Science Fiction My first Solo RPG: Star Wars: The fall of Urweck Laar
As a fan of Star Wars, I decided to run a Star Wars game as my first solo RPG. When a probability isn't noted it is usually 50/50, or I forgot. Not edited for grammar & spelling.

Who am I?

Imaginative scavenger.

What am I good at?

Force - dark side.

Escape artist.

Where am I?


What is my goal?

Assassinate the official at the Alzoc III.

Who/what is trying to stop me?

Mercenary frigate.

What's the first thing I need to take care of?


My name is Urweck Laar (of the Utai). I have been living in the same underground cavern for about a standard year and a half, ever since my self employment as an escape artist on stage went bankrupt due to new health & safety regulations cancelling more than half of the performaces in my act. Since when did the Pauns care about the wellbeing of their Utai underlings? I have been scavenging to make a living ever since. Several standard months later whilst exploring a mountainous general scrapheap I found a Sith Holocron, an ancient relic that I of course did not know how to activate - but the whispers and hints I have managed to glean from it have tought me all I know about the Dark Side of the Force. I have learned an array of three force powers: I can grasp a being by his or her neck and choke or throw as I see fit; I can fly into a deadly state of mental rage, with a superficial calm bestowed by the Dark Side that guides my fist or weapon to it's mark and I can, though not without a great drain on my energy, produce a small burst of purple and blue lightning from my outstretched hand. I do not know whether these powers are common for a Dark Sider of my advancement, but they should serve my purpose: to kill the foolish official (Eistop Xing) that dared pass the H&S law that shut down my act. I have gathered that he now resides in an arctic retreat on the palnet of Azloc III, with a Mercenary frigate in orbit to ensure his safety. First things first, I need to get an old friend of mine in on this job...

Rich salesman.

Nemkred Sole, the rich Utai


-salesman, selling only the best hydrospanners, fusion cutters, Astro droid parts et cetera. His has considerable skill, of course in negotiation, but also


...mechanics as he often deals with special requests requiring his tools be customised for the specific buyer. I have barely contacted this man during my one and a half years of scavenging as I have been too proud to ask for even the slightest charity from him. Now I have a goal for revenge that may turn out quite profitable if we manage to steal enough from this semi-retired official, which requires only a small, one-time allocation of resources from him. So, firstly, as I haven't seen nor heard from him in several standard months, is he still on this planet?

No, but...

It turns out he moved to a relatively nearby planet in Wild Space: Mustafar. This is quite a hinderance to my plans, as I had been planning to travel with Nemkred, now I will have to steal a ship to get to Mustafar. I dress in an oil-stained blue flight suit and gather some useful scavenged belongings, my Holocron,

Expensive clothing.

Above average portable shelter.

Ion gun.

some expensive clothing that I have preserved for occasions such as this; my portable shelter that used to stand in my cavern and my ion gun that have so far used to blast intruding creatures in my cavern. I head for Pau City starport via a well trodden underground tunnel, on the way I stop at another sinkhole

Thermal detonator.

Note - oops cancel that


which contains a Utai slum, to get my bearings. It turns out I must pass through this hostile neighborhood to get to Pau City, it is night, and I may be mugged ... am I?


A gang of

5 = 3[d4]+2

five Utai approach me though the shadows, knives in hand - they will surely take my precious belongings if I do not resist - the tent I could probably live without, the gun maybe, the expensive clothing would be beneficial in trying to impress Nemkred, but the Holocron, the Holocron is my life! I shoot the lead mugger, a

Lie / Bureaucracy.

note-oops, ignore this one

Officially / Lonely.

Mechanically / Interesting.

n interesting fellow who seems to be ostracicised from the rest of the group - but there's no time to be playing favourites, do I hit?

No, but...

The shot scares the leader into a slow retreat into the safety of the gang - though he still lingers in the back in case he's needed. Another thug,

Irritatingly / Healthy.

Fortunately / Fresh.

who annoyingly seems strong and in good shape, steps forth though luckily he seems too young to have any real combat experience, does he sucessfully stab me with his knife? (SU)

No, but...

he sets me on a backpedal, backing me up into a corner, I strike with my ion gun...


and hit the thug squarely in the chest, which sends him reeling - two more of the thugs rush me - do they land a hit?

Yes, but...


Moderate Injury: Hampers action significantly; will require first aid/medical attention.

-ignore I didn't add modifier (+1)

Moderate Injury: Hampers action significantly; will require first aid/medical attention.

the fist mugger lands a cut on my shoulder, from which I start to bleed, but in doing so overbalances, causing the second to trip and fall - three are still standing and I attempt to blast these three in a single burst of lightning!

No, and...


Yes, and...

The rightmost thug is hit and left out for the count by the blast but the 'interesting' one is completely missed and the blast and the remaining thug rolls under the lightning and swings with his knife for my leg!

No, and...

but misses and gets caught in the blast of lighning,

Severe Injury: Incapacitating and may become Critical if untreated.

taking him out for the count as well, at this point the two that were knocke down get up, but it seems they will follow their cowardly friend in retreat...


I have won the fight, but my left shoulder needs treatment... TO BE CONTINUED...


I won't make it to Pau City with this level of bleeding - I need to seek first aid, do I find it in my immediate vicinity? (SU)


I grab some bandages and set off again for Pau City after spending the night in a makeshift medical centre in one of the larger hovels. I make for the rafters of a hangar bay of P-38 starfighters, who's on guard?

Horde of wamprats.

What? The P-38s' pilots have tethered some imported womp rats to their fighters to serve as guard dogs. About

6 = 4[d4]+2

six per fighter! It appears the tethers can be released by remote if an intruder is confirmed by security. I try rush past the vermin to a fighter...(U)

No, and...

...a swarm of the things bite me, growling and alerting security

Minor Injury: Largely superficial; painful and distracting, but not life threatening.

I try to get back, away from the snarling beasts...

No, but...

...I manage to scare them off a bit, long enough for me to climb atop the fighter - is the cockpit sealed?(VU)

No, and...

another Womp rat bites me!

Negligible: Nick/Scratch/Bruise.

but to little effect, however yet another one attacks from behind!


Critical Injury: Requires immediate attention; clearly life-threatening if not immediately deadly.

A hit to the neck! No... I can't die like this...

I wake up in an intensive care unit, I scold myself for not killing the rats from range using the silent power of the Force. A Paun doctor speaks at my bedside - I turn to look at him, not picking up what he says... It takes all my self-composure to stop myself from reacting when I see a Jedi standing behind him.

Snobby female merchant.

Cynical Ithorian bounty hunter.

female Ithorian

A long-hilted lightsaber hangs at the belt of this muscular, robed Ithorian, her emotions are unreadable as she asks whether I might have any illegal articles in my posession...

I tell her of my unliscenced Ion Gun - knowing full well that she means my Holoron. When she questions me about it, I try to deceive her into thinking I know nothing of the Dark Siede...



She doesn't believe my story that I thought the Holocron was merely a peice of abstract art. Her mistake is taking me to a cell for later questioning - I have a cchance to escape!(SU)


But alas, my abilities as an escap artist are of no use within the stone confines of my cell. I then try to overload the cell's electronic lock with lightning (U)


Hopefully no-one noticed that on camera...(U)


The Jedi comes before my cell and informs me that I will be immediately transferred to a rehabilitation centre. No! I shall not spend the rest of my days in a padded cell! I grab at the Jedi's neck with the force as soon as she unlocks my cell door!(U)

No, and...


No and the Jedi draws her lightsaber pike and holds the yellow blade to my throat - this day is not going well for me. I submit and allow the Jedi to lock me into a pair of force-dampening cuffs, but tense myself up, so that I can hopefully escape later, as I am brought past the edge of the sinkhole, with a great drop into the water below, I take a gamble, I take a running jump for the water far below, but the Jedi strikes out at me from behind...

No, and...

but misses and I manage to leap clear, plummeting through the air and plunging into the dirty water below (damage -4)

Negligible: Nick/Scratch/Bruise.

which is a shock, but little else. Now comes the real challenge, I swim for a rocky outcrop in the water, trying to slip free of my cuffs.

Yes, and...

I drop the cuffs into the water below, and manage to reach a shaded pool, with cover from blaster fire from above. As I flee into the caverns of Utapau, I hear the Jedi splash down into the water behind me...

Negligible: Nick/Scratch/Bruise.

does she see me?(U)

No, and...

She doesn't see me and I manage to put several cavernous rooms between her and myself.


I reach a plateau, set above the jagged rocks around it...

Pirate skiff.

A pirate Skiff is parked on the plateau- the perfect distraction for the Jedi - I just need to sneak past it's watchful owners...


Xenophobic Trandoshan master.

A Trandoshan spots me - I try to shoot him before he raises the alarm.(SU)

No, but...

I miss but manage to run halfway across the plateau in the time it takes for the first Trandoshan pirate to reach me. He slashes at me with his vibrosword...

No, but...

He misses, but I have to stop to evade his attack. I reach for my ion gun, but realise I never had it in the first place! No wonder I missed the lookout, what I had in my hand was the pair of cuffs that I was sure I had dropped! He slashes at me again...

Yes, and...

damage +2

Minor Injury: Largely superficial; painful and distracting, but not life threatening.

and at that moment, the Jedi appears through the same entrance I did, lightsaber drawn - do the pirates panic and attack her instead?

No, but...

No, but neither do they attack me - they make a show of being co-operative towards the Jedi until they realise they just let her quarry go! I run again into the caverns as I hear the skiff catching up to me, do I lose them before they find me?(SL)

No, but...

No, but the tunnel becomes too wide for the skiff and the Jedi leaves the pirates behind to pursue on foot.


I run into another sinkhole slum, this time in broad daylight. I run for a building that may be useful...


but it turns out just to be a cluster of impoverished homes, do I manage to evade the Jedi for another block (SL)

No, and...

I don't and the Jedi slashes at me with her lightsaber pike...


but misses. I use the force to attempt strangulation again...(U)


but fail. The Jedi pushes me with the force, with all the strength of a charging reek.


...but I evade the blast of air and run - do I escape for a little longer?


Floating city.

The next cavern is larger than any I have ever seen before. In the centre lies a floating city, like a miniature version of Bespin's Cloud City. To my side lies a row of Dactillions, tethered to the wall. I quickly mount one of these giant birds of prey, do I fall off? (SU)


I seise the reigns and fly for thee floating city with the Jedi in hot pursuit.

Mobile fortress.

Uh oh, no wonder i'd never seen this place before, the city is a mobile fortress! Do they shoot at me (or the Jedi)?


They train their guns on my mount and open fire,

Yes, and...


Critical Injury: Requires immediate attention; clearly life-threatening if not immediately deadly.

My mount is dead and I also take some damage from the blast (+0)

Negligible: Nick/Scratch/Bruise.

Can I angle my descent to land in or on the floating city (U)


I fall towards the bottom of the sinkhole and plunge into the water, the Jedi lands nearby. Can the fortress fire at me from here?(SU)

Yes, but...

It can, but doesn't as the Jedi would be in the line of fire. I then have a plan, can I get onto land before the Jedi reaches me through the water?(L)


I blast the water with my lightning - this dissipates the damage somewhat but prevents me from missing!

Negligible: Nick/Scratch/Bruise.

The Jedi is relatively unharmed however and delivers a swift kick to the face!

Yes, and...

Negligible: Nick/Scratch/Bruise.

The hit is glancing, but knocks me back over a precipice...

Moderate Injury: Hampers action significantly; will require first aid/medical attention.

...where I fall and cut a gash on my side. The Jedi follows and I use my Force-powered rage to ignore the pain and hinderance and fight on better, not worse, than before, if only for my next strike, a grappling attack in which I attempt to knock the Jedi down, away from me...(U)


but the Jedi pushes me away and demands surrender - but I can't do that, as the pain starts to return I reach into the depths of my despair to try and pull something from the Dark Side to stop this Jedi!(AI)


I am beaten. They take me to my padded cell and force dampening cuffs. I have no fight left in me, only hate.
An interesting character and a fun story :]

Palpatine: "Use your aggressive feelings, boy. Let the hate flow through you."

I'd like to see this one continue - perhaps another chapter could cover his escape? Or maybe a master of the dark side senses his talents and springs him from prison to make him an apprentice?
(01-27-2014, 12:51 PM)slaad11 Wrote: An interesting character and a fun story :]

Palpatine: "Use your aggressive feelings, boy. Let the hate flow through you."

I'd like to see this one continue - perhaps another chapter could cover his escape? Or maybe a master of the dark side senses his talents and springs him from prison to make him an apprentice?

A belated thanks for the comment; I have tried a sequel, but I need to cut the repetitive combat down to something more succinct before I make one worth posting.
(03-26-2014, 05:11 PM)Mypetdalek Wrote: A belated thanks for the comment; I have tried a sequel, but I need to cut the repetitive combat down to something more succinct before I make one worth posting.

My pleasure, and yeah I've had stories get bogged down in repetitive combat too. If it helps, I've found that adding a number to the field next to the Get Damage button, even if you're not using any sort of numerically quantifiable gaming system, helps resolve the combat faster. Here's some results from the play tool to illustrate...

Random damage with no bonus:
(13 = 13[d20]) Moderate Injury: Hampers action significantly; will require first aid/medical attention.
(9 = 9[d20]) Minor Injury: Largely superficial; painful and distracting, but not life threatening.
(4 = 4[d20]) Negligible: Nick/Scratch/Bruise.

Random damage with a +5 bonus:
(16 = 11[d20]+5) Severe Injury: Incapacitating and may become Critical if untreated.
(10 = 5[d20]+5) Minor Injury: Largely superficial; painful and distracting, but not life threatening.
(21 = 16[d20]+5) Killed.
Thanks for the advice! I'll definately be using more lethal damage modifiers from now on. Also, I've posted (or rather am about to post) a sequel to this RPG to 'Unplugged' in the form of a short story, entitled: "The Fate of Urweck Laar".

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