RPGsolo- A Writer's Companion
I am revving to do Nanowrimo this year. I just wanted to share an idea that I have been playing with (literally) for some time.

Using this wonderful device as a writer's companion, or a prompt generator.

I am writing a fantasy yarn, a first person sword and planet adventure. When in doubt, when I need a character, or an outcome RPGsolo is right behind my text, waiting.

Thus far it is working wonders!
That's great to hear Valdus. One of my thoughts while designing was that it could also be used as a writer's prompt tool.

Maybe you could post to the unplugged section as I'm sure we all would enjoy reading your story.
I may throw up a scene that was heavily influenced by rpgsolo. But the writing right now is coming way too quick for that.
When I'm writing, solo play is for when I get stuck, not for when the writing is going well.

But, that being said, solo play works wonderfully when I need it.

It is back there like a sideline muse and allow me to simply muse. It is not a crutch by no means. But it works when you are stuck in the mud.

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