it up  I really like the characters and the setting you've created, feels very real with the way you write it.
Posts: 359
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Joined: Oct 2017
01-18-2023, 03:36 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-18-2023, 03:42 PM by Jingo.)
Thanks Iskuu! It's comments like this that make me want to keep chronicling and sharing these games. I appreciate it!
Btw, if anyone wants to get a good deal on the 'Against the Darkmaster' core rules PDF, it's part of the non-OGL bundle on BundleOfHolding right now for another few days I think. A splendid deal IMHO, even more so with the other stuff offered:
Posts: 359
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Joined: Oct 2017
01-27-2023, 03:43 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-10-2023, 02:58 AM by Jingo.)
Episode 8
That night, Arnstein and Shuaneer met Lord Tozak in the palace.
Captain Idair had warned Lord Tozak of the possibility of assassination, and the guard had been doubled on the palace grounds and in the palace itself and Lord Tozak's typical meeting place had been changed. A full six guards, heavily armed, stood outside the meeting room where Arnstein and Shuaneer met with Lord Tozak.
They met in a “Remembrance Hall”, a room dedicated to an event of special historical or religious meaning. This particular hall was one of circular construction atop one of the spires attached to the palace.
“Ah, thank you for coming, both of you,” Lord Tozak said. He stood near a set of rectangular, curved stained-glass windows set in the walls in a complete circle.
He was dressed in worn black clothing, atop which a worn and serviceable breastplate with numerous dents and scratches told tale to many a scrap with death. His chain of office hung from his neck. His well-trimmed dark beard framed a hard but handsome face.
The entire look came off as sensible and not ostentatious in the least. An arming sword hung from his waist and a long dagger from his belt on the other side.
What do the windows depict?
Busily / Delicate
Waste / The mundane
Delicate artistry and embellishments in the thick colored panes depicted events from “The Wasting”, a cataclysmic event in the ancient days when the land was decimated by a dark blight that crept across the land, consuming forest and dell and croplands in a mist-ridden darkness. Humanity and its allies on the brink of devastation gathered together and prayed to the Dawnlord for aid.
Another set of windows showed the “Dawnsgiving”, an event where ancient tradition said that humanity (man, elf, dwarf, and their allies) was saved when the Dawnlord himself gave his life upon the mountains. His blood and tears turned to liquid gold and light that burned away the darkness, cleansing the earth in a new birth that lasted a millennia.
Thus the mountains were named Nienor emyn, or in the common tongue, the Sorrowhills and the sea that took his tears and his blood, the Malthen gaer, or the Golden Bay.
I used this for the elvish in these place names (Sindarin)
“It seems I made a good decision promoting this Idair to Captain. Already he has brought news that has likely saved my life, though he claims the credit goes to you two.” He beamed at them. “And so, it seems I am in your debt for the warning about the threat on my life.”
He motioned toward a side table with some wine and cheese. “Wine?”
“Thank you,” Arnstein said with a slight bow and took a goblet, while Shuaneer folded her arms and shook her head.
“Still upset are you?” Lord Tozak eyed the elf woman and took a sip of his own wine. He sighed, “I cannot spare the manpower to chase down this Rivener of yours. My city needs our forces here.”
“I’m not asking for an army, only a score of hand-picked men,” she said.
“My scores of hand-picked men are busy,” Lord Tozak said. “They defend this city, its walls, and lands. That is my primary responsibility!”
“And while they do, Azrut the Rivener runs amok doing the Light knows what!”
“What would you have me do? We are nearly completely cut off!”
“But had you given me those men when I asked, three days ago, we could have cut our way through ‘ere this noose was cinched,” Shuaneer rejoined.
“I couldn’t spare the number you asked for then, and I can’t spare them now. In any case, those lands are King Rillelon’s responsibility,” Tozak said. “He has tasked me with defense of this city and the three bays. That is what I have sworn to do. That is what I will do.”
“My Lord,” Arnstein interjected, taking a sip of the sweet wine. “Since the siege began, have you received any word from King Rillelon?”
Shauneer glared at Arnstein and then back to Lord Tozak.
(Unlikely | 2[d10]) No
Lord Tozak shook his head. “I ordered runners sent out before the city became completely surrounded. But that was a week ago. I haven’t heard any reports back.
What is the mission he wants them to do?
Release / Friendship
Is this about an ally?
(50/50 | 7[d10]) Yes
Is Kibehunga by Golden Bay part of the same nation?
(50/50 | 7[d10]) Yes
Is it within Tozak’s stewardship
(50/50 | 7[d10]) Yes
In that case, it wouldn’t be an “ally” but a subject if Tozak is Lord over that city as well. So, this mission must be somewhere else.
He paced across the window, and turned facing them. “I called you here to ask for your help,” he said. Shauneer’s eyes flashed and she was about to speak, but he held up his hand. “Hear me out, Lady Shauneer. I think this will be to your liking and will aid both our purposes.”
She gave a curt nod, and he continued.
“The Lord Duke of Haldemarsh Keep, Duke Heldro, is a personal friend and ally. We were brothers in arms many years ago, and have vowed to aid each other should the need arise. Well, that need has arisen," he said and gestured out the window to where shouts and the clamor of battle continued.
He pointed to a map spread out on a low wooden table. "Duke Heldro’s keep lies at the head of the Bronze Bay, amidst the Halde Marsh. I need you to go to Duke Heldro. Secure his aid in our defense, assuming he is not assaulted yet as well. A small hand-picked squad, no more than four, will help you get through enemy lines and see you to the keep.
“Once you secure his promise of aid, that squad of men will have orders to aid you, Lady Shuaneer, in your personal quest to hunt down this Riviner.”
Arnstein nodded and stroked his bearded chin. “I will, of course, aid you in this Lord Tozak. If by my actions I can bring deliverance to the people of Silver City,” Arnstein said. "I shall."
Shauneer gave a slow nod and a grim smile crossed her beautiful face. “It's less than the score I had hoped for, but it's something. You will also have my sword on this quest, Lord Tozak.”
“Good. Very good,” the worry lines eased somewhat on his face. “Then choose your men and gather your gear but see that you leave by first light. There is little time to waste!”
They bowed and took their leave, and the guards at the door quietly shut the door behind them.
One final question:
Is Tozak attacked by the kill squad?
He knows about it and has taken precautious.
I’m going to say it’s unlikely that they’d be able to reach him.
(Unlikely | 3[d10]) No
Arnstein, Shauneer, and Parth slept little that night and the hours passed in needful preparation. They stayed at the barracks and gathered supplies, arms and amor. They tasked Captain Idair with finding a small squad of hand-picked men while they met with Coamr to hopefully find a way out of the city. For an hour they poured with him over old maps until their constant questioning set him on edge and he ushered them out, saying to come back before dawn.
In the wee hours of the morning after they had packed supplies and gear, they went to check on him.
Research using his Lore skills +20 taking his time (all night looking) and -20 for difficulty... So
143 = 73[d100]+70
He brushed dust off some old map cases, dated more than two hundred years old, and spread them over the table.
“I found something,” he said, around a smoky brazier. Once more his bleary-eyed gaze held them, and again with an excited gleam in his eye.
He pushed a yellowed map across the table towards them and pointed at a faded dotted line that went under the northern wall. “A passageway,” he said.
What kind of passageway is it?
Move / Success
“This passageway was called The Night Road. It was used by smugglers centuries ago to smuggle illicit goods in and out of the city. It was ordered barred and locked over a hundred years ago when assassins infiltrated the city and killed one of the visiting princes of the realm.
“On our end, it has been under lock and key and guard ever since.”
“And the other end?” Parth asked.
“Old reports say that it was caved in to prevent its use,” Coamr said.
“The reports ‘say’? Was it actually?”
“Yes...and no.”
“That end was indeed collapsed, but I found another document written in code, which I spent last night deciphering,” he puffed out his chest a little, straightening an inkpot, and smoothed a couple of new documents out onto the table. “It turns out that secret tunnels are quite useful for the kingdom’s own spy network as much as they are for smugglers and thieves. You see, a new tunnel exit was opened for kingdom use here,” he pointed to a section on the map that led to a copse of woods nestled between two hills.
“Does Lord Tozak know about this?” Shauneer asked.
Coamr shrugged. “Who knows? But the fact that he didn’t suggest it makes one wonder, does it not?”
“Nicely done,” Arnstein smiled and stroked his chin studying the passageway. “Nicely done, indeed.”
As they left, Coamr passed the information about the secret passageway to Captain Idair.
Do they get any sleep that night?
(50/50 | 1[d10]) No, and...
The night passed in constant threat and racket. A night attack on the walls, with horns blaring, and flaming pitch from sea-borne catapults bursting in the streets and hundreds fighting fires kept everyone awake and on edge.
That morning, in the smoky pre-dawn light, they met inside a ruined granary near the north wall by a locked and barred ion gate. Captain Idar stood with four scouts, hand-picked for their skills in stealth and combat.
The men were all dressed in supple leather armor, oiled to a dark brown, with cloaks of mottled browns and greens. Each carried composite bows, bore full quivers at their waists, and arming swords and long daggers in weapon belts. Over a shoulder each carried a small bundle of food and clothing.
Their weathered faces told of long days in the wild.
“These are some of our Pathcutters,” Idair said. “They are specialized in moving quietly in the wilderness. They know the surrounding lands well. They have all received their orders. Sergeant Lancet here is their leader.” He pointed to a man with light brown wispy hair, partly balding, and a flat nose that looked to have been broken more than once.
The sergeant looked about the same size as the others, slender and lean, like they could move across hill and dell at speed, swift as an arrow.
His hard eyes regarded Arnstein. “Are you going to slow us down?” Lancet asked the large man flatly, his eyes passing over the huge maul and other gear. “We need to move quickly.”
“I can carry my own weight,” Arnstein held the other man’s gaze and shifted his gear in his bulging arms.
“Quietly?” The sergeant asked.
Arnstein smiled but said nothing and their eyes locked, a promised a meeting of flint and steel.
“That’s enough,” Captain Idair said. “Your job, Sergeant,” he tapped the other man's leather breastplate, “is to support these people. Help them reach the Haldemarsh keep, and after that, to follow the Lady Shuaneer’s orders to hunt down a threat in the countryside.”
“Yes sir,” Sergeant Lancet said flatly, saluting, fist to chest. He shut his mouth with a grimace.
Lvl 4, MR: 15L, AT: LA, Def: 20, TSR: 30, WSR: 25, HPs: 80, Attacks: +60 Blade / +80 Bow, CT: NH, Rog: 40, Adv: 45, Lor: +10
Does Tozak open up the armory to them, effectively dropping the WL of arms and armor by 1?
(50/50 | 6[d10]) Yes, but...
Yes, but only for Fare Level 1 items. All others require normal Fare. So, Fare 1 items are free.
Do the Pathcutters have a Healer’s Kit among them?
(Somewhat Likely | 9[d10]) Yes
(Likely | 10[d10]) Yes, and...
Each one has one Bandage.
Is Tozak supplying rations?
(50/50 | 1[d10]) No, and...
The city doesn’t have a huge food supply. They rely on regular shipping. Food shortages are already being felt by the lower classes. Rations Fare Level is increased by 1.
Gear updates:- Arnstein (WL 2)
- Leather greaves and bracers (both for FL 1 each)
- Metal helmet (FL 1) (-5 perception)
Finally some more armor!
Shuaneer (WL 1)
Parth (NPC)- He’ll add Leather Armor
- Leather helm
- Two knives
Captain Idair bade them farewell. Before the light from the east had crested the walls, Idair opened the rusted metal gate with a grating squeak. A few steps led downwards to the dark passageway of The Night Road.
As Arnstein turned to descend the steps after the others, Captain Idair grabbed his arm. “Bring aid quickly, Arnstein. We cannot hold the walls forever!”
Arnstein nodded, gripped Idair’s arm in farewell, and then jogged down the narrow steps that led to the dark, musty, narrow tunnel.
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Episode 9
Do they encounter anything in the tunnel?
(Unlikely | 3[d10]) No
The journey through the cramped tunnel proved uneventful aside for Arnstein banging his helmeted head on a low wooden beam when the tunnel grew lower.
After several minutes of walking through the darkness with lit torches sputtering and hissing, they finally emerged in a sheltered grove of trees that rested between a couple of hills. They extinguished their torches before they left the exit and emerged into the early morning light. Dawn brightened the hills about them, but it remained shadowed within the trees.
Wet dew glistened on the grasses and the smell of the morning was tinged with the acridness of smoldering fires from the city and the bay spewing smoke heavenward.
The pathcutters had spread out in a semi circle, bows out, arrows placed, but not drawn, watchful for any enemy.
Are there any?
(Unlikely | 5[d10]) No
Sergeant Lancet approached Arnstein and Shauneer. He ignored Arnstein and spoke directly to Shauneer.
“Milady, we’re behind enemy lines, but they likely have patrols out. I have orders to move at speed as long as it does not compromise our ability to move unseen.”
“A balance between the need for haste to save the city but to not show our hand too soon to any enemy patrols,” Arnstein nodded.
Sergeant Lancet didn’t look at him, his eyes still on the elf lady until they darted once again to the landscape, always scanning for threats.
“Do we march on foot the entire way then?” she asked.
Does Lancet’s group have horses hidden somewhere for just this kind of thing?
(Likely | 9[d10]) Yes
Sergeant Lancet shook his head. “Three miles from here is a hidden stable where we store mounts for just such a purpose as this. We’ll ride when we can, and walk when we need to maintain stealth.” His dark eyes roved across the countryside for signs of the enemy.
“Very well,” she said.
Sergeant Lancet returned her nod and gave a signal above his head and a low hoot of a bird. The other dark and mottled shapes, extracted themselves from the terrain and moved out.
Are there any patrols in the distance?
(50/50 | 2[d10]) No
For about an hour they marched in careful quick strides over copse-covered hills and shady vales. But they didn’t see any enemy patrols.
After another half hour they came to another copse of trees. Sergeant Lancet gave a low bird whistle.
Is all well at the stable?
(Somewhat Likely | 10[d10]) Yes, and...
Lancet listened intently and then received an answering birdcall. Satisfied at the code, he nodded and motioned the others forward. Arnstein followed Shauneer and Lancet and the other Pathcutters into the thick copse of trees. There in the shadowy depths, the stable lay covered with additional greenery, and another Pathcutter stood up out of the greenery and motioned them onward.
“How are things, Bowen?”
“Quiet so far, sir. We had some enemy patrols pass by the other day but they moved inland in haste and thankfully didn’t notice me.”
“We need to ride quickly towards Haldemarsh Keep,” Lanced said.
“We have plenty of mounts, sir, and fodder as well.”
“Good,” Lancet said. “Let’s get them ready to go.”
He and the other Pathcutters started to get the mounts saddled. Arnstein assisted as well. He had spent a lot of time in the saddle the last few years. Soon, they were mounted with their baggage on a few spare horses.
(The result of the Yes, and)
Arnstein saddled his own mount, a grey gelding with a white blaze on his forehead and mismatched eyes, blue and green. The horse nuzzled Arnstein playfully with its soft nose.
He chuckled and scratched its ears.
“That one’s named Whimsy,” Bowen grinned. “Be careful with him around water. He might take you for a swim.”
“Thanks for the tip,” Arnstein said. He patted the gelding’s side and whispered in its ear and then swung up into the saddle with a creak of leather.
Now that we’ve entered the brave new world of ChatGPT. I decided to use some of it for some descriptions.
Give me another somewhat normal horse with some quirks:
The horse was a grey gelding with a white blaze on his forehead and mismatched eyes - one blue and one green. Despite his odd appearance, he was a lively and playful horse, always eager to explore his surroundings. He had a tendency to nuzzle his riders with his big, soft nose and loved to play in the water, splashing and rolling in streams and ponds. Though he was sometimes seen as a bit of a clown, he was also a loyal companion and a gifted jumper, able to clear fences with ease. He had a quirky personality that endeared him to those who took the time to get to know him, and he was always up for an adventure.
Arnstein is still Lightly Encumbered I think, even with his additional weapons but he’s on the verge of becoming encumbered. He has his heavy weapon, plus the two smaller weapons (battleaxe and longsword)
“Safe travels,” Bowen said. “Enemy patrols have been slowly moving inland, and it’s likely they’ll cut off more territory to consolidate their position around the city. Be careful. There’s a small game trail that cuts between several low hills. It may provide you with some cover from their closer scouts.”
The journey to Haldemarsh is not short. It’s about 250 miles. But they’ll be moving quickly and if they can find good terrain, that isn’t too rough they can move about 95 kilometers a day.
Lancet nodded and he and his Pathcutters resumed their journey, waving farewell to Bowen.
Lancet reported to Lady Shauneer, “If we’re lucky, it’ll take us about four to five days to reach the marshes and then another two days or so to traverse the marshes. We have about a seven day journey ahead of us.”
“Very well, lead the way,” she said.
That’s a two-hazard journey.
First hazard rolling on Random Hazards Table on p 145 of the Core book = Minons of Darkness. I suppose that’s fitting considering there’s an army and patrols about.
Are these minions a patrol of soldiers?
(Somewhat Likely | 9[d10]) Yes
Are they accompanied by a ship?
(50/50 | 1[d10]) No, and...
Are they attacking something? Like a farmhouse?
(Somewhat Likely | 8[d10]) Yes
Is the party close enough to stop them?
(50/50 | 9[d10]) Yes
Is the enemy patrol mounted?
Seems like they’re a long distance patrol
(Somewhat Likely | 3[d10]) No
What’s the relative power in numbers compared with Arnstein and his party and the Pathfinders. I’ll roll a 1d10 (5 is even).
5 = 5[d10]
So Arnstein, Shauneer, Parth, Lancet + 3 other Pathfinders = 7 individuals on horseback. That means there are 7 enemy in the patrol.
Is the farmhouse unawares?
(50/50 | 4[d10]) No
Does the enemy patrol have ranged weapons?
(50/50 | 6[d10]) Yes, but...
Weather meter
9 = 10[d20]
The second day of their travels, distant acrid smoke rose heavy and gray, mingling with dark storm clouds that misted the bay far to the south east. The clouds were a foundation to spears of lightning in the sky. The storm promised a quick race to land and already it caused gusting winds to blow flurries of debris about them.
Something burned near the coast but already the storm clouds overtook and shrouded it, obscuring it from view.
At mid-morning, they were moving north east, single file, between rolling hills when Arnstein and the others pulled rein at a clatter of hoofs in front of them. A Pathcutter dashed his horse back down a shale-ridden crest in front of them causing little rock slides. He returned to Sergeant Lancet and yanked on the reins and the horse who danced its front hooves in the air. “Sir! Enemy patrol on foot, moving slowly up on a farmhouse!”
What are Lancet’s motivations?
Instinct: Sarcasm
Obligation: Local Guild (Pathcutters)
Obligation Type: Religion (Religious fervor)
I think this means he sees his mission objectives as black and white.
“Dismount and show me!” Lancet ordered.
He and the other pathfinders dismounted and ran to the top of the crest, kneeling behind bushes and trees, their greens and browns blending with the environment.
Arnstein, Shauneer, and Parth dashed up after them, and also knelt behind nearby cover. They peered down into a valley covered in pines and small oaks.
Below them a farmstead jutted up against the forested ground. A larger plot of land had been cleared and a large tangle of gray wood had been gathered in a large pile for a firing.
There, south of the farmhouse, they spotted moving through the trees toward the farmhouse, shapes moving low, darting and then pausing, weapons out. Two had bows. The others had spears.
The enemy hadn’t noticed the companions on the crest.
“This is good. We mount up and go around them,” Lancet said. “They’ll be busy with the farmhouse, and they certainly won’t be able to catch up to us that way.” He stood and started to return to this horse.
“We must help those people!” Arnstein said, grabbing his arm.
Arnstein’s Charisma to persuade
39 = 14[d100]+25
Failure... I think this means his position is given away.
“Oh must we?” Lancet cast a mocking eyebrow and yanked his arm free. “I think not. I’ll not endanger this mission to aid every forsaken farm en route!”
“Then their blood will be upon your hands!” Arnstein growled.
“And I’ll gladly take it!” Lancet said. “What if we were delayed or slain in our mission? What then? The blood of the entire Silver City...perhaps even the nation would drip rivers from my hands! Would you have that on your hands too? On your conscience?”
Arnstein growled. The man had been a constant thorn while they traveled. Arnstein didn’t like him and he knew Lancet didn’t like him. Arnstein tried to calm himself, but to no avail. Maybe it was his cocky know-it-all attitude. Maybe it was his constant sneering sarcasm that grated on his nerves at nearly every word he said.
Arnstein glowered and muttered under his breath, “I am surrounded by witless fools who lack the willpower--nay the courage to do what must be done and--”
“You doubt my willpower and my courage?” Lancet spat at him.
“When it comes to you, little man, there is much I doubt!” Arnstein shouted back.
Lancet had his hand on the pommel of his arming sword, his face livid. Arnstein had his hand on the pommel of his longsword, his artery pulsing in his neck.
“Get down!” Shauneer hissed to Arnstein, yanking on his sleeve. He glowered at her but resumed his crouch behind the pine tree on the crest.
She turned to Lancet. “You and your men are no common soldiers. You can do this! You have the skill to hit them at range, here behind this crest. Should they get close, Arnstein and I will handle them. You will be in little danger of losing your quest and this way we can ensure they won’t follow us.”
She’s going try Charisma:
90 = 30[d100]+60
Partial success.
“I don’t take orders from you,” Lancet said. “Not until I see you safely to Haldemarsh Keep.
“True,” she said, her eyes intent on his. “Not until then. But you do see wisdom in my words, do you not?”
For a moment he considered and then he slowly nodded. “For your wisdom, I choose to do this, not for that oaf’s mewlings!”
He raised his hand and gave a signal and the other pathcutters raised bows, and set arrows.
Shauneer nodded and drew her falchion and rested it point down in the earth, her hands on the pommel of the elegant weapon.
“Sir!” one of the Pathcutters said in a whisper to Lancet and pointed. “Two of them are coming our way...”
“Curse your idiot loudmouth!” Lancet’s eyes cast daggers at Arnstein. “Now we’ve lost the element of surprise!”
“Better than losing our honor!” Arnstein shot back, drawing his maul from his back and hunkering down behind the tree.
I’m actually going to do something different here, since I don’t think this group of seven enemy soldiers poses much of a threat, and I don’t really want to get bogged down in rolling it all out for something not terribly epic.
I’m going to take a page from Ironsworn and do something similar to the Battle Move and handle this fight in a single roll using a suggestion I got from the Against the Darkmaster Discord server. (If you’re interested in my Ironsworn game, it’s here, and I highly recommend that you get your own free copy of that amazing RPG.)
First we tally the average CMB and HPs of each group.
We’re fighting low-level scouts. I’m using the Hillemen from the VsD campaign in the Core rulebook.
CMB: Arnstein = 105, Shaunner = 65, Parth = 65, Pathcutters = 80
(Average 78)
HPs: A=130 , Shauneer = 65, Parth = 45, Cathcutters= 80
(Average 80)
78 + 80 = 158
HPs: 50 + 50 CMB = 100
The difference in favor of the PCs is 58. The numbers are the same on each side, so no bonuses there.
So that’s what I add to Skill roll.
132 = 74[d100]+58
100-174 Success. You accomplish what you were trying to do.
Everyone loses 10% of their hits but there were no critical rolls suffered because of the Success.
The two who rushed up the hill to engage Arnstein were cut down by Shauneer and Parth who rose up out of the trees on their flanks. Arnstein crushed the head of one and Shauneer with Parth’s help delivered massive gashes across the second man’s torso, arms, and throat, and he fell back with a gurgled scream into the trees.
The other enemy soldiers tried to support the attack up the hill, but the Pathcutters’ arrows slashed out through the trees embedding into their chests and backs when they started taking flanking fire from the farmhouse.
Two of the enemy had hid behind trees and boulders and shot with shortbows, but when their companions fell, they faded into the woods.
Are there any still living on the battlefield?
(50/50 | 8[d10]) Yes
One soldier nearby had an arrow in his back and another in his calf and was screaming in pain. Lancet put him out of his misery by drawing his dagger across his neck.
Another enemy soldier had an arrow in his gut and another in his upper chest. He groaned, spitting blood. Arnstein and Shauneer approached.
“Are there more of you nearby?” Arnstein asked him, kneeling by him and lifting the man’s head so he didn’t choke on his own blood.
Is he willing to talk?
(Likely | 10[d10]) Yes, and...
Does he understand Common speech?
(50/50 | 3[d10]) No
Are there more nearby?
(Somewhat Unlikely | 3[d10]) No
Does he know anything about Haldemarsh Keep and if it’s under attack?
(Unlikely | 1[d10]) No, and...
He shook his head and spat out the blood, and tried to talk. The pain and liquid filled his lungs, making him take short gasping breaths.
“Are there more?” Arnstein asked more insistently.
The man stared at him blankly and then his eyes widened when he saw Shauneer.
Does he understand Elvish? Probably somewhat likely given that Ravkeen took on an ancient Elvish name that his warriors recognize.
(Somewhat Likely | 9[d10]) Yes
Shauneer spoke to him in melodic tones and he answered back in a guttural grating form of Elvish. Then he shook his head, spoke some more, and groaned and gasped in pain.
“He’s fading,” she said.
Finally his eyes went wide and he exhaled a final breath, his chest stopped moving, and his head lolled to one side and his eyes saw only darkness.
Shauneer sighed and palmed the man’s eyelids closed. The enemy warrior looked younger somehow, Arnstein thought with the sleep of death on his face.
“What did you learn?” Lancet said, joining them. He cast a scathing look at Arnstein and then focused on Shauneer.
“He said there are no others nearby.”
“And you’re the trusting sort, I suppose?” Lancet said.
“No, but I do believe him. This rag tag group had the look of a far flung scouting patrol, lightly armed and poorly equipped in armor and supplies. They’ve likely been roving far ahead of their main body, living off the land for several days.”
“Or maybe they’re deserters,” Arnstein said.
“A likely thought,” she said. “But I asked him. He told me he was not. It was important to him that he remained loyal to the end.”
“So, does that mean their main body hasn’t yet reached Haldemarsh Keep? That the keep is not under attack?” Lancet asked.
Shauneer shook her head. “I know not. We’ll know in a few days. They could have brought a second fleet and sailed it into the marsh directly or a second army could be marching ahead of us.”
Lancet spun on Arnstein. “Your actions put our mission at risk!” he growled.
“I have no qualms saving a family from death! Something you apparently shy away from,” Arnstein countered. “If you feel the mission is at risk, look in a glass! Perhaps you’ll see the answer why!”
“Get in my way again,” Lancet warned cooly, stepping closer. “And I’ll cut you down!”
“You can try,” Arnstein said, his eyes narrowing, a twitch along one cheek.
“Enough!” Shauneer said standing between them. She glared at both men. “You’re both behaving as children!”
Lancet smirked at that and folded his arms, a mocking look on his face at Arnstein.
“I’m not going to take--” Arnstein began to turn away.
She grabbed his arm, making him face her. Her green eyes sought and held his. “You are better than this, Arnstein!”
Does she recognize the medallion he bears about his neck and what it means? Songs and Tales check (-20)
121 = 61[d100]+60
-20 = 101
I guess that means she’s seen it. Not sure when because he doesn’t exactly show it in the open.
“What? What of him? He’s the one who--” Arnstein began.
Her voice dropped to a whisper only he could hear. “I am not speaking to him. I am speaking to one who has the blood of a High Man running his veins. And more than that, I think,” she said.
“What is that supposed to mean?”
Has she seen his ancestors? She’s old enough.
(Somewhat Likely | 7[d10]) Yes
“You bear his features, I think,” she pursed her lips.
“Whose features?”
“If I’m not mistaken, your great great grandfather? Or would that be your great great great grandfather?” she cocked her head.
“What?” His eyes widened. “You know of my ancestors?”
“King Mithlein was his name. He visited the Silver Queen once over three hundred years ago. He and his entourage came on a large ship bearing a banner of a red eagle emblazoned across a golden sunburst on a field of white.”
Arnstein knew those colors. He remembered seeing tapestries of the same design as a child. He remembered seeing them in slow motion as they came tumbling down, falling into flame and blood and ruin as parents and guards were cut down under a horde of attacking Red Caps. But someone had carried him away to safety.
He never found out who.
“King Mithlein?” he said the name slowly, savoring it, then slowly shook his head. “That banner is no more,” he said softly. “I saw it fall.”
“That is not true. You carry it here,” she said in her melodic voice. Her finger rested on the medallion that hung over his breast. “In and over your heart.”
He reached out and grabbed her finger fiercely. “I’ve not shown that to you, how did you--?”
“You pulled it out last night ‘ere you slept. Elves can see in the darkness if there is some starlight,” she smiled and removed her hand from his and brushed a strand of hair aside from her impeccable face. “And last night there was both moon and star. Light enough for me to know that what you have on your medallion was the same design.”
“You have a good memory to remember such heraldry for something you saw centuries ago,” Arnstein said.
She smiled. “Elves are longer lived than your race; a century passes in a flicker of seasons. But to me it only seems as if it were a few months ago.”
Anrstein shrugged heavily. “It matters little. My family is dead, and I am the last of a broken kingdom.”
“That may be. But it does not mean the honor that once flowed through your ancestors' veins be lost and broken within you.”
He grimaced and shook his head in frustration. “You think I did wrong then? To help these people?”
The family in the farmstead peaked their heads out of doors and windows, cautious, watching Arnstein and the others. The small head of a little blond girl peaked through a window and pointed at them.
“Of course not,” Shauneer said. “I would expect nothing less of you.”
“But think. Would you have been so keen to rush to their aid had a hundred men been assaulting the farmstead?”
“But there were not a hundred.”
“There could have been more afield nearby. Lancet is not wrong. We must be cautious and spend our efforts and lives where it makes the most sense.”
“He is not fit to lead this--”
“Lancet has much experience and knows these lands. And it is imperative that his mission succeeds. It would not be wise to throw that aside to assuage your pride.”
“My pride...” he grumbled.
“Do not rise to the barbs cast by lesser men,” she said and her eyes shifted to Lancet.
“Are you going to tell him the same thing?”
“He does not carry your same weighty heritage, Lord Arnstein, descendent of King Mithlien.”
“Don’t call me that,” he murmured, his eyes pensive.
She nodded and watched him.
He gave a heavy sigh and after a long moment of struggle he met her eyes. “Very well. I will try to make amends with the insufferable man.”
“Thank you,” she said, touched his arm, and then moved to talk with the owners of the farmstead.
Arnstein went over to where Lancet was going through the pockets of the fallen. Lancet stood when he approached with a lithe grace.
Arnstein gave a stiff bow. “Sir, I apologize for my recent conduct. It was unbecoming of one of my...station.”
He tries a Charisma skill to change Lancet’s attitude towards Arnstein.
42 = 17[d100]+25
Not sure what the result of this failure should be. Lancet already doesn’t like Arnstein much, so I guess it’s just that he doesn't like him even more. I don’t think there’s motivation for him to draw weapons or anything. I think he recognizes Arnstein’s fighting prowess, and isn’t stupid, but he’s also under orders to help them arrive safely at the keep, but his dislike is deeper now with a more personal hatred perhaps. We’ll see what happens.
“Really? Your...station? ” Lancet asked, his lips pulling back from his teeth in mocking leer. “Do you think that impresses me? I don’t care who or what you are. I don’t believe you’re sincere with this apology drivel? Who put you up to this anyway? Your elf lady friend?”
Arnstein said nothing, just held his gaze.
“Let me give you a hint. Stay out of my way, Arnstein,” Lancet said coolly. “I have a job to do, and you’d do well to remember that I have been tasked with getting this party to Haldenmarsh Keep! And I will do it, no matter what it takes!”
The smaller man brushed past Arnstein bumping into him slightly as he went to speak to his men.
Arnstein said nothing, but turned stiffly and rejoined Shauneer who was speaking with the farmers and fieldhands. Inwardly, his teeth threatened to grind down to white powder.
A group of maybe five men and older boys stood about, carrying cudgels, staves, rakes, and hoes. They looked excited and scared. Two were armed with bows. A few smaller children peaked through some rough leather drapes over worn wooden windows.
They squinted against the gray blustery wind and the dirt it cast up in small whirls.
“Have you seen any other scouts like these?” Shauneer asked above the wind.
(Unlikely | 2[d10]) No
An older man beyond his middle years, squinted and scratched at his nose and sneezed at the dust and dirt in the air. “Nay, miss. We’ve seen refugees a comin’ this way, fleeing’ from the coast, which is how we was a knowin’ that these men whom ye slew with yer weapons were the enemy.”
“Sounds like their main effort is still along the coast,” Parth said.
“Have any refugees reported seeing enemy ships moving towards Haldemarsh Keep?” Arnstein asked.
(50/50 | 1[d10]) No, and...
He shook his head. “Haven’t heard of any such thing, but I think that’s because of the...uh...the mist,” his voice dropped to a conspiratorial whisper. They heard a gasp from inside the home.
“Mist?” Arnstein asked.
“Aye, a strange black mist movin’ up the bay, like a bad storm, or like the smoke off a burning village, ya know, only...” his voice trailed off
“Only, this mist is movin’ against the wind, or so they--the refugees--are a sayin’,” the old man rubbed his nose again and scratched his balding head. “Bad times when war comes to yer own doorstep. And e’en worse times when there’s dark magic afoot!”
“Indeed,” Shauneer said and her eyes turned to the pall that clung over the bay to the east.
“Gather up the weapons of the fallen, Goodman,” Arnstein said. “You and your lads. And do your best to stay safe. I suggest you flee the other refugees. There may be more enemy soldiers coming inland over the next days or weeks.”
“This be my home and my da’s home afore that,” the old man said. “Me an me missus will be a dyin’ here if that be the will of the gods.”
Parth grimaced and shook his head as he cleaned and sheathed his scimitar.
“Do not burn the bodies,” Shauneer told him. “Its smoke might give rise to enemy bands investigating. We must be on our way,” she said as the sun edged across the sky above them.
“Fair enough,” the old man said. “Well cover ‘em with rocks. Safe journey and much thanks for savin’ us and my younguns from these,” the man said, nudging the body with a leather boot.
Arnstein saw the little girl poke her head out of the window and wave with a shy smile before ducking back inside.
“It was our pleasure and our honor to help,” Artnstein said with a smile on his face.
Lancet watched him darkly. “Let’s go,” he muttered and drove his horse up the other side of the incline as the first smatterings of rain began to fall from the darkening skies.
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Joined: Oct 2017
09-30-2023, 12:38 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-08-2023, 02:50 AM by Jingo.)
Episode 10
The party continued forward at speed, but they did not encounter any more enemy scouts. But day after day, the ominous dark cloud along the coast continued to move north in a strange ponderous foreboding. At night they kept watch and saw snakes of spreading torches invade inwards, burning villages and towns and surrounding Silver City.
The terrain also began to grow more technical as rolling hills and scattered trees gave way to treacherous marshland that sucked at their mounts’ hoofs and tall waist-high reeds, sometimes even as tall as a man’s height obscured their route.
I assume there’s a known road or route between the two keeps for trade etc, especially given the friendly nature of the two dukes?
(Likely | 7[d10]) Yes
A somewhat well-maintained road wound through and above the marshlands. They moved two abreast, Lancet next to one of his men and Arnstein next to Shauneer. Lancet found the route and motioned them after him. They made good speed along it towards the keep.
The first day into the marshlands, they have their Second Hazard. The terrain changes from Populated to Wilderness as they move into the marsh: 90 = 90[d100]
The encounter is
Free Peoples
I think this means either 1-30 defenders of Halde-Marsh Keep, 31-60 refugees fleeing the invasion or in some other need, 61-90 or other unfriendly parties:
95 = 95[d100]
A group of bandits then is hiding amidst the reeds. Is it a larger group than the party?
(Somewhat Likely | 6[d10]) Yes
Considerably larger?
(50/50 | 4[d10]) No
Bandit’s Rog +20
85 = 65[d100]+20
Perception +40 for Shauneer
Pathcutters aid
79 = 39[d100]+40
Arnstein’s aid:
Perception +30-5 helm
40 = 15[d100]+30-5
Shauneer’s perception
78 = 28[d100]+40+10:
Not enough to beat them. Which means the party is surprised. Arnstein suffers a further complication on his perception. What is that?
The complication is that his armor easily reflects any light and so he becomes a target for any surprise-round bow shots near him.
7 individuals on horseback
There are 10 bandits, five hidden on either side of the road and then five down the west side, forming a ragged L for their ambush.
Sunset burnishes the marshes in an amber glow. Arnstein on his mount, trotted next to Shuaneer, learning of her homeland when wicked barbs slashed out from in front of them and off to their west slamming into man and mount.
“To arms!” Lancet shouted
Round 1:
Lvl 4, MR: 15L, AT: LA, Def: 20, TSR: 30, WSR: 25, HPs: 80, Attacks: +60 Blade / +80 Bow, CT: NH, Rog: 40, Adv: 45, Lor: +10
Lvl 5, MR: 15L, AT: LA, Def: 20, TSR: 35, WSR: 30, HPs: 85, Attacks: +70 Blade / +90 Bow, CT: NH, Rog: 40, Adv: 45, Lor: +10
Lvl 4, MR:15L, AT: LAs, Def: 25, TSR: 25, WSR: 20, HPs: 70, Attacks: +70 Melee / +50 Ranged, CT: NH, Rog: 20, Adv: 30, Lor: +0
Lvl 3, MR: 16L, AT: NAs, Def: 20, TSR: 10, WSR: 10, HPs: 45, Attacks: +65 Blade / +35 Bow, CT: NH, Rog: 30, Adv: 50, Lor: +30
The party already failed their Perception.
The bandits attack and get +20 on their attacks and defenders, the party, can’t use Shield Bonus or Parry.
Action Declaration:
Bandit attack. Ten attackers, five from the front, five from the side. Do the bandits all attack with some kind of ranged attack first?
(Likely | 6[d10]) Yes
CMB +50 Ranged + 20 surprise = +70 this round
This might be really bad.
Move Phase:
Bandits stay put and shoot with short bows, using their range to their advantage.
The party can only do half movement. They can’t dive for cover because they can only do that if they’re aware of the attack, which they aren’t.
They all draw their weapons, Pathcutters draw arming swords. Arnstein draws his longsword. Shauneer draws her two-handed blade.
Arnstein and Shauneer both have 1 drive point each. I’m tempted to spend it, but I should probably save it for the bad critical hit I know is coming.
Spell Phase A:
Ranged Phase A:
Everyone gets one attack on them, but Arnstein gets three from the failure above. Nice...
To Lancet:
99 = 29[d100]+70
-20 = 79 vs LA
0 Hits
To Pathcutter 1:
150 = 80[d100]+50+20
-20 = 130 vs LA
20 Gri
108 = 78[d100]+30
Strike to lower leg Torn muscle +4 damage -20 all actions.
To Pathcutter 2:
75 = 5[d100]+50+20
-20 = 55 vs LA
To Pathcutter 3:
91 = 21[d100]+50+20
-20 = 71 vs LA
0 Hits
To Parth:
151 = 81[d100]+50+20
-20 = 131 vs NA
21 Let
Piercing on critical
My d100 was open ended crit ending up at 148 before the +50 lethal modifier!
Max result for Lethal piercing crit 150:
Strike through the eye into the brain. Instant death.
Goodbye, Parth...
To Shauneer:
115 = 45[d100]+50+20
-20 - 85 vs MA
4 Hits
To Arnstein:
91 = 21[d100]+50+20
-25 = 66 vs MA
0 Hits
154 = 84[d100]+50+20
154-25=129 vs MA
(140 is Max for short bow)
22 Gri Ouch!
Here we go
90 = 60[d100]+30
Major abdominal wound: If armored (he is, thankfully), +4 damage, +3 bleed.
166 = 96[d100]+50+20 (that one is open ended)
= 253 - 25 =
228 vs MA (OUCH!)
Thankfully 140 is Max for short bow
But still, ouch! He only has 1 drive to offset bad criticals. Better roll low.
22 Gri
89 = 59[d100]+30
Second critical: Strike to lower leg under knee. Tendons and muscle torn. +3 damage, stunned, and -25 to all actions.
That was a pretty low roll. I think I’ll keep that result even though he’s now stunlocked. Grrr.
Parth - DEAD
Arnstein (Medium human) – Level 2 XP 25/30, HP 130, Damage, 44 Bleed: 3
Other: STUNNED, -25
Drive Points: 1
Hero Points: 3
Shauneer (Medium human) – Level 1 XP 10/30, HP 65, Damage, Bleed:
Drive Points: 1
Hero Points: 0
Pathcutter 1
Damage: 22
Other: -20
Melee Phase:
Ranged Phase B:
Maybe I should have asked more questions about these bandits rather than assuming they were ready and willing to go full bore into battle. Maybe they would have just threatened or sought for a tax to pass, instead of just assuming they were ready to attack with arrows set. But it’s too late now.
Arrows slashed out in front of him and and to his side. Arnstein saw Parth riding ahead of him, take a dark shaft in his eye and pitch backwards off his saddle, an arrow driven into the back of his skull. His arms reflexively clawing at his face as he fell and twitched to groaning stillness.
“Parth!” Arnstein shouted. But a sickening coldness throbbed in his gut. He knew the other man was dead. He heard other shouts and cries down the line as three arrows lanced towards him. One glanced off his armor. Another struck his midsection, but fell out, not penetrating deeply. A third barb found the gap between knee and leg, where his greave didn’t cover and drove into his lower leg just under the knee. He hissed at the poker hot pain under his knee and rocked back in his saddle, struggling to remain seated.
Note: Yes, a shorter episode. I actually had this part written up some time ago but wanted to include the entire combat before posting. But a few rounds into it I realized I wasn't applying some things properly. So I think I'll redo things starting in round 2. Plus, things honestly became a bit unwieldy the way I was tracking the fight. I need a better way. I'm considering using Fantasy Grounds for larger combats like this going forward. Anyway, I wanted to get this part posted at least.
Posts: 359
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Joined: Oct 2017
Episode 11
So, I switched to Fantasy Grounds part way here. It did speed things up, but the combat still took a long time.
Round 2:
There’s probably no point in staying and fighting. They’ll probably just get into worse problems against a foe that will only further outnumber them as they take more casualties. But the problem is Arnstein can’t move, being stunned this round. We do need to see if he can control his mount.
Ride Action to see if Arnstein remains seated:
I think this a challenging roll, so -10, and he is at -25 from the critical:
111 = 96[d100]+50-35
61 = 61[d100]
Nice! Open-ended 111+61. He remains seated and is able to control his mount, grasping his leg with one hand as his mount prances about. As his legs grip the mount, blood oozes down his leg, and it calms under his pressure.
The defenders are no longer surprised as they know the enemy is out there. They will still need to make a standard Perception to locate where they are in the reeds.
Pathcutter 1: He can see the enemy and shouts out their positions to the rest of the party.
“Five in front! Five to our left!”
125 = 85[d100]+40
Action Declaration:
How do they attack?
They don’t mind getting wet or dirty or...bloody. Sounds like they want to get in close and personal. Melee attack!
Their intent is to rush forward (Charge) and attack in melee.
They drop bows, grab spears and rush forward with a shout, five in front, five to the side.
He can’t do anything except get rushed and surrounded and defend with half his CMB while stunned. He can only take half moves.
Arnstein’s is at -25 to his actions from his wound, plus he’s stunned but remains mounted.
Also, because he’s stunned, he can only take half actions and parry.
Thankfully, the bandits will have used two half actions to draw weapons and to rush at the party. This uses up their actions and so they won’t be able to attack.
Lancet and Pathcutters:
“We must get off the road and into the reeds!” Lancet shouted.
He intends to lead his men and the party in a gallop into the marshes.
“Milady!” Lancet called out to Shauneer. “We must go! Follow me, and my Pathcutters! Assist us in completing the mission!”
The question is: Does Shauneer follow after Lancet and leave Arnstein, or does she stay to assist him?
I think she recognizes they’ll need Arnstein, so she’ll try to convince Lancet and his men with her free action to remain in the fight and beat back the bandits.
She’ll remain in the fight and help Arnstein and will make a Charisma roll (Difficulty is Hard -20). This is because Lancet really hates Arnstein and is pragmatic enough to know that if he lets Arnstein fall behind, he can use that to get his Pathcutters to safety.)
129 = 89[d100]+60-20
Lancet grimaces in distaste, but he and his men remain in the fight. Since no one has moved among the defenders, they’re in roughly the same positions when combat started.
Here’s a rough Ascii map of combatants after bandits charged:
(Bandits and Pathcutters are numbered from the bottom and moving up and clockwise 1 - 10)
B6 B7 B8 B9
B5 S L P3 B0
B4 A X
B3 P2
B2 P1
B = Bandits
A = Arnstein
P = Pathcutters
S = Shauneer
L = Lancet
X = Parth (poor Parth)
Pathcutters are numbered 1-3 from bottom to top.
Spell A:
Ranged A:
Bandits: They rush forward and engage.
Bandits have longer reach with spears, but they cannot attack this round, having dropped their bows and are taking two half actions (moving forward and drawing spears).
They also have an effective Def of 0. Their stat block lists -20 as their Def, but that assumes they have shields.
Melee Phase
Shauneer vs Bandit 7 (already Stunned and hurt from his sliced leg)
Because she’s not parrying she uses Mighty.
Rolls 66 for a 131+20=151, but adds 20 more for Mighty. For 171, nearly attack for 2H Sword
40 hits and Lethal. No need to roll Lethal crit really as the additional 40 hits kills Bandit 7. But to see where she hit, I’ll roll it.
Performs a Critical Strike!
Final Critical Roll [52]
Minor forearm cut. +4 Damage, 1 Bleed, and Stunned.
So, I’ll say she batters through his collar bone and slashes across his chest and arms and he collapses. (Bandit 7 Dying/Dead)
Lancet vs Bandit 8
76+70 = 146
20 hits and Grievous Crit.
Performs a Critical Strike!
Final Critical Roll [47]
Minor chest wound. +3 Damage, 1 Bleed, -5 to all actions. (Bandit 8 taken 23/70 HP)
Pathcutter 1 vs Bandit 1 (already Stunned)
140 Max attack for Arming Sword
20 hits and a Grievous vs LA
Performs a Critical Strike!
Final Critical Roll [127]
Strike severs target's foot. Prone, Stunned, 8 Bleed, and -50 to all actions. (Bandit 1 Out of Fight)
Pathcutter 2 vs Bandit 2 (already Stunned)
+20 for stun rolls 77+60 CMB = 157 (Max 140)
20 hits and Grievous.
Performs a Critical Strike!
Final Critical Roll [37]
Minor chest wound. +3 Damage, 1 Bleed, -5 to all actions. (Bandit 2: 36/70)
Pathcutter 3 vs Bandit 9
Sword Attack
[Max:130] [CR:2]
Defender's armor 0
Final Result [130]
Critical Attack!
Crit Roll [+30]
Performs a Critical Strike!
Final Critical Roll [101]
Swing to the hand (50R/50L). If the shield is struck: +4 Damage, Stunned, shield unusable. If not: 1d5 fingers severed; 1 Bleed, -10 to all actions for each finger severed, and Stunned.
(Bandit 9: 21/70)
Round 3:
Various bleeding.
Arnstein is no longer stunned though he is nearly bruised, having taken 58 of his 125 HP.
All the bandits who aren’t stunned attack their nearest foes. Pathcutters and Lancet do the same. It’ll be a hackfest.
Arnstein will not parry as he will attack the one in front of him first, hoping to put him down or on the defensive.
Shauneer is facing off against 6 and 5. They are uninjured and so go first with a slightly higher CMB. She will parry with half (30). And attack 5 with remaining.
Melee Phase:
Order is
Bandit 8, 10, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Pathcutter 1, 2, 3
(no action)
Bandit 1 bleeds out and dies
Bandit 9 stunned
Arnstein Vs Bandit 4
Longsword Attack (two handed, no parry)
[Max:150] [CR:4]
You Hit! Damage Applied [9]
Defender's armor 0
Final Result [94]
Critical Attack!
Crit Roll [+0]
Performs a Critical Strike!
Final Critical Roll [28]
Graze to shoulder. +2 Damage and 1 Bleed.
(Bandit 4: 11/70)
Lancet vs Bandit 8
Sword Attack
[Max:140] [CR:2]
Defender's armor 0
Final Result [109]
Critical Attack!
Crit Roll [+10]
Defender's armor 0
Final Result [109]
Sword Attack
[Max:140] [CR:2]
Critical Attack!
Crit Roll [+10]
Performs a Critical Strike!
Final Critical Roll [43]
Minor chest wound. +3 Damage, 1 Bleed, -5 to all actions.
Bandit 8 vs Lancet
Spear Attack
[Max:140] [CR:2]
Defender's armor 20
Final Result [123]
Critical Attack!
Crit Roll [+20]
123-10 = 113
13 hits and light crit
Rolls 80+10 = 90
Major abdominal wound. If the target's armored: +4 Damage, 3 Bleed. I
He is armored.
Bandit 10 vs Pathcutter 3
Rolled 15. Hit but no damage.
Bandit 2 vs Pathcutter 1
102-20 def =82 -25 from wound
57 vs LA
Hits but no damage.
Bandit 3 vs Pathcutter 2:
Spear Attack
[Max:140] [CR:2]
Defender's armor 20
Final Result [140]
Critical Attack!
Crit Roll [+30]
Performs a Critical Strike!
Final Critical Roll [107]
Strike to lower leg. If the target's armored, torn muscle: +4 Damage, -20 to all actions. If not, severed muscle: +6 Damage, -40 activity, Stunned.
Bandit 4 vs Arnstein
Spear Attack
[Max:140] [CR:2]
Defender's armor 25
Final Result [93]
Critical Attack!
Crit Roll [+10]
You Hit! Damage Applied [11]
Performs a Critical Strike!
Final Critical Roll [19]
Graze to the shoulder. +3 Damage.
Bandit 5 vs Shauneer
Spear Attack
[Max:140] [CR:2]
Defender's armor 30
Final Result [131]
-60 from armor and parry
71 for 4 Hits, no Crit.
Bandit 6 vs Shuaneer
She’s parried already so hopefully this one will be a low roll.
Sword Attack
[Max:130] [CR:2]
Defender's armor 30
Final Result [48]
Hit but no damage.
Pathcutter 1 vs Bandit 2
Sword Attack
[Max:130] [CR:2]
Defender's armor 0
Final Result [72]
You Hit! Damage Applied [3]
Pathcutter 2 vs Bandit 3
Sword Attack
[Max:130] [CR:2]
Defender's armor 0
Final Result [77]
You Hit! Damage Applied [5]
Pathcutter 3 vs Bandit 10
Sword Attack
[Max:130] [CR:2]
Defender's armor 0
Final Result [113]
Critical Attack!
Crit Roll [+10]
You Hit! Damage Applied [13]
Performs a Critical Strike!
Final Critical Roll [62]
Minor forearm cut. +4 Damage, 1 Bleed, and Stunned.
Shauneer vs Bandit 5
Two Handed Sword "Arkall" Attack
[Max:175] [CR:6]
Defender's armor 0
Final Result [45]
Your Attack Misses!
Round 4:
Assessment bleeding etc.
Arnstein has now taken 75 HPs. He has 50 remaining. He’s now Bruised, which means he suffers a -20 on his attacks.
Action Declaration:
It’s pretty much the same. The bandits have only lost two of their number. They’re not going to pull back yet.
Bandit 6 attacks Shauneer
Bandit 5 attacks Shauneer
Bandit 3 attacks Pathfinder 2
Bandit 4 attacks Arnstein
Bandit 5 attacks Shauneer
Bandit 8 attacks Lancet
Pathcutters attack those nearest them.
Shauneer parries with 30 and attacks nearest bandit.
Arnstein parries with half (90-20 bruised = 70 CMB - half would be 35) and attacks nearest bandit.
Lancet attacks Bandit 8.
Melee Phase
Lancet vs Bandit 8
Sword Attack
[Max:140] [CR:2]
Defender's armor 0
Final Result [140]
Critical Attack!
Crit Roll [+30]
He rolled a 99 and got 10 more on his attack.
Performs a Critical Strike!
Final Critical Roll [39]
Minor chest wound. +3 Damage, 1 Bleed, -5 to all actions.
Uggg. Bad roll of a 9 on the critical. Come on! This bandit has received this same critical three rounds a in a row... Geez.
Bandit 6 vs Shauneer
He rolled a 15 + 70
85 - 30 = 65
She ducks, saving her parry for a worse attack. She takes 2 HP.
Shauneer vs Bandit 5
Two Handed Sword "Arkall" Attack
[Max:175] [CR:6]
Defender's armor 0
Final Result [54]
Hit but 0 damage.
Bandit 3 vs Pathcutter 2
Performs a Critical Strike!
Final Critical Roll [117]
Strike through the upper weapon arm severs tendons and muscle. +4 Damage, 4 Bleed, -20 to all actions, arm is useless.
(Amazingly he’s not stunned...)
Bandit 4 vs Arnstein
Spear Attack
[Max:140] [CR:2]
Defender's armor 25
Final Result [98]
-35 parry = 63
1 HP
Bandit 5 vs Shauneer
Spear Attack
[Max:140] [CR:2]
Defender's armor 65
Final Result [19]
Your Attack Misses!
(She used her parry)
Arnstein vs Bandit 4
Longsword Attack
[Max:150] [CR:4]
Defender's armor 0
Final Result [43]
Stupid poor roll of 8
Bandit 8 vs Lancet
Spear Attack
[Max:140] [CR:2]
Defender's armor 20
Final Result [41]
Your Attack Misses!
Pathcutter 1 vs Bandit 2
Sword Attack
[Max:130] [CR:2]
Defender's armor 0
Final Result [48]
Pathcutter 2 vs Bandit 3
He switches weapon to his off hand.
Not sure what the negative is here. I’ll just ask the oracle if this particular warrior is ambidextrous. The battle is not going in our favor and we need all the help we can get.
Well fine... I’ll give a -20 for offhand.
With all his negatives he won’t have any CMB anyway, so it’s just straight up dice roll.
And he rolled an 8. No joy.
Sword Attack
[Max:130] [CR:2]
Defender's armor 0
Final Result [8]
Your Attack Misses!
Pathcutter 3 vs Bandit 10
Open ended. Yay!
Sword Attack
[Max:130] [CR:2]
Defender's armor -20
Final Result [130]
Critical Attack!
Crit Roll [+30]
(I envision these bandits as wearing leather torso armor but no helms or arm guards or leg greaves etc. The Pathcutters on the other hand, do have leather bracers, greaves, and leather helms.)
Bandit 2 vs Pathcutter 1
Spear Attack
[Max:140] [CR:2]
Defender's armor 20
Final Result [103]
Critical Attack!
Crit Roll [+0]
Bandit 1 bleeds out and dies.
Do the bandits flee? They’ve taken some more serious hits though no one has gone down. I think it’s Unlikely.
(Unlikely | 2[d10]) No
Round 5:
Oops I forgot to apply Arnsteins -25 from his knee wound for the purposes of calculating initiative. His modified CMB is 90-45 = 45
Bleeding etc. occurs
5 of the bandits are relatively unscathered.
Two have perished.
3 are pretty hurt. Let’s see what happens this round.
Bandit 6 and 5 will both attack Shauneer.
Bandit 4 will attack Arnstein.
Bandit 8 will attack Lancet.
Other bandits will attack nearby Pathcutters and Vice versa.
Pathcutter 3 will Parry with 30
Lancet will go all out to finally to drop Bandit 8.
Arnstein will have a modified CMB of 45. He’ll parry with 35 and attack with 10.
Shauneer will parry with 35 and attack with 30.
Melee Phase
Lancet vs Bandit 8
He rolled a 100! And got a total of 223 but his weapon caps at 140 so... meh.
Sword Attack
[Max:140] [CR:2]
Defender's armor 0
Final Result [140]
Critical Attack!
Crit Roll [+30]
You Hit! Damage Applied [17]
Still it’s enough to drop him with HPs alone.
Performs a Critical Strike!
Final Critical Roll [39]
Minor chest wound. +3 Damage, 1 Bleed, -5 to all actions.
And of course, he rolled that EXACT same critical for the fourth time in a row!
Bandit 6 vs Shauneer:
Spear Attack
[Max:130] [CR:2]
Defender's armor 30
Final Result [55]
You Hit! Damage Applied [0]
Shaundeer vs Bandit 5
Two Handed Sword "Arkall" Attack
[Max:175] [CR:6]
Defender's armor 0
Final Result [46]
I’m feeling Deja vu from last round.
You Hit! Damage Applied [0]
Bandit 3 vs Pathcutter 2
Spear Attack
[Max:140] [CR:2]
Defender's armor 20
Final Result [86]
You Hit! Damage Applied [7]
Bandit 4 vs Arnstein
Spear Attack
[Max:140] [CR:2]
Defender's armor 25
Final Result [73]
You Hit! Damage Applied [0]
Bandit 5 vs Shauneer
Spear Attack
[Max:140] [CR:2]
Defender's armor 65
Final Result [32]
Spear Attack
[Max:140] [CR:2]
Defender's armor 65
Final Result [32]
Your Attack Misses!
Bandit 9 vs Pathcutter 3
Spear Attack
[Max:140] [CR:2]
Defender's armor 20
Final Result [72]
-30 from Parry = 42
Pathcutter 1 vs Bandit 2
Sword Attack
[Max:130] [CR:2]
Defender's armor 0
Final Result [44]
Your Attack Misses!
Pathcutter 2 vs Bandit 3
All he can do is attack weakly off hand with his CMB of 0.
Sword Attack
[Max:130] [CR:2]
Defender's armor 0
Final Result [46]
You Hit! Damage Applied [0]
Pathcutter 3 vs Bandit 10:
-30 because he parried for 30
Thankfully Bandit 10 is stunned.
Sword Attack
[Max:130] [CR:2]
Defender's armor -40
Final Result [84]
You Hit! Damage Applied [6]
Needed that Stun...
Arnstein vs Bandit 4
(I’m not sure everything is getting calculated correctly but I’m trusting Fantasy Grounds.
Because he parried He only has a modified Attack action of +10 here)
It’s calculating this:
Longsword Attack
[Max:150] [CR:4]
Defender's armor 0
Final Result [76]
You Hit! Damage Applied [5]
I don’t think that’s right.
I rolled 30 + 46 Attack.
Where’s the 46 coming from?
He has 90 CMB -25 wounded knee, -20 bruised
-35 parry. That should only be +10 attack right?
He is mounted, but I honestly forgot about that. No going back... I’ll say he dismounted for simplicity’s sake.
On well. I’ll just keep with FG has.
Bandit 2 vs Pathcutter 1
Spear Attack
[Max:140] [CR:2]
Defender's armor 20
Final Result [85]
You Hit! Damage Applied [6]
Bandit 10 is stunned and does nothing. But his stun goes away next round.
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Joined: Oct 2017
Episode 12
The combat continueth...
Round 6
Bleeding etc. occurs
The bandits lost one of their own this round.
There are 7 bandits left.
#6 is unhurt.
#3 is lightly damaged.
#4 is moderately damaged.
#5 is unhurt.
#9 is moderately damaged.
#10 is heavily damaged.
1 is undamaged
2 are lightly damaged.
Do they flee the field?
I think it’s a little more likely.
So somewhat likely:
(Somewhat Likely | 1[d10]) No, and...
Sigh... An exceptional no.
Okay. They’re quite driven. They’re in it until at least a majority of their number goes down. They must be pretty desperate to fight so fiercely.
If we survive, maybe we’ll find out why.
I was hoping they’d just run, because honestly this combat is dragging on. It’s time consuming, and I’m not enjoying it terribly.
Initiatives are hard to calculate with changing CMBs from wounds, so I have to drag combatants around in the FG combat tracker.
The FG combat tracker does weird things, no way of setting Parry values on NPCs, etc.
While I love the gritty feel of combat in VsD, I can get much the same gritty feel from a much simpler system like Ironsworn.
If I do a large combat like this again, I’ll do the fast combat option I used before a few episodes back.
Enough complaining. Back to the game.
Will Bandit 9 move to engage Lancet?
(50/50 | 8[d10]) Yes
Will Bandit 6 move to engage Lancet?
(Somewhat Unlikely | 6[d10]) No, but...
Not this round, but next round maybe.
Bandit 10 will engage Pathcutter 3
Everything else remains the same as previous round including the Parry amounts for Arnstein and Shauneer.
One difference is that all Pathcutters will Parry at half.
Bandit 9 moves 1 hex, half move to also engage Lancet. He’s still in engaged range with Pathcutter 3, so no need to Disengage to move or anything.
-20 engaging Lancet from his Half Move.
Lancet vs Bandit 9
Sword Attack
[Max:140] [CR:2]
Defender's armor 0
Final Result [85]
You Hit! Damage Applied [6]
Lame roll.
Bandit 6 vs Shauneer
Spear Attack
[Max:130] [CR:2]
Defender's armor 30
Final Result [47]
You Hit! Damage Applied [0]
Bandit 3 vs Pathcutter 2
Except Pathcutter 2 can’t parry since he has no CMB.
Spear Attack
[Max:140] [CR:2]
Defender's armor 20
Final Result [95]
You Hit! Damage Applied [9]
Superficial Crit
Performs a Critical Strike!
Final Critical Roll [70]
Direct shot the chest. If the target's unarmored, the strike pierces deep: +8 Damage, 4 Bleed, and Stunned. If the target's wearing armor: +4 Damage and 2 Bleed.
Bandit 4 vs Arnstein
Spear Attack
[Max:140] [CR:2]
Defender's armor 30
Final Result [53]
You Hit! Damage Applied [0]
Bandit 5 vs Shauneer
He rolls a 1 and fumbles!
Spear Attack
[Max:140] [CR:2]
You Fumbled! Roll the Fumble Table. Set your Fumble roll modifier based upon type of weapon used.
He’s using a short spear (polearm)
[Fumble Roll] [+50]
The character must make an Assessment Roll during the next Assessment Phase, and gets to choose one:
*Drops weapon.
*Takes a Superficial Critical Strike of the appropriate type.
Does he choose to drop his weapon?
(Likely | 8[d10]) Yes
Shauneer takes the opening and strikes
Two Handed Sword "Arkall" Attack
[Max:175] [CR:6]
Defender's armor 0
Final Result [50]
Argg. She’s rolled so poorly every round. Someone is going to get a crit though... Matter of time.
Pathcutter 1 vs Bandit 2
Modified CMB of 40 will parry with 20
Attack of 20
Sword Attack
[Max:130] [CR:2]
Defender's armor 0
Final Result [51]
You Hit! Damage Applied [0]
Pathcutter 2 vs Bandit 3
He’s attacking off hand so no +0 CMB.
He actually hit!
Sword Attack
[Max:130] [CR:2]
Defender's armor 0
Final Result [75]
You Hit! Damage Applied [3]
Not enough to do anything really, but it’s something...
Pathcutter 3 vs Bandit 10
Sword Attack
[Max:130] [CR:2]
Defender's armor 0
Final Result [55]
You Hit! Damage Applied [0]
Bandit 10 vs Pathcutter 3
Short Attack
[Max:140] [CR:2]
Defender's armor 20
Final Result [56]
You Hit! Damage Applied [0]
Bandit 2 vs Pathcutter 1
Spear Attack
[Max:140] [CR:2]
Defender's armor 20
Final Result [10]
Your Attack Misses!
Arnstein vs Pathcutter 4
Longsword Attack
[Max:150] [CR:4]
Defender's armor 0
Final Result [50]
You Hit! Damage Applied [0]
Bandit 9 vs Lancet
Spear Attack
[Max:130] [CR:2]
Defender's armor 20
Final Result [40]
Your Attack Misses!
Lots of back and forth with no hits really.
It goes on!
Round 7
Bandit 5 has to make an assessment roll.
53 is a failure.
Bleeding etc takes place.
All as previous round.
The two Pathcutters that can will parry with 10.
Shauneer will press her attack harder and Parry with 15
Arnstein will press his attack a little harder and Parry with 30
Lancet vs Bandit 9
Finally a sort of decent roll.
Sword Attack
[Max:140] [CR:2]
Defender's armor 0
Final Result [124]
Critical Attack!
Crit Roll [+20]
You Hit! Damage Applied [16]
Performs a Critical Strike!
Final Critical Roll [57]
Minor forearm cut. +4 Damage, 1 Bleed, and Stunned.
Bandit 6 vs Shauneer
Spear Attack
[Max:130] [CR:2]
Defender's armor 30
Final Result [47]
You Hit! Damage Applied [0]
Lucky low roll of a 7.
Bandit 3 vs Pathcutter 2
Spear Attack
[Max:140] [CR:2]
Defender's armor 20
-10 for Parry
Final Result [98]
Critical Attack!
10 HP and a superficial.
Performs a Critical Strike!
Final Critical Roll [89]
Strike to lower leg under the knee. Tendons and muscle torn. +3 Damage, Stunned, and -25 to all actions.
That kills him at 81/80 hits
That means Arnstein make get a second attacker on him next round.
Bandit 4 vs Arnstein
Spear Attack
[Max:140] [CR:2]
Defender's armor 25
Final Result [59]
You Hit! Damage Applied [0]
Bandit 5 vs Shauneer
He failed his assessment so he can’t act, but can defend himself. He stares dumbly at the spear at his feet.
Shauneer vs Bandit 5
Attack of +50 with her Parry of 15.
Two Handed Sword "Arkall" Attack
[Max:175] [CR:6]
Defender's armor 0
Final Result [90]
You Hit! Damage Applied [7]
Sword Attack
[Max:130] [CR:2]
Defender's armor 0
Final Result [63]
You Hit! Damage Applied [0]
Pathcutter 3 vs Bandit 10
Sword Attack
[Max:130] [CR:2]
Defender's armor 0
Final Result [130]
Critical Attack!
Crit Roll [+30]
You Hit! Damage Applied [17]
He’ll try and stab instead of slash, so Grievous pierce critical.
Performs a Critical Strike!
Final Critical Roll [58]
Strike grazes target's side: 1 Bleed and Stunned.
The HPs before critical kills him.
Bandit 2 vs Pathcutter 1
-10 from Parry
Spear Attack
[Max:140] [CR:2]
Defender's armor 20
Final Result [44]
Your Attack Misses!
Arnstein vs Bandit 4
Attack of +15 assuming FG calculates it right. Rolled a 78.
Wow. He actually hit with a Light critical.
He’ll do a pierce as well.
Round 8
Let’s see where everyone is at.
Lancet is now bruised from his bleeding. Not good. Taken 43/85.
Bandit 6 is uninjured.
Bandit 3 taken 8/70
Bandit 4 taken 39/70, stunned, bleed 1
Bandit 5 taken 7/70
Shauneer taken 10/75
Pathcutter 1 taken 43/80, Bleed 1, -5
Pathcutter 3 uninjured
Bandit 2 taken 46/70, Bleed 1, -25
Arnstein taken 88 with 37 remaining
-25, Bleed 3
Bandit 9 taken 50/70, Bleed 2, Stunned, -40
Declaration Phase
Bandit 6 will half move to attack Lancet’s flank.
Bandit 3 will half move up to engage Arnstien?
(50/50 | 7[d10]) Yes
Bandit 5 will half move to pick up spear and will attack Shauneer
Bandit 2 will continue attacking Pathcutter 1
Bandit 4 stunned
Bandit 9 stunned
Lancet will stay where he is but will shift facing to engage bandit 6. He will parry with half. 70-20 bruised = 50. Half of that 25.
Shauneer will attack full on Bandit 5
Arnstein will drop his sword and do a half move to draw his Battle Axe. He has a 115 CMB in Battle Axe, -25 for wound, -20 for bruised (-20 for move) = 55 CMB. He’ll Parry with 30 of that. He’ll turn to face the Bandit rushing him.
Pathcutter 1 will try to move to close ranks with Arnstein and will Parry with half.
Pathcutter 3 will move to get rear bonus on Bandit 9
Movement Phase
Contest between Bandit and Pathcutter 1 moving by Arnstein
Bandit 3
[Adventuring] Roll 70
[Adventuring] Roll 68
Bandit moves into place.
Arnstein drops his sword and yanks out his battle axe holding it in two hands, awaiting the attack.
Melee Phase
Bandit 6 vs Lancet
Lancet is bruised so suffers -20 to CMB
Essentially 50 now. Parrying with half 25.
Spear Attack
[Max:130] [CR:2]
Defender's armor 20
Final Result [65]
You Hit! Damage Applied [0]
Parrying works.
Bandit 3 vs Arnstein
-20 for half move.
Spear Attack
[Max:140] [CR:2]
Forgot to target Arnstein
Bandit rolled an 85
That’s 135. Arnstein parries with 30
So 105 vs MA
Not good.
11 hits and superficial crit.
Performs a Critical Strike!
Final Critical Roll [92]
Major abdominal wound. If the target's armored: +4 Damage, 3 Bleed. If not: +10 Damage, 6 Bleed, -20 to all actions, and Stunned.
Doubly not good. Thankfully he’s armored. But he’s going to bleed out in about 3 to 4 rounds, not counting other damage he might take.
Bandit 5 vs Shauneer
-20 from half move to pick up weapon.
Spear Attack
[Max:140] [CR:2]
Defender's armor 30
Final Result [35]
Your Attack Misses!
Shauneer vs Bandit 5
Full attack with Arkall
Didn’t roll high.
Two Handed Sword "Arkall" Attack
[Max:175] [CR:6]
Defender's armor 0
Final Result [98]
Critical Attack!
Crit Roll [+0]
But it is superficial crit. That’s something.
Performs a Critical Strike!
Final Critical Roll [56]
Minor forearm cut. +4 Damage, 1 Bleed, and Stunned.
At least she stunned him.
Lancet vs Bandit 6
(I don’t think bruised is betting calculated correctly. But I’m just going to go with FG.)
Sword Attack
[Max:140] [CR:2]
Defender's armor -20
Final Result [79]
Pathcutter 1 vs Bandit 2
Sword Attack
[Max:130] [CR:2]
Defender's armor 0
Final Result [81]
You Hit! Damage Applied [6]
Pathcutter 3 vs Bandit 9
Rear strike +30
Half Move -20
+10 net added to CMB
125 total
+16 HP and a moderate crit
The hit loss alone kills the bandit.
Round 9
Bleeding etc.
The battle still hangs in the balance.
If bandits lose one more, they’ll likely fold and run.
Bandit 6 attacks Lancet.
Bandit 3 attacks Arnstein
Bandit 5 attacks Shauneer
Bandit 2 Attacks Pathcutter 1
Bandit 4 still stunned until Other Action phase.
Lancet will parry with half.
Shauneer will attack full on Bandit 5
Arnstein with his Battle Axe now has a 75 CMB this means his initiative climbs to the top. He attacks Bandit 4 with 45. He’ll parry with 30.
Pathcutter 1 will parry with half and will attack Bandit 2.
Pathcutter 3 will move to engage behind Bandit 6 to get a rear bonus.
Pathcutter moves behind Bandit 6
Arnstein vs Bandit 4
Battle Axe Attack
[Max:150] [CR:5]
You Fumbled! Roll the Fumble Table. Set your Fumble roll modifier based upon type of weapon used.
Boo Fumble!
I’m going to spend his final Drive point and reroll with a +10. Might regret that if a bad critical comes his way.
Reroll with Drive
Battle Axe Attack
[Max:150] [CR:5]
Defender's armor -20
Final Result [101]
Critical Attack!
Crit Roll [+0]
You Hit! Damage Applied [11]
Performs a Critical Strike!
Final Critical Roll [8]
Minor calf wound. 1 Bleed.
Well, that was disappointing.
Bandit 6 vs Lancet
Ooo. He criticalled. He rolled a 96 and a 90. This will be max value with a spear.
Spear Attack
[Max:130] [CR:2]
Defender's armor 20
Final Result [130]
Critical Attack!
Crit Roll [+30]
Performs a Critical Strike!
Final Critical Roll [66]
Direct shot the chest. If the target's unarmored, the strike pierces deep: +8 Damage, 4 Bleed, and Stunned. If the target's wearing armor: +4 Damage and 2 Bleed.
At least he’s not stunned.
Bandit 3 vs Arnstein
Spear Attack
[Max:140] [CR:2]
Defender's armor 85
Final Result [64]
You Hit! Damage Applied [0]
(FG counted his parry twice I think when I had to type it back in)
So it should actually be 30 higher. 94 total
8 HPs. At least it’s not a crit.
He only has 14 Hps left before he goes down. We gotta end this fight!
Shauneer vs Bandit 5
Two Handed Sword "Arkall" Attack
[Max:175] [CR:6]
Defender's armor -20
Final Result [168]
Critical Attack!
Crit Roll [+50]
She didn’t parry so there was a +20 added behind the scenes for that.
Performs a Critical Strike!
Final Critical Roll [65]
Minor forearm cut. +4 Damage, 1 Bleed, and Stunned.
Same critical she gave him before.
Lancet vs Bandit 6
Sword Attack
[Max:140] [CR:2]
Hits but no damage.
Pathcutter 1 vs Bandit 2
Sword Attack
[Max:130] [CR:2]
Defender's armor 0
Final Result [95]
Critical Attack!
Crit Roll [+0]
You Hit! Damage Applied [9]
Pathcutter 3 vs Bandit 6
[Fumble Roll] [+20]
The character must make an Assessment Roll during the next Assessment Phase, and gets to choose one:
*Drops weapon.
*Takes a Superficial Critical Strike of the appropriate type.
He’ll drop his weapon
Bandit 2 vs Pathcutter 1
Spear Attack
[Max:140] [CR:2]
Defender's armor 20
Final Result [82]
You Hit! Damage Applied [6]
That's it for now... It's getting close!
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Joined: Oct 2017
12-05-2023, 10:30 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-30-2024, 10:12 PM by Jingo.)
Episode 13
Round 10
We’re nearing the end. The balance hangs on a knife’s edge.
After his 6 bleed this assessment, Arnstein has only 8 PH left.
Lancet is severely hurt, having taken 69/85
Shauneer is still only lightly damaged.
Pathcutter 1 is 50/80 and -25
Pathcutter 3 is unharmed
Bandit 6 is still unharmed.
Bandit 3 is barely harmed.
Bandit 2 is 62/70 -- nearly dead.
Bandit 4 is 52/70 -- bleed 2, stunned
Bandit 5 is 60/70 -- bleed 2, stunned
We’ll see. At least the party isn’t stunned.
Bandit 6 He’ll stay on Lancet, hoping to finish him
Bandit 3. He’ll stay on Arnstein hoping to finish him.
Bandit 2. He’ll stay on Pathcutter 1.
Lancet will parry with half.
Pathcutter 3 will pick up weapon off the ground (half move) and attack rear on Bandit 6.
Arnstein will parry 30 and attack remaining on Bandit 4
Shauneer will batter bandit 5 to the ground hopefully.
Half-move taken by Pathcutter 3 to pick up his blade (-20). He attacks Bandit 6 in the rear +30
Arnstein vs Bandit 4
Battle Axe Attack
[Max:150] [CR:5]
Defender's armor -20
Final Result [113]
Critical Attack!
Crit Roll [+10]
You Hit! Damage Applied [13]
Performs a Critical Strike!
Final Critical Roll [19]
Minor calf wound. 1 Bleed.
Same crit. Minor calf wound. Wee.
Bandit 6 vs Lancet
Well, Lancet is going to die I think
Bandit rolled a 96... So the -25 parry isn’t going to save Lancet.
Spear Attack
[Max:130] [CR:2]
Defender's armor 20
Final Result [125]
Critical Attack!
Crit Roll [+20]
He’s right at 0 HPs
Performs a Critical Strike!
Final Critical Roll [46]
Minor scratch to the forearm: +2 Damage. If the target's unarmored on the forearm, they're also Stunned.
That puts Lancet under, and he’s either killed or bleeding to death.
Since he’s a somewhat interesting character, we’ll ask the oracle after how he fares.
Bandit 3 vs Arnstein
Spear Attack
[Max:140] [CR:2]
Defender's armor 55
Final Result [93]
Critical Attack!
Crit Roll [+10]
You Hit! Damage Applied [11]
Arnstein is at -3 HPs and goes down!
Shauneer vs Bandit 5
She’s going to spend her last drive to get +10 for this scene. Should’ve done that earlier, but we’ll do it now.
And she has spells... Not many magic points, but I don’t think she feels like she can take the time to cast. She see Lancet go down behind her and Arnstein beside her.
She attacks all out on 5.
Two Handed Sword "Arkall" Attack
[Max:175] [CR:6]
Defender's armor -40
Final Result [175]
Critical Attack!
Crit Roll [+50]
You Hit! Damage Applied [40]
Wow. Solid damage with that 2H sword.
She cleaves him in two.
Pathcutter 1 vs Bandit 2
Ah the highs and lows. He rolled a 100 and then followed it up with a whopping 3 for the second roll. Nice... (sarcasm)
Sword Attack
[Max:130] [CR:2]
Defender's armor 0
Final Result [130]
Critical Attack!
Crit Roll [+30]
You Hit! Damage Applied [17]
But still good.
Performs a Critical Strike!
Final Critical Roll [108]
Deep cut to the inside of the leg. Severs tendon and muscles: +12 Damage, Stunned, 6 Bleed, and -40 to all actions.
In fact even before the Crit, it’s enough to drop Bandit 2.
Pathcutter 3 vs Bandit 6
He still gets the rear bonus I think because he’s still facing away. But it’s only +10 because of his action to pick up his weapon.
Sword Attack
[Max:130] [CR:2]
85 Total
6 Hits
End of Round
Round 11
We’re still in combat until the bandits flee
Arnstein bleeds to -9.
There are 3 bandits left.
They’ve lost two of their number in one turn.
But two of ours went down too.
I think however, their stomach for this fight is quickly waning and it’s likely they’ll flee.
Is that right? One is going to bleed out in a round anyway.
(Likely | 9[d10]) Yes
Will they run away?
(Likely | 9[d10]) Yes
So they’re not being totally smart about it.
Bandit six turns.
Shauneer turns and slices through his neck.
Two Handed Sword "Arkall" Attack
[Max:175] [CR:6]
Defender's armor 0
Final Result [173]
Critical Attack!
Crit Roll [+30]
You Hit! Damage Applied [17]
Performs a Critical Strike!
Final Critical Roll [120]
Strike to the neck. If the target is wearing neck protection, it is destroyed and the target takes +10 Damage, Stunned, and 6 Bleed. If not: throat cut open, target dies in 8 Rounds while Stunned.
I’ll say Bandit 4 gets away, since she had to turn to take down Bandit 6.
But he takes a few steps and then falls over from loss of blood....
Bandit 3 turns to run and Pathcutter 1 slices off all fingers, the man screams, holding five bloody stumps as he disappears into the tall grass.
So one gets away, running, screaming, and bleeding from his five severed fingers. (Bleed 5). He failed his Heal roll too so the bleeding temporarily stops. if he does anything strenuous, like running away through tall grasses, it’ll resume.)
Shauneer organizes the other Pathcutters, and after helping to staunch the initial bleeding of their companions, they make camp by a stream, boil some water and start to tend to their wounds more seriously.
So bleeding... You can stop bleeding temporarily but you can’t regain lost hit points until you really heal the bleeding wound.
Lancet has Light Bleeding
I’m going to use the rolls of the Pathcutters trying to help him heal to determine additional modifiers on whether he recovers.
The first is the helper LORE (heal) roll from Pathcutter 1, but he’s wounded so can’t help much. He’s trying to apply pressure but is swooning from his own blood loss and gets a 58 total for no help.
Pathcutter 3 now tries to help. 97 Partial success.
Arnstein has Severe Bleeding and no Drive
Shauneer will try to help
Do any of the Pathcutters have a Healers Kit? (50/50 | 7[d10]) Yes
Digging in Lancet’s pack, Shauneer finds a Healers Kit and begins treating Arnstein’s bleeding. She doesn’t have any skill, so she will take her time: +20
-10 for challenging. So +10.
Hey, she made it! Yay!
She has a decent Wisdom of 20 and rolled a 76, and with the +10
She got 106 total.
The Pathcutters working on their leader get a partial success of 97. That uses up an additional bandage as the complication, but they succeed.
Will Lancet regain consciousness and recover, assuming their camp site remains safe? From the Healer success the Pathcutter got, I moved the likelihood one to the right from 50/50.
(Somewhat Likely | 10[d10]) Yes, and...
The other wounded Pathcutter had a minor wound that will heal in three days.
The rules say:
Characters recover one tenth of their Total HPs (rounded down) for every full hour of rest in a safe environment, although herbs or magical healing can increase the amount recovered.
This doesn’t feel like a safe environment. We just got attacked by bandits. But the bandits were at least defeated, so is it maybe safe for now?
Also, maybe the enemy has penetrated this far north?
It’s a possibility. Let me ask the oracle. Is there a likelihood of danger?
(Somewhat Likely | 4[d10]) No, but...
I think that means for the next few hours, things are probably okay. But after some time, maybe not?
They set up camp. The non-wounded Pathcutter is helping. Let’s give him a name: Catrin
The wounded one: Meron has a minor chest wound -5 that will heal in three days. The other one, a strike to his lower leg -20 is also minor. Both these should heal in three days.
They all get at least one full 12-hours of rest.
Every hour of rest, we get back 10% of total HPs. Arnstein gets back around 10 HPs per hour. (He was -9 Hps before someone got to him).
So, after the first full day of rest, he’s at 111 HPs, Shauneer is back up to full, as are Lancet and the others.
No one spoke much. They all felt weak and somber from their near death experience. Lancet cast hooded glances at Arnstein. Arnstein stared back for a moment, then shaking his head in disgust, he turned aside, pointedly ignoring Lancet. He thought of Parth and how quickly the man had gone down. How quickly a life could end in the chaos of combat. Shauneer checked the bandages on his knee, her gentle fingers prodding at the wound. He winced and she applied some pungent herbs to it. They stung initially but then the pain numbed into a dull throb. He thanked her and she moved off to tend to the others.
Catrin spends his time checking for any threat that might encroach upon the area.
Meron takes watch nearer camp and also receives ministrations from Shauneer for his minor wound.
It’s been 12 hours.
Is there danger?
(Somewhat Likely | 10[d10]) Yes, and...
Is the danger an enemy or foe?
(Somewhat Likely | 2[d10]) No
In that case, I think it’s some physical or mystical hazard.
I think they fought the bandits in the afternoon, so it’s probably just after dawn now twelve hours later.
A few miles away to the south west, the pathcutter, Catrin, pursed his lips and scratched at the hair forming on his chin.
He crouched near the bole of a scraggly willow tree, moss and branches hanging down around him, cattails forming a near wall around him. He peered through the vegetation. Above him, the stars gave away to the dawn sky. A few clouds scudded in the wind. He smelled the mud, the water, the life all around him, but he smelled something else. Something darker and more putrid. A vileness grew nearer upon the wind.
He looked up again and saw the dark cloud that had kept to the coastline spreading out, tendrils of darkness oozing across the sky, like a fetid disease, to blot out the moon and stars, sun and hope.
And before the strange cloud, came a smattering of Gorecrows circling overhead, cawing and wheeling.
Let’s see if Catrin spots them while remaining unseen.
He’s being careful and taking his time as he’s scouting through the countryside. So +20.
Catrin 86
Gorecrow Stealth 56
Catrin 79
Gorecrow Perception 93
Black feathers flashed amidst the green branches of the willow as the birds flew overhead. He thought he saw one of them land on a branch above him, and a feathered head tilted in his direction. A beady, unblinking red eye stared down at him, like some bloody ulceric portent of doom.
Had he been seen? He slowly backed deeper under the willow branches. Catrin couldn’t be certain, but the fact that the group of birds split and two of the ravens turned back to the south, cawing as they went, didn’t seem a good sign. The two birds that remained continued onwards, flying ahead of him to the north and then cutting to the west, towards Haldemarsh keep. He looked again to the south and to the east. The dark miasma above him, stretching out, clawing its way across the sky.
Catrin waited until the birds had gone and then jogged back towards camp.