03-18-2015, 11:28 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-19-2015, 12:35 AM by whocaresgaming.)
Hey, I just tried out RPG Solo for the first time today, and thought it was really a cool idea. I had fun, but didn't really know what to do since I have never done any role playing at all up until this point. I went in without any ideas, and just rolled with what happened at first. Eventually, the story started having a neat supernatural-type feeling to it so I committed to the direction. Let me know what you think!
Hidden fortress.
Insecure healer.
Am I injured?
Yes, and...
I have abrasions and cuts all over my body, and severe blood loss. The healer is failing to help me.
Are we prisoners?
is the healer injured?
I ask the healer what is going on, does he know?
The healer says that I was found in the woods near the fortress, and was brought in for healing. I ask if anyone was with me.
I cant remember what I was doing, but i doubt i would have been taveling alone in a strange region. Did I have any possessions?
Worn-out bucket.
Very high quality phosphorescent lantern.
I must have been looking for something. I ask the healer if he knows what it might have been.
The healer continues to struggle with tending to my wounds, is there any progress?
I continue to bleed, and pass out. I wake up, unsure of how much time has passed. Is the healer still there?
No, and...
The healer stole my lantern. the bucket is just out of reach. Can I move?
No, but...
The pain has gone down, and the bleeding has seemed to stop. The healer must have figured it out. Is there anything else of interest in the room?
Gas mask.
Why would that be there? I try to remember, can I think of anything?
Deliver supplies to the abandoned hotel.
Yes, I was trying to collect something in the forest to help someone. What was it?
Heal / Status quo.
Yes! the healing properties of the plants, I remember now, but who was it for? It doesn't matter right now, I have to save myself. I try again to move, does it work?
I roll over, and slowly manage to sit myself up. looking around the room, I am able to better assess my situation there is a window and a door in the room. Standing up, I collect the bucket and he gas mask. I check the window, do I see anything of interest?
No, and...
The window is completely obstructed, and as I try to peer out, I slip and fall, breaking open a wound on my chest. It is bleeding. I get up and walk over to the door, and try to open it. Does it open?
Yes, and...
I find my self in a room containing several boxes, as well as a few loose medical supplies. Presumable the healers. I find bandages, and using a few I try to dress my bleeding wound. Does the bleeding stop?
I place the remaining bandages in the bucket along with some pain medication and a mysterious syringe of liquid. I check the boxes, is there any thing inside?
Yes, and...
There is a stack of papers and books inside, one of which is a small medical text. There also a..
I take both the text and the hand mirror and place them in the bucket. Looking around, I see an open door leading into a hallway, with two doorways. Is anything else there?
Yes, but...
There is a noise coming from the left door, it is loud and threatening. I quickly take the right door. I it locked?
Looking inside I see a kitchen, with no one inside. I search the cabinets for food, do I find any?
There is a bottle of wine and some dried meat. Not feeling hungry at the moment, I wrap the meat in a nearby cloth and tie it to the bucket handle. The bucket is too full to hold much else. Peering back out into the hall, I assess the other room. IS it quiet?
No, and...
The door has been opened. I don't see anyone, but the strange noises are much more audible now. I look down the hallway to the room I woke in, is there anyone there?
Yes, and...
As they approach me, I recognize the healer from before. He joins me in the kitchen and closes the door. Does he have my lantern?
I ask him what is going on, does he respond?
No, but...
He seems pleased to see that I am back on my feet. I ask him why he stole my lantern. Does he respond?
His lack of speech is unnerving, especially since I have no idea what is going on at this point. I reach for the lantern, does he give it to me?
He quickly pulls his hand away, at the same time taking a step back. He seems threatened, but does not attack. Instead he points at my bucket of supplies. Is he upset?
He seems to be pointing at something in particular: The medical book. I hand it to him and he begins searching frantically. He stops at a page in the middle of the book. Turing the page toward me, I see a wall of text accompanied by a small diagram. Do I recognize the image?
Its the plant I was looking for! The healer closes the book, and still not speaking, wave the unlit lantern around. HE must have been looking for it. I ask him to verify. Does he confirm it?
Yes, but...
The healer finally speaks, confirming my suspicions in a hushed voice. At that moment, the noise abruptly stops. With panic in his eyes, the healer spins toward the door. He points the lantern, still unlit, at the door. Does anything happen?
There is a scratching noise in the hallway, it appears to be headed towards the room at the end of the hall where I woke up. I look at the healer for answers, but he is frozen in fear. Deciding that it is a bad idea to say put, I look into the hall to verify that it is clear, and gesture for the healer to follow me to the room directly across from us. Does he follow?
The healer is still frozen in place, and refuses to budge. hearing a noise down the hall, I commit to checking the opposite room. Looking for the source of the noise, I look around as I quickly walk toward another doorway at the other end of the room. Do I notice anything noteworthy?
Yes, but...
There is a foul smell, like something burning, but something else too.. I can't place it, but I don't have time to wait around. walking through the door, I find myself outside. It is nighttime, but is there any moonlight?
Yes, but...
the moon illuminated the area immediately around the building, but the nearby forest is very dense, and very dark. I need the lantern. I make my way to the side of the building, under the window I tried to look through earlier. I see that the window is boarded up, and I listen for any sounds. Do I hear anything?
The night is quiet, and I don't have any idea what may have been in the building before. I wonder about the healer. Is he alright? I sit to think of my options for a minute. Does anything happen while I wait?
Realizing that I have to make a move, I look around at the back of the building for another way in, do I see anything?
There is a wood pile at the back of the building, and I think I may be able to use it to climb to the top of the building. After doing so, I see that there is a chimney in the roof. That must connect to the wooden stove in the kitchen. Looking around I see a few acorns on the roof. I drop one in, is there a response?
No, but...
The healer doesn't respond, but I see faint movement at the bottom of the shaft. I throw another acorn in and hear a muffled gasp. The lantern then illuminates the chimney. Does the healer see me?
The healer looks up, and seems relieved to see me. I ask if he is ok. He holds up his hand, telling me o be quiet, and nervously points towards the door. No one has left the building besides me, so I assume that whatever has been making the horrible noises is still inside somewhere. I grab an acorn, and hoping to create a diversion, throw it deep into the woods behind the wood pile. Does it work?
Yes, and...
The acorn strikes a tree, and startles a nearby animal of some sort, who runs deeper into the woods, snapping twigs and rustling leaves. I hear the front door open, and the footsteps of someone waling to the rear of the building to investigate. Looking down the chimney, I see the healer. The mysterious figure has taken the bait. He stares into the woods for a moment, and then follows the sound. After waiting for a moment, I make my way to the front of the building and attempt to lower myself down in front of the door. Does it work?
No, but...
I slip and fall and the bucket of stuff spills onto the ground, ruining my stealth, but I am not injured. I have to act quickly, because if that thing can hear random noises in the woods, then it most likely heard me too. Heading back into the building, I can hear the healer in the hallway. He must have realized what is going on. As I approach the far door, he opens it and enters the room with me, still carrying the lantern, which is now dim once more. Gesturing for him to follow, I turn around and head back toward the front door. Is there anything there?
The smell seems to have disappeared, and there is nothing else of interest in the room, which makes me wonder even more. Oh well, it doesn't really matter, we just have to get out of here. As we exit the building the healer gestures to something in the woods in front of the building. I strain my eyes to see. Is it visible?
No, and...
I can't make out what he is pointing at, but I hear footsteps and leaves approaching the building from the rear. We have to go. We quickly make out way toward the trees trying to be as quiet as we can, hoping to escape the mysterious figure. Do we succeed?
We make it to the woods, and upon arrival, I see that there is a small river snaking through the trees near where the healer was pointing. Without hesitation, he wades across, indicating that I should follow. Once across, he seems relieved. Looking back at the building, there is no one in sight. The healer illuminates the woods with the lantern, and we walk for several minutes without speaking. Finally, I ask once again what is going on. Does the healer respond?
No, and...
The healer looks at me, and seemingly upset that I would continue to ask him, grabs the bundle of food and begins wolfing it down. I am annoyed, but I guess it was his food to begin with, so I don't complain. At least I assume that he lived there.. I quietly move the bucket to my other hand to get it further out of his reach. After several more minutes, the adrenaline starts to die down, and the pain from my injuries become noticeable again. I wince and kneel down, trying to gain my strength once again. I start to feel lightheaded and fall to one side. The healer noticing this, stops and seems to soften a little. He grabs a nearby branch, and looking over his shoulder, breaks it off and hands it to me. A makeshift walking stick. I take it, but don't feel like standing up yet. The healer takes my bucket from me and walks away with it, dumping it contents in a pile next to me. Did he take anything else?
No, everything else is still there. Why does he want the bucket? I lie there, eventually falling asleep. Is the healer there when I wake?
I wake to cloudy morning sky. The healer is back, sitting next to a fire. He doesn't seem as worried. The bucket is next to me, and is partially filled with water. The rest of the items are piled nearby. I sit up and look around the forest. Anything nearby?
I see that there is a pile of bloody bandages and ragged clothes next to the fire. I recognize those, they are mine. The healer grabs a handful and throws it into the blaze. I start to protest but then I look down and realize that I am wearing a new set of clothes. Lifting my shirt I can see that the bandages have been changed. He took care of my wounds again. I reach over and begin to drink some of the water from the bucket. As I do i look over my possessions once again, or rather, the healers possessions. Seeing the pain medication, I take some, hoping for some relief. I also notice that the syringe of liquid is now empty. What could that mean. I ask the healer, and he states that it was an antibiotic, and he administered it in my chest wound, which seemed to me infected. I asked once again if there was anything that he could tell me.
The healer then stated that he didn't know much, but that the area had been recently affected by some sort of plague that had been killing people in a nearby town. He said that the disease was very mysterious and he had never studied anything like it before, but it seemed to only affect the people living near this forest. He then mentioned that the plant he pointed out in the book was a potential treatment for the condition. The success rate was low, but there have been a few who were able to overcome the sickness after ingesting large quantities of the plant. It was normally used to treat pain, and there were several who kept eating it to simply make it through the day, but it ended up proving somewhat effective at treating the disease itself. THAT'S IT! that is what i was trying to find when I was in the woods. I was starting to remember more. My cousin was sick, and I needed to save him.
but what about that person from before? the one who was chasing us?
The healer says that shortly after the reports of the sickness, rumors of a strange creature began circulating. The stories said that the creature would seek out those who were affected by the sickness. at first, it was just speculation, but then people started disappearing. Now, it's clear that there really is something out there. I asked if there was something that we can do.
The healer sighed, and said that there isn't much that we could do besides try to stay healthy and alive.
I need to find out what happened in town after I left, and try to save my cousin. Can we find the plant and head back to save him?
The plant seems to have been used to the point of extinction in this forest due the spread of the sickness.
I guess that explains why I was having such a hard time finding it before, my bucket was empty..
Well, we should at least head back to town and see what we can find. I ask the healer to join me
He agrees and we gather our things. I place the book, the empty syringe and the bottle of wine in the bucket. I look at the gas mask, and decide that it has an unsettling and creepy look to it.
Well, we are being hunted by something fearsome, it might do me some good to look fearsome myself. I put it on and bend down to grab the walking stick. Immediately I realize how hard it is to breathe with the mask on, and take it back off. The healer laughs at me and take a deep breath. I am slightly embarrassed, and put the mask in the bucket. I clear my throat and then ask if he knows how to get to the village from here.
He points south, and we start our journey, walking alongside the path of the river for a while. We don't really talk much throughout the day, and as the sun sets, we look for a place to set up camp. Is there any location nearby?
We spot a cave on top of a rocky hillside a ways off, and we make our way there. As the sun starts to set, the healer is getting visibly more nervous. I assume that he fears the creature; it must come out at night. I ask him if he knows any more about it.
He says that he really doesn't know much about the creature, and the few stories that he has heard seem wildly different and unreliable. I ask if the creature will come to find us now that it is night. He says that he doesn't know, but if there was a time to be afraid, then it is certainly at night. All of the worst things happen at night he says. He is just guessing, but the thought it indeed unsettling. As we arrive at the cave I ask if the river will help keep us safe, as the healer seemed to be relieved when we were crossing it before.
He just shook his head and said that he didn't know, but that there may be a chance that it would help us elude the creature. We don't know how it tracks its victims, but it will help break our trail. He may not even like water, the healer said hopefully.
I just felt worse, knowing that he knew no more than I did. I looked around the cave, hoping to find something of use.
There was some sort of backpack against the wall, and the remains of a small fire nearby. There was also a large object wrapped in cloth on near the opposite wall. There must be someone here.
Wise lord.
As if on cue, a man walks into the cave, challenging us. Who are you?
I state that we mean no harm, and that we simply were looking for a place to spend the night. Does he believe me?
He seems satisfied with what I said, and welcomes us to sit down as he starts a new fire. Looking us over, he recognizes the healer. He says that he was actually on his way to the healer, when his companion passed. I look over his shoulder at the decidedly human-sized bundle from before, and he watches me. I quickly apologize, and to change the subject offer the bottle of wine from the bucket. Does he accept?
He says that he doesn't drink, and I put the bottle back. From here, I don't know what to do so I try to strike up conversation. Who is this man? We all begin talking and soon we learn that he was the mayor of another town nearby, which was also struck by the strange affliction. After population was reduced to a handful of those who weren't diseased, they began heading for the town I was from, hoping to find refuge and hopefully, a town full of survivors. One-by-one the remaining party died off, either at the hands of the sickness or the elements. Finally there were only two left, and they abandoned hope of reaching the other town. Then one morning he awoke to find his companion gravely injured, and he set off to find the healer who supposedly lived nearby. He clearly didn't make it in time.
Its almost cruel that I would find you now, he said, looking at the healer. His gaze shifted, and I noticed that he was looking at the wine bottle I offered him before. He didn't ask me for it.
Then, looking at me he said that I seemed injured. Yes, I said raising my shirt. The bandages were crusted with blood. The man stared intently for a moment before remarking that my injuries are almost identical to those of his companion.
The healer seemed nervous, and asked if he knew anything about what had happened.
He said that there had been rumors of a strange creature attacking people in his town around the same time that the sickness broke out, and that there were a few others with similar injuries found one morning before they left town. This thing, whatever it was, did it.
The healer stiffened, and I felt a new-found sense of dread welling up inside of me. I assumed as much, but it was different hearing about so many horrible attacks and deaths at the hand of the creature. As if the sickness wasn't enough.
The healer and I told the man our story, and explained that we were on our way back to my town. We offered him the chance to join us. Does he accept?
The man refused, stating that he had no reason to go there anymore. He was the last survivor of his own town, and based on what we told him, our town wasn't in any better of a position.
I looked once again at the form on the other side of the cave. I hope this guy is wrong.
We asked him if he knew anything else about the creature that might help us out.
Yes, but...
The man stated that the attacks all appeared to happen at night, with the victims found in the morning. It seemed that the creature was only active at night, and that for some reason, the creature never killed the victims outright. They all seemed to bleed out overnight, after the attack itself. The creature didn't seem to be hunting for food either, as there were no signs that they creature ate its victims, and all of the bodies were accounted for. They were all just left behind.
He suggested that we travel during the day, and that we find good hiding spots at night. Not especially helpful, but at least it confirmed what the healer suspected. We thanked him, and then we all went to sleep.
We woke up in the morning, was the man still there?
The man had gone, and the back back had disappeared. Over in the corner by the wrapped figure was a note. It simply said:
Please burn before leaving. Good Luck.
We left the cave and honored his wishes before departing. As we gathered our things I took inventory. Was anyting missing?
The bottle of wine was gone. That's fine, being drunk wont help us anyways. Is there anything else of note?
Yes, but...
The empty syringe is now filled again. The liquid is of a different color than before, so it isn't the antibiotics. I asked the healer if he could identify it.
He looked it over and shrugged. He didn't know. We left the cave and continued on on our way. If we were lucky we would reach the town before nightfall. Did we?
As the sun began to set behind the trees, we both began to panic. The town was still at least a mile away! My injuries must have slowed us down too much; the walking stick is helpful but it doesn't magically make me walk normally. We pick up the pace, practically running. There is nowhere to hide; we have to find shelter in town before that thing find us. Does the creature appear?
No, but...
As we make it into town, the creature is nowhere in sight, but the loud sounds we have been making have probably alerted it to our presence if it is nearby. That is, if it didn't already know. We approach the closest house, my neighbor's place, and check the door. Is it locked?
We quickly rush inside and secure the door. After catching my breath, I look around. Is there anything of use?
Yes, but...
There is a row of sleeping mats in the center of the room. Next to several of them are a few tools and blunt objects. Makeshift weapons. They aren't much, but someone was trying to defend themselves, so why are the weapons untouched. Looking to the far corner of the room, I see an arrangement of bodies. I recognized them as a number of people from my town; all different families. They had injuries identical to my own and to those described by the man in the cave. My heart sank as I thought to my cousin, who was the last bit of family I hadn't lost to the sickness. I realized the odds of him still being alive were very low.
I looked around the room, is there anything else of importance?
The pile of bodies seemed to stir, and I could hear a slight scraping against the wooden floor. I looked to the healer in panic, and he reached down and grabbed a pitchfork that was sitting next to a bedroll. Like the rest of the weapons, it was un-bloodied. Looking down, I found a short length of metal bar. I wasn't sure what it was from, but it would have to do. We slowly approached the pile, weapons raised and preparing for the worst. Does anything emerge?
We see a hand raise out of the gruesome mass, followed by another. They seemed human. The healer asked if anyone was down there.
Of course there is, I thought, the hands are connected to someone. We hear coughing, and the hands begin waving slightly. We approach and after deciding that whoever is under there is not a threat we remove the body on the top of the pile to reveal an old woman.
I recognize her, I never knew her name, but I would see here in the streets occasionally.
The healer asked her if she is ok.
She gave him a look, as if to ask how she could possibly be ok, but when she finally spoke she said yes. She was covered in blood, but surprisingly didn't seem to have any major injuries.
What is going on, why was she in the pile of bodies?
Sensing my thoughts, she explained herself. Apparently, when the attacks started happening her husband was one of the first victims to die to the creature. Living alone was dangerous, and like many other who lost family to the sickness, and later the mysterious creature, she moved into this house. It eventually became the last stand for the handful of survivors who remained in town. She explained that they would look for the plant during the day, and hole up in this house at night, hoping to remain hidden.
One night, she started feeling sick, and it was assumed to be the sickness. In a desperate attempt to quarantine her from the others, they put her in the attic of the house. In the morning she woke up, and was relieved to find out that it had been a false alarm; she didn't have the sickness. Her relief was short lived when she returned to the lower level to find everyone dead on their bedrolls, weapons untouched. Being to old to defend herself, she figured that the best way to survive is to hide, so she piled up the bodies and slept underneath every night, hoping that the smell would keep her hidden.
I looked at the bodies and felt horribly sick. How could she stand to do that? Couldn't everyone just have stayed in the attic?
She sighed and said that nobody ad even thought of the attic until she got sick, and then they used it to separate her. After that it was too late. Now, she couldn't because she is unable to climb back up on her own. The bodies were her last resort. It only bothered her for 3 nights. She said that it is horrifying how quickly the mind can adapt to these kinds of situations if they had to.
The healer asked her if the creature had ever come back
Yes, and...
The woman looked grim and confirmed that the creature had come back quite often, and was in town nearly every other night or so. She said that it had been four nights since the creature had been back, and that it was probably stalking victims elsewhere. The healer and I exchanged looks, and the woman noticed. My guess is that it will be here tonight then, she said, and started heading back over toward the bodies in the corner.
I looked back towards the door, trying to hear any sign of movement. Do I hear anything?
I hear the sound of a door closing across the street. The woman whispers that there isn't anyone else left in the town. My heart starts pounding, and the healer is silent. I ask the woman if we can get into the attic.
Yes, but...
She says that we can, but that we have to leave first thing in the morning, and never return. Apparently it was our fault that the monster came back again. We help her up into the attic, and then follow. Staying as quit as we can, we attempt to wai the night out. Do we stay hidden?
Yes, but...
We make it through the night, but from the sounds heard outside, it is clear that the creature was searching for us for the remainder of the night. We could hear the sounds of doors slamming and glass breaking all over town, and at one point, the door of this house opened for a few minutes. The creature knows we are here and it will surely be back each night until it finds us.
We waited until the sun was up several hours before mustering our courage and leaving the attic. Once we were back on the main level, we prepared to leave. As we were gathering our things, the woman said that we could keep the weapons we were using before if we wanted, as they were no use to her.
I grabbed the metal bar and the bucket, and as I did so the woman asked me if I would let her keep the gas mask. I said sure, as I couldn't think of a use for it, but that she should be careful; it is difficult to breath in that thing. She sighed and said that she hoped so, before putting it on and walking back towards the pile of bodies. I don't think she has adjusted as well as she claims.
I turn to the healer and ask if he had any ideas on where we should go.
Yes, and...
He said that we should check for my cousin in town today, and then head back towards his home in the woods. He claims that he might have an idea on how to deal with the creature if we can make it back and resupply. Apparently if we can make it to his old teacher's place a few weeks away, then we can find a way to end the sickness for good. Presumably the creature would vanish with it. I am skeptical, but apparently this teacher of his is prodigious when it comes to healing matters, especially the supernatural. I ask how we will be able to survive such a long journey, and with a slight grin, the healer suggests that we construct a small raft and ride the river north until we reach our destination.
Well, that would certainly be a lot safer, not to mention faster, than traveling by foot. This might actually work. We just have to survive the next few days until we are ready to set sail. But first, my cousin.
We walked next door to my old house to see if there was anyone left inside. Is there?
Unfortunately, the woman's story seemed true. There was no-one left in the town. I looked around hoping to find any clues or useful items.
No, but...
There was no sign of my cousin, nor were there any items of use in the destroyed house. At least we didn't find my cousin's body; he may have escaped.
We leave the house and scour the town for any other leads. Do we find anything?
A body is facedown behind a shed. I roll it over and can't recognize the victim. There were no injuries, so we assume that he was killed by the sickness. He is wearing a backpack. Inside we find a knife and some spoiled food.
The backpack is in good condition and will allow me to use both my walking stick and a weapon, so I transfer all of my possessions from the bucket to the backpack. The bucket could still be useful, so I suggest that the healer hold on to it. He agrees and placed the lantern inside. He will never give that thing back to me.
My wounds are starting to heal, so I think that I will be able to manage a faster travel speed at this point. I take more of the pain medication to up my odds.
We head out of town, and toward the caves. Do we make it before nightfall?
Somehow we manage to make it to the cave before the sun sets. The painkiller might have saved me. We have the relative safety of the cave, but it is still unlikely that we will make it through the night. At least the high ground and rocky terrain will give us some advance notice if the creature returns.
We decide on shifts, do I get first watch?
The healer takes first shift and I try to sleep. Do we make it to second shift unharmed?
Something stirs me awake. I sit up and panic, expecting the worst. The creature is nowhere in sight, so I hope that it was just an animal or something. I look over to the healer to see if he has heard anything, but he has fallen asleep at his post. I get up, pulling out the knife and walk over to wake him up. As I grab his shoulder and shake him, his head hits the cave floor. Something isn't right. I feel something on my hand and realize in horror that he is soaked in blood. The creature had slain him.
I frantically look around, grabbing my backpack and the bucket with the lantern and press my back against the inner wall of the cave. Does the creature show up?
All is quiet, I don't know where the creature is, but i'm still sure that it is around somewhere. after waiting for what seems to be an hour I sit down against the wall. I try to fight sleep for as long as I can, but i drift in and out of sleep all night. My mind is playing tricks on me. I keep hearing things, and at one point I swear I saw a shadowy figure in the mouth of the cave. Later, it is gone. Eventually I pass out.
Do I sleep through the rest of the night?
Yes, and...
I woke up to see the sun streaming into the cave. Somehow I managed to survive the night. I quickly gathered my things and prepared to continue towards the healer's house. His plan still might work after all.
The healer. I looked over to see his lifeless body near the entrance of the cave. In a moment I had forgotten his fate. I burned the body before leaving.
I took the rest of the pain medication, and set off at a rapid pace back towards the healer's house. Somehow I made it there several hours before the sun set, and even had time to begin collecting wood for the raft. If I could make it another night, I would build it tomorrow and set sail north as soon as possible. The healer had said that the trip would take a few weeks on foot, but in a raft the trip should be much shorter. I might even be able to travel at night if I can move fast enough.
I built a small ladder and climbed up onto the roof of the building for the night. It had saved me once before. I pulled the ladder up behind me and settled down for the night.
Do I sleep through the night?
No, and...
I woke up to a throbbing pain in my chest. I looked down to see that my chest was bleeding profusely, and the pain was back. As I try to sit up, I realize that I can't move. sudden motion in the corner of my eye makes me panic. I look and see a figure leaning over me. After a few seconds, I recognize the healers face.
What is going on? You died! I can't speak.
he has a look of confusion and concern on his face, and is struggling to stop the bleeding. I look around the room at the brick walls trying to figure out what is going on.
Brick walls? I am inside a building? As my mind races to process what is going on, I realize that I am once again in the room that I awoke in days ago.
I black out.
I open my eyes to see the empty room once more. I sit up, panicking, only to realize that I am not injured at all. The healer is nowhere to be I look around, and find my backpack. Looking inside I can see that everything is still inside, and my walking stick sits nearby. The bucket and lantern are gone. I stand up, and head towards the door. Is it locked?
No, and...
The door swings open to reveal an empty hallway. There seems to be no one at home. Aimlessly, I head to the kitchen. I walked in and sat down, looking around I could see that there was some food in the cabinets. Wine and dried meat. What?
I stared at them for a while before deciding to indulge. I was wrong before. Being dunk will be extremely helpful right now. I sat down, and decided to light a fire in the wood-burning stove.. I'm not sure why.
Eventually I fall asleep once more, empty bottle next to my feet. Do I sleep through the night?
I wake up to find the sun shining through the window, and the embers of a dying fire in the stove. I have a splitting headache, and my back hurts from slumping in a chair all night. I look around, is everything normal?
No, and...
There is something very wrong, but I can put my finger on it. I stand up, knocking over the bottle of wine. Luckily, it didn't break, otherwise that would have been a mess.
A mess? Yes. The bottle was full. I was confused once more. Why do I have this awful headache? Why is all of this happening? I head outside to try finishing the raft, because I really need to get out of here. To my surprise, the pile of wood I had gathered was gone. In that moment, I lost hope of escaping the creature.
It is settled then, I have to face this beast and attempt to slay it. I cant outrun it forever, and my last hope of escaping was dashed. I began going over my supplies. Everything was there including the bucket, the lantern, and the gas mask. I took the rest of the pain medication and prepared myself. I remembered using all of the pain medication before, but I wasn't going to complain that it was back.
The day seemed to fly by. It was night in a matter of minutes. I waited on the roof of the building.
A few hours later I noticed strange noises circling the forest around the house. They went off and on for several hours, but I wasn't sure if they were the creature, or if they were even real. I saw a shadowy figure appear at the edge of the woods 8 times over the course of the night.
Do I make it through the night?
I wake to the sound of someone screaming in pain. It sounded strange, as though they were underwater or something, but it slowly became clearer. I realized that the voice was my own. It wasn't coming from me, but it was my voice. It is very weird to hear what your own voice sounds like.
My vision went dark, and I could feel sudden, sharp pain in my chest once more. The screaming intensified, but this time it was coming from my mouth.
My vision returns, and I see a shadowy figure looming over me. It's here!
I struggle against the creatures grasp, can I wrestle free?
The creature is mush to strong for me. I look around and see that my bucket it nearly within reach. I attempt to grab it, am I successful?
My hand flails uselessly, mere inches away from the bucket. I remember that I am still wearing my back pack. I twist my arms around wildly, trying to get access to its contents. Am I successful?
Yes, but...
I manage to grasp the top of the bag and pull, but the side rips open, spilling the contents across the roof. As the creature's claws continue to dig into me, I feel around, trying to find anything that can help me. Am I successful?
feel a small hard object. I grip it and realize that it is the knife. I attempt to stab the creature.
Minor Injury: Largely superficial; painful and distracting, but not life threatening.
The creature pulls back allowing me to roll to one side. I crawl on my hands and knees toward the pile of spilled objects, the blood flowing freely at this point.
I have to think quickly, and come up with a solution. The only real weapon I have appears useless. I look at the syringe filled with an unknown liquid. I don't know what it will due, but will try. Who knows, if it is some sort of treatment for the sickness, then maybe it will destroy the creature. The two are linked in some way.
I grasp the syringe, just as i a strong grip on my body. Whipping around, I attempt to inject the creature. Do i connect?
Yes, and...
The creature seems startled by the action and lets go momentarily. I inject the fluid into the chest of the creature. Does it have any effect?
The creature seems unconcerned with the injection, and grasps me once more. I slam back down onto the rooftop and black out.
Moments later, I wake up in the cave. The healers body is once again laying near its mouth and is soaked in blood. I look out and see a shadowy figure on the horizon. The darkness returns.
I wake up on the rooftop, on my back, knife in hand. I stab at the creature, as its claws dig into my chest. There is still no effect, but the creature backs off once again. I look at the objects strewn across the rooftop. There is still no clear weapon. I need a solution! This is a hopeless battle, and one that I am not even sure I am actually fighting.
The screaming returns. I begin to question my own sanity, wondering if I am still hallucinating. I need to do something. I once again grab the syringe, hoping that maybe if I tried a different spot it would actually work. I spin around and aim for the the creature's neck. Do I connect?
The creature quickly dodges the blow, and presses his claws deeper into my chest. The pain is excruciating, and I struggle to overcome the creature's strength. What do I do? I close my eyes.
This would be a good time to be drunk.
I don't drink.
He looks at the bottle of wine at my feet. He doesn't ask for it.
I don't drink.
The bottle is gone. That's fine.
I open my eyes, knowing what to do. I quickly twist the syringe around, and jam it into my own neck and inject the liquid. Is there an effect?
I begin to feel better instantly. The pain melts away and my mind begins to calm. I can think clearly, but every thing sounds weird, as if the sounds were coming from underwater.
The creature looks at me, and lets go.
He looks at me as though he is confused. I don't care. Everything is much better now.
Everything begins to darken, and I accept my fate. I close my eyes and relax. A minute later I open them again.
I see a mirror in the distance, surrounded by nothingness. I forgot about that thing. Someone must have taken it, but why?
I see my cousin in the mirrors reflection. I blink, and then the creature is in the mirror instead. I blink once more, and see myself looking out at me.
I close my eyes and decide not to look any more, and all feeling leaves my body. I wash my hands of all of this.
I am free.

Hidden fortress.
Insecure healer.
Am I injured?
Yes, and...
I have abrasions and cuts all over my body, and severe blood loss. The healer is failing to help me.
Are we prisoners?
is the healer injured?
I ask the healer what is going on, does he know?
The healer says that I was found in the woods near the fortress, and was brought in for healing. I ask if anyone was with me.
I cant remember what I was doing, but i doubt i would have been taveling alone in a strange region. Did I have any possessions?
Worn-out bucket.
Very high quality phosphorescent lantern.
I must have been looking for something. I ask the healer if he knows what it might have been.
The healer continues to struggle with tending to my wounds, is there any progress?
I continue to bleed, and pass out. I wake up, unsure of how much time has passed. Is the healer still there?
No, and...
The healer stole my lantern. the bucket is just out of reach. Can I move?
No, but...
The pain has gone down, and the bleeding has seemed to stop. The healer must have figured it out. Is there anything else of interest in the room?
Gas mask.
Why would that be there? I try to remember, can I think of anything?
Deliver supplies to the abandoned hotel.
Yes, I was trying to collect something in the forest to help someone. What was it?
Heal / Status quo.
Yes! the healing properties of the plants, I remember now, but who was it for? It doesn't matter right now, I have to save myself. I try again to move, does it work?
I roll over, and slowly manage to sit myself up. looking around the room, I am able to better assess my situation there is a window and a door in the room. Standing up, I collect the bucket and he gas mask. I check the window, do I see anything of interest?
No, and...
The window is completely obstructed, and as I try to peer out, I slip and fall, breaking open a wound on my chest. It is bleeding. I get up and walk over to the door, and try to open it. Does it open?
Yes, and...
I find my self in a room containing several boxes, as well as a few loose medical supplies. Presumable the healers. I find bandages, and using a few I try to dress my bleeding wound. Does the bleeding stop?
I place the remaining bandages in the bucket along with some pain medication and a mysterious syringe of liquid. I check the boxes, is there any thing inside?
Yes, and...
There is a stack of papers and books inside, one of which is a small medical text. There also a..
I take both the text and the hand mirror and place them in the bucket. Looking around, I see an open door leading into a hallway, with two doorways. Is anything else there?
Yes, but...
There is a noise coming from the left door, it is loud and threatening. I quickly take the right door. I it locked?
Looking inside I see a kitchen, with no one inside. I search the cabinets for food, do I find any?
There is a bottle of wine and some dried meat. Not feeling hungry at the moment, I wrap the meat in a nearby cloth and tie it to the bucket handle. The bucket is too full to hold much else. Peering back out into the hall, I assess the other room. IS it quiet?
No, and...
The door has been opened. I don't see anyone, but the strange noises are much more audible now. I look down the hallway to the room I woke in, is there anyone there?
Yes, and...
As they approach me, I recognize the healer from before. He joins me in the kitchen and closes the door. Does he have my lantern?
I ask him what is going on, does he respond?
No, but...
He seems pleased to see that I am back on my feet. I ask him why he stole my lantern. Does he respond?
His lack of speech is unnerving, especially since I have no idea what is going on at this point. I reach for the lantern, does he give it to me?
He quickly pulls his hand away, at the same time taking a step back. He seems threatened, but does not attack. Instead he points at my bucket of supplies. Is he upset?
He seems to be pointing at something in particular: The medical book. I hand it to him and he begins searching frantically. He stops at a page in the middle of the book. Turing the page toward me, I see a wall of text accompanied by a small diagram. Do I recognize the image?
Its the plant I was looking for! The healer closes the book, and still not speaking, wave the unlit lantern around. HE must have been looking for it. I ask him to verify. Does he confirm it?
Yes, but...
The healer finally speaks, confirming my suspicions in a hushed voice. At that moment, the noise abruptly stops. With panic in his eyes, the healer spins toward the door. He points the lantern, still unlit, at the door. Does anything happen?
There is a scratching noise in the hallway, it appears to be headed towards the room at the end of the hall where I woke up. I look at the healer for answers, but he is frozen in fear. Deciding that it is a bad idea to say put, I look into the hall to verify that it is clear, and gesture for the healer to follow me to the room directly across from us. Does he follow?
The healer is still frozen in place, and refuses to budge. hearing a noise down the hall, I commit to checking the opposite room. Looking for the source of the noise, I look around as I quickly walk toward another doorway at the other end of the room. Do I notice anything noteworthy?
Yes, but...
There is a foul smell, like something burning, but something else too.. I can't place it, but I don't have time to wait around. walking through the door, I find myself outside. It is nighttime, but is there any moonlight?
Yes, but...
the moon illuminated the area immediately around the building, but the nearby forest is very dense, and very dark. I need the lantern. I make my way to the side of the building, under the window I tried to look through earlier. I see that the window is boarded up, and I listen for any sounds. Do I hear anything?
The night is quiet, and I don't have any idea what may have been in the building before. I wonder about the healer. Is he alright? I sit to think of my options for a minute. Does anything happen while I wait?
Realizing that I have to make a move, I look around at the back of the building for another way in, do I see anything?
There is a wood pile at the back of the building, and I think I may be able to use it to climb to the top of the building. After doing so, I see that there is a chimney in the roof. That must connect to the wooden stove in the kitchen. Looking around I see a few acorns on the roof. I drop one in, is there a response?
No, but...
The healer doesn't respond, but I see faint movement at the bottom of the shaft. I throw another acorn in and hear a muffled gasp. The lantern then illuminates the chimney. Does the healer see me?
The healer looks up, and seems relieved to see me. I ask if he is ok. He holds up his hand, telling me o be quiet, and nervously points towards the door. No one has left the building besides me, so I assume that whatever has been making the horrible noises is still inside somewhere. I grab an acorn, and hoping to create a diversion, throw it deep into the woods behind the wood pile. Does it work?
Yes, and...
The acorn strikes a tree, and startles a nearby animal of some sort, who runs deeper into the woods, snapping twigs and rustling leaves. I hear the front door open, and the footsteps of someone waling to the rear of the building to investigate. Looking down the chimney, I see the healer. The mysterious figure has taken the bait. He stares into the woods for a moment, and then follows the sound. After waiting for a moment, I make my way to the front of the building and attempt to lower myself down in front of the door. Does it work?
No, but...
I slip and fall and the bucket of stuff spills onto the ground, ruining my stealth, but I am not injured. I have to act quickly, because if that thing can hear random noises in the woods, then it most likely heard me too. Heading back into the building, I can hear the healer in the hallway. He must have realized what is going on. As I approach the far door, he opens it and enters the room with me, still carrying the lantern, which is now dim once more. Gesturing for him to follow, I turn around and head back toward the front door. Is there anything there?
The smell seems to have disappeared, and there is nothing else of interest in the room, which makes me wonder even more. Oh well, it doesn't really matter, we just have to get out of here. As we exit the building the healer gestures to something in the woods in front of the building. I strain my eyes to see. Is it visible?
No, and...
I can't make out what he is pointing at, but I hear footsteps and leaves approaching the building from the rear. We have to go. We quickly make out way toward the trees trying to be as quiet as we can, hoping to escape the mysterious figure. Do we succeed?
We make it to the woods, and upon arrival, I see that there is a small river snaking through the trees near where the healer was pointing. Without hesitation, he wades across, indicating that I should follow. Once across, he seems relieved. Looking back at the building, there is no one in sight. The healer illuminates the woods with the lantern, and we walk for several minutes without speaking. Finally, I ask once again what is going on. Does the healer respond?
No, and...
The healer looks at me, and seemingly upset that I would continue to ask him, grabs the bundle of food and begins wolfing it down. I am annoyed, but I guess it was his food to begin with, so I don't complain. At least I assume that he lived there.. I quietly move the bucket to my other hand to get it further out of his reach. After several more minutes, the adrenaline starts to die down, and the pain from my injuries become noticeable again. I wince and kneel down, trying to gain my strength once again. I start to feel lightheaded and fall to one side. The healer noticing this, stops and seems to soften a little. He grabs a nearby branch, and looking over his shoulder, breaks it off and hands it to me. A makeshift walking stick. I take it, but don't feel like standing up yet. The healer takes my bucket from me and walks away with it, dumping it contents in a pile next to me. Did he take anything else?
No, everything else is still there. Why does he want the bucket? I lie there, eventually falling asleep. Is the healer there when I wake?
I wake to cloudy morning sky. The healer is back, sitting next to a fire. He doesn't seem as worried. The bucket is next to me, and is partially filled with water. The rest of the items are piled nearby. I sit up and look around the forest. Anything nearby?
I see that there is a pile of bloody bandages and ragged clothes next to the fire. I recognize those, they are mine. The healer grabs a handful and throws it into the blaze. I start to protest but then I look down and realize that I am wearing a new set of clothes. Lifting my shirt I can see that the bandages have been changed. He took care of my wounds again. I reach over and begin to drink some of the water from the bucket. As I do i look over my possessions once again, or rather, the healers possessions. Seeing the pain medication, I take some, hoping for some relief. I also notice that the syringe of liquid is now empty. What could that mean. I ask the healer, and he states that it was an antibiotic, and he administered it in my chest wound, which seemed to me infected. I asked once again if there was anything that he could tell me.
The healer then stated that he didn't know much, but that the area had been recently affected by some sort of plague that had been killing people in a nearby town. He said that the disease was very mysterious and he had never studied anything like it before, but it seemed to only affect the people living near this forest. He then mentioned that the plant he pointed out in the book was a potential treatment for the condition. The success rate was low, but there have been a few who were able to overcome the sickness after ingesting large quantities of the plant. It was normally used to treat pain, and there were several who kept eating it to simply make it through the day, but it ended up proving somewhat effective at treating the disease itself. THAT'S IT! that is what i was trying to find when I was in the woods. I was starting to remember more. My cousin was sick, and I needed to save him.
but what about that person from before? the one who was chasing us?
The healer says that shortly after the reports of the sickness, rumors of a strange creature began circulating. The stories said that the creature would seek out those who were affected by the sickness. at first, it was just speculation, but then people started disappearing. Now, it's clear that there really is something out there. I asked if there was something that we can do.
The healer sighed, and said that there isn't much that we could do besides try to stay healthy and alive.
I need to find out what happened in town after I left, and try to save my cousin. Can we find the plant and head back to save him?
The plant seems to have been used to the point of extinction in this forest due the spread of the sickness.
I guess that explains why I was having such a hard time finding it before, my bucket was empty..
Well, we should at least head back to town and see what we can find. I ask the healer to join me
He agrees and we gather our things. I place the book, the empty syringe and the bottle of wine in the bucket. I look at the gas mask, and decide that it has an unsettling and creepy look to it.
Well, we are being hunted by something fearsome, it might do me some good to look fearsome myself. I put it on and bend down to grab the walking stick. Immediately I realize how hard it is to breathe with the mask on, and take it back off. The healer laughs at me and take a deep breath. I am slightly embarrassed, and put the mask in the bucket. I clear my throat and then ask if he knows how to get to the village from here.
He points south, and we start our journey, walking alongside the path of the river for a while. We don't really talk much throughout the day, and as the sun sets, we look for a place to set up camp. Is there any location nearby?
We spot a cave on top of a rocky hillside a ways off, and we make our way there. As the sun starts to set, the healer is getting visibly more nervous. I assume that he fears the creature; it must come out at night. I ask him if he knows any more about it.
He says that he really doesn't know much about the creature, and the few stories that he has heard seem wildly different and unreliable. I ask if the creature will come to find us now that it is night. He says that he doesn't know, but if there was a time to be afraid, then it is certainly at night. All of the worst things happen at night he says. He is just guessing, but the thought it indeed unsettling. As we arrive at the cave I ask if the river will help keep us safe, as the healer seemed to be relieved when we were crossing it before.
He just shook his head and said that he didn't know, but that there may be a chance that it would help us elude the creature. We don't know how it tracks its victims, but it will help break our trail. He may not even like water, the healer said hopefully.
I just felt worse, knowing that he knew no more than I did. I looked around the cave, hoping to find something of use.
There was some sort of backpack against the wall, and the remains of a small fire nearby. There was also a large object wrapped in cloth on near the opposite wall. There must be someone here.
Wise lord.
As if on cue, a man walks into the cave, challenging us. Who are you?
I state that we mean no harm, and that we simply were looking for a place to spend the night. Does he believe me?
He seems satisfied with what I said, and welcomes us to sit down as he starts a new fire. Looking us over, he recognizes the healer. He says that he was actually on his way to the healer, when his companion passed. I look over his shoulder at the decidedly human-sized bundle from before, and he watches me. I quickly apologize, and to change the subject offer the bottle of wine from the bucket. Does he accept?
He says that he doesn't drink, and I put the bottle back. From here, I don't know what to do so I try to strike up conversation. Who is this man? We all begin talking and soon we learn that he was the mayor of another town nearby, which was also struck by the strange affliction. After population was reduced to a handful of those who weren't diseased, they began heading for the town I was from, hoping to find refuge and hopefully, a town full of survivors. One-by-one the remaining party died off, either at the hands of the sickness or the elements. Finally there were only two left, and they abandoned hope of reaching the other town. Then one morning he awoke to find his companion gravely injured, and he set off to find the healer who supposedly lived nearby. He clearly didn't make it in time.
Its almost cruel that I would find you now, he said, looking at the healer. His gaze shifted, and I noticed that he was looking at the wine bottle I offered him before. He didn't ask me for it.
Then, looking at me he said that I seemed injured. Yes, I said raising my shirt. The bandages were crusted with blood. The man stared intently for a moment before remarking that my injuries are almost identical to those of his companion.
The healer seemed nervous, and asked if he knew anything about what had happened.
He said that there had been rumors of a strange creature attacking people in his town around the same time that the sickness broke out, and that there were a few others with similar injuries found one morning before they left town. This thing, whatever it was, did it.
The healer stiffened, and I felt a new-found sense of dread welling up inside of me. I assumed as much, but it was different hearing about so many horrible attacks and deaths at the hand of the creature. As if the sickness wasn't enough.
The healer and I told the man our story, and explained that we were on our way back to my town. We offered him the chance to join us. Does he accept?
The man refused, stating that he had no reason to go there anymore. He was the last survivor of his own town, and based on what we told him, our town wasn't in any better of a position.
I looked once again at the form on the other side of the cave. I hope this guy is wrong.
We asked him if he knew anything else about the creature that might help us out.
Yes, but...
The man stated that the attacks all appeared to happen at night, with the victims found in the morning. It seemed that the creature was only active at night, and that for some reason, the creature never killed the victims outright. They all seemed to bleed out overnight, after the attack itself. The creature didn't seem to be hunting for food either, as there were no signs that they creature ate its victims, and all of the bodies were accounted for. They were all just left behind.
He suggested that we travel during the day, and that we find good hiding spots at night. Not especially helpful, but at least it confirmed what the healer suspected. We thanked him, and then we all went to sleep.
We woke up in the morning, was the man still there?
The man had gone, and the back back had disappeared. Over in the corner by the wrapped figure was a note. It simply said:
Please burn before leaving. Good Luck.
We left the cave and honored his wishes before departing. As we gathered our things I took inventory. Was anyting missing?
The bottle of wine was gone. That's fine, being drunk wont help us anyways. Is there anything else of note?
Yes, but...
The empty syringe is now filled again. The liquid is of a different color than before, so it isn't the antibiotics. I asked the healer if he could identify it.
He looked it over and shrugged. He didn't know. We left the cave and continued on on our way. If we were lucky we would reach the town before nightfall. Did we?
As the sun began to set behind the trees, we both began to panic. The town was still at least a mile away! My injuries must have slowed us down too much; the walking stick is helpful but it doesn't magically make me walk normally. We pick up the pace, practically running. There is nowhere to hide; we have to find shelter in town before that thing find us. Does the creature appear?
No, but...
As we make it into town, the creature is nowhere in sight, but the loud sounds we have been making have probably alerted it to our presence if it is nearby. That is, if it didn't already know. We approach the closest house, my neighbor's place, and check the door. Is it locked?
We quickly rush inside and secure the door. After catching my breath, I look around. Is there anything of use?
Yes, but...
There is a row of sleeping mats in the center of the room. Next to several of them are a few tools and blunt objects. Makeshift weapons. They aren't much, but someone was trying to defend themselves, so why are the weapons untouched. Looking to the far corner of the room, I see an arrangement of bodies. I recognized them as a number of people from my town; all different families. They had injuries identical to my own and to those described by the man in the cave. My heart sank as I thought to my cousin, who was the last bit of family I hadn't lost to the sickness. I realized the odds of him still being alive were very low.
I looked around the room, is there anything else of importance?
The pile of bodies seemed to stir, and I could hear a slight scraping against the wooden floor. I looked to the healer in panic, and he reached down and grabbed a pitchfork that was sitting next to a bedroll. Like the rest of the weapons, it was un-bloodied. Looking down, I found a short length of metal bar. I wasn't sure what it was from, but it would have to do. We slowly approached the pile, weapons raised and preparing for the worst. Does anything emerge?
We see a hand raise out of the gruesome mass, followed by another. They seemed human. The healer asked if anyone was down there.
Of course there is, I thought, the hands are connected to someone. We hear coughing, and the hands begin waving slightly. We approach and after deciding that whoever is under there is not a threat we remove the body on the top of the pile to reveal an old woman.
I recognize her, I never knew her name, but I would see here in the streets occasionally.
The healer asked her if she is ok.
She gave him a look, as if to ask how she could possibly be ok, but when she finally spoke she said yes. She was covered in blood, but surprisingly didn't seem to have any major injuries.
What is going on, why was she in the pile of bodies?
Sensing my thoughts, she explained herself. Apparently, when the attacks started happening her husband was one of the first victims to die to the creature. Living alone was dangerous, and like many other who lost family to the sickness, and later the mysterious creature, she moved into this house. It eventually became the last stand for the handful of survivors who remained in town. She explained that they would look for the plant during the day, and hole up in this house at night, hoping to remain hidden.
One night, she started feeling sick, and it was assumed to be the sickness. In a desperate attempt to quarantine her from the others, they put her in the attic of the house. In the morning she woke up, and was relieved to find out that it had been a false alarm; she didn't have the sickness. Her relief was short lived when she returned to the lower level to find everyone dead on their bedrolls, weapons untouched. Being to old to defend herself, she figured that the best way to survive is to hide, so she piled up the bodies and slept underneath every night, hoping that the smell would keep her hidden.
I looked at the bodies and felt horribly sick. How could she stand to do that? Couldn't everyone just have stayed in the attic?
She sighed and said that nobody ad even thought of the attic until she got sick, and then they used it to separate her. After that it was too late. Now, she couldn't because she is unable to climb back up on her own. The bodies were her last resort. It only bothered her for 3 nights. She said that it is horrifying how quickly the mind can adapt to these kinds of situations if they had to.
The healer asked her if the creature had ever come back
Yes, and...
The woman looked grim and confirmed that the creature had come back quite often, and was in town nearly every other night or so. She said that it had been four nights since the creature had been back, and that it was probably stalking victims elsewhere. The healer and I exchanged looks, and the woman noticed. My guess is that it will be here tonight then, she said, and started heading back over toward the bodies in the corner.
I looked back towards the door, trying to hear any sign of movement. Do I hear anything?
I hear the sound of a door closing across the street. The woman whispers that there isn't anyone else left in the town. My heart starts pounding, and the healer is silent. I ask the woman if we can get into the attic.
Yes, but...
She says that we can, but that we have to leave first thing in the morning, and never return. Apparently it was our fault that the monster came back again. We help her up into the attic, and then follow. Staying as quit as we can, we attempt to wai the night out. Do we stay hidden?
Yes, but...
We make it through the night, but from the sounds heard outside, it is clear that the creature was searching for us for the remainder of the night. We could hear the sounds of doors slamming and glass breaking all over town, and at one point, the door of this house opened for a few minutes. The creature knows we are here and it will surely be back each night until it finds us.
We waited until the sun was up several hours before mustering our courage and leaving the attic. Once we were back on the main level, we prepared to leave. As we were gathering our things, the woman said that we could keep the weapons we were using before if we wanted, as they were no use to her.
I grabbed the metal bar and the bucket, and as I did so the woman asked me if I would let her keep the gas mask. I said sure, as I couldn't think of a use for it, but that she should be careful; it is difficult to breath in that thing. She sighed and said that she hoped so, before putting it on and walking back towards the pile of bodies. I don't think she has adjusted as well as she claims.
I turn to the healer and ask if he had any ideas on where we should go.
Yes, and...
He said that we should check for my cousin in town today, and then head back towards his home in the woods. He claims that he might have an idea on how to deal with the creature if we can make it back and resupply. Apparently if we can make it to his old teacher's place a few weeks away, then we can find a way to end the sickness for good. Presumably the creature would vanish with it. I am skeptical, but apparently this teacher of his is prodigious when it comes to healing matters, especially the supernatural. I ask how we will be able to survive such a long journey, and with a slight grin, the healer suggests that we construct a small raft and ride the river north until we reach our destination.
Well, that would certainly be a lot safer, not to mention faster, than traveling by foot. This might actually work. We just have to survive the next few days until we are ready to set sail. But first, my cousin.
We walked next door to my old house to see if there was anyone left inside. Is there?
Unfortunately, the woman's story seemed true. There was no-one left in the town. I looked around hoping to find any clues or useful items.
No, but...
There was no sign of my cousin, nor were there any items of use in the destroyed house. At least we didn't find my cousin's body; he may have escaped.
We leave the house and scour the town for any other leads. Do we find anything?
A body is facedown behind a shed. I roll it over and can't recognize the victim. There were no injuries, so we assume that he was killed by the sickness. He is wearing a backpack. Inside we find a knife and some spoiled food.
The backpack is in good condition and will allow me to use both my walking stick and a weapon, so I transfer all of my possessions from the bucket to the backpack. The bucket could still be useful, so I suggest that the healer hold on to it. He agrees and placed the lantern inside. He will never give that thing back to me.
My wounds are starting to heal, so I think that I will be able to manage a faster travel speed at this point. I take more of the pain medication to up my odds.
We head out of town, and toward the caves. Do we make it before nightfall?
Somehow we manage to make it to the cave before the sun sets. The painkiller might have saved me. We have the relative safety of the cave, but it is still unlikely that we will make it through the night. At least the high ground and rocky terrain will give us some advance notice if the creature returns.
We decide on shifts, do I get first watch?
The healer takes first shift and I try to sleep. Do we make it to second shift unharmed?
Something stirs me awake. I sit up and panic, expecting the worst. The creature is nowhere in sight, so I hope that it was just an animal or something. I look over to the healer to see if he has heard anything, but he has fallen asleep at his post. I get up, pulling out the knife and walk over to wake him up. As I grab his shoulder and shake him, his head hits the cave floor. Something isn't right. I feel something on my hand and realize in horror that he is soaked in blood. The creature had slain him.
I frantically look around, grabbing my backpack and the bucket with the lantern and press my back against the inner wall of the cave. Does the creature show up?
All is quiet, I don't know where the creature is, but i'm still sure that it is around somewhere. after waiting for what seems to be an hour I sit down against the wall. I try to fight sleep for as long as I can, but i drift in and out of sleep all night. My mind is playing tricks on me. I keep hearing things, and at one point I swear I saw a shadowy figure in the mouth of the cave. Later, it is gone. Eventually I pass out.
Do I sleep through the rest of the night?
Yes, and...
I woke up to see the sun streaming into the cave. Somehow I managed to survive the night. I quickly gathered my things and prepared to continue towards the healer's house. His plan still might work after all.
The healer. I looked over to see his lifeless body near the entrance of the cave. In a moment I had forgotten his fate. I burned the body before leaving.
I took the rest of the pain medication, and set off at a rapid pace back towards the healer's house. Somehow I made it there several hours before the sun set, and even had time to begin collecting wood for the raft. If I could make it another night, I would build it tomorrow and set sail north as soon as possible. The healer had said that the trip would take a few weeks on foot, but in a raft the trip should be much shorter. I might even be able to travel at night if I can move fast enough.
I built a small ladder and climbed up onto the roof of the building for the night. It had saved me once before. I pulled the ladder up behind me and settled down for the night.
Do I sleep through the night?
No, and...
I woke up to a throbbing pain in my chest. I looked down to see that my chest was bleeding profusely, and the pain was back. As I try to sit up, I realize that I can't move. sudden motion in the corner of my eye makes me panic. I look and see a figure leaning over me. After a few seconds, I recognize the healers face.
What is going on? You died! I can't speak.
he has a look of confusion and concern on his face, and is struggling to stop the bleeding. I look around the room at the brick walls trying to figure out what is going on.
Brick walls? I am inside a building? As my mind races to process what is going on, I realize that I am once again in the room that I awoke in days ago.
I black out.
I open my eyes to see the empty room once more. I sit up, panicking, only to realize that I am not injured at all. The healer is nowhere to be I look around, and find my backpack. Looking inside I can see that everything is still inside, and my walking stick sits nearby. The bucket and lantern are gone. I stand up, and head towards the door. Is it locked?
No, and...
The door swings open to reveal an empty hallway. There seems to be no one at home. Aimlessly, I head to the kitchen. I walked in and sat down, looking around I could see that there was some food in the cabinets. Wine and dried meat. What?
I stared at them for a while before deciding to indulge. I was wrong before. Being dunk will be extremely helpful right now. I sat down, and decided to light a fire in the wood-burning stove.. I'm not sure why.
Eventually I fall asleep once more, empty bottle next to my feet. Do I sleep through the night?
I wake up to find the sun shining through the window, and the embers of a dying fire in the stove. I have a splitting headache, and my back hurts from slumping in a chair all night. I look around, is everything normal?
No, and...
There is something very wrong, but I can put my finger on it. I stand up, knocking over the bottle of wine. Luckily, it didn't break, otherwise that would have been a mess.
A mess? Yes. The bottle was full. I was confused once more. Why do I have this awful headache? Why is all of this happening? I head outside to try finishing the raft, because I really need to get out of here. To my surprise, the pile of wood I had gathered was gone. In that moment, I lost hope of escaping the creature.
It is settled then, I have to face this beast and attempt to slay it. I cant outrun it forever, and my last hope of escaping was dashed. I began going over my supplies. Everything was there including the bucket, the lantern, and the gas mask. I took the rest of the pain medication and prepared myself. I remembered using all of the pain medication before, but I wasn't going to complain that it was back.
The day seemed to fly by. It was night in a matter of minutes. I waited on the roof of the building.
A few hours later I noticed strange noises circling the forest around the house. They went off and on for several hours, but I wasn't sure if they were the creature, or if they were even real. I saw a shadowy figure appear at the edge of the woods 8 times over the course of the night.
Do I make it through the night?
I wake to the sound of someone screaming in pain. It sounded strange, as though they were underwater or something, but it slowly became clearer. I realized that the voice was my own. It wasn't coming from me, but it was my voice. It is very weird to hear what your own voice sounds like.
My vision went dark, and I could feel sudden, sharp pain in my chest once more. The screaming intensified, but this time it was coming from my mouth.
My vision returns, and I see a shadowy figure looming over me. It's here!
I struggle against the creatures grasp, can I wrestle free?
The creature is mush to strong for me. I look around and see that my bucket it nearly within reach. I attempt to grab it, am I successful?
My hand flails uselessly, mere inches away from the bucket. I remember that I am still wearing my back pack. I twist my arms around wildly, trying to get access to its contents. Am I successful?
Yes, but...
I manage to grasp the top of the bag and pull, but the side rips open, spilling the contents across the roof. As the creature's claws continue to dig into me, I feel around, trying to find anything that can help me. Am I successful?
feel a small hard object. I grip it and realize that it is the knife. I attempt to stab the creature.
Minor Injury: Largely superficial; painful and distracting, but not life threatening.
The creature pulls back allowing me to roll to one side. I crawl on my hands and knees toward the pile of spilled objects, the blood flowing freely at this point.
I have to think quickly, and come up with a solution. The only real weapon I have appears useless. I look at the syringe filled with an unknown liquid. I don't know what it will due, but will try. Who knows, if it is some sort of treatment for the sickness, then maybe it will destroy the creature. The two are linked in some way.
I grasp the syringe, just as i a strong grip on my body. Whipping around, I attempt to inject the creature. Do i connect?
Yes, and...
The creature seems startled by the action and lets go momentarily. I inject the fluid into the chest of the creature. Does it have any effect?
The creature seems unconcerned with the injection, and grasps me once more. I slam back down onto the rooftop and black out.
Moments later, I wake up in the cave. The healers body is once again laying near its mouth and is soaked in blood. I look out and see a shadowy figure on the horizon. The darkness returns.
I wake up on the rooftop, on my back, knife in hand. I stab at the creature, as its claws dig into my chest. There is still no effect, but the creature backs off once again. I look at the objects strewn across the rooftop. There is still no clear weapon. I need a solution! This is a hopeless battle, and one that I am not even sure I am actually fighting.
The screaming returns. I begin to question my own sanity, wondering if I am still hallucinating. I need to do something. I once again grab the syringe, hoping that maybe if I tried a different spot it would actually work. I spin around and aim for the the creature's neck. Do I connect?
The creature quickly dodges the blow, and presses his claws deeper into my chest. The pain is excruciating, and I struggle to overcome the creature's strength. What do I do? I close my eyes.
This would be a good time to be drunk.
I don't drink.
He looks at the bottle of wine at my feet. He doesn't ask for it.
I don't drink.
The bottle is gone. That's fine.
I open my eyes, knowing what to do. I quickly twist the syringe around, and jam it into my own neck and inject the liquid. Is there an effect?
I begin to feel better instantly. The pain melts away and my mind begins to calm. I can think clearly, but every thing sounds weird, as if the sounds were coming from underwater.
The creature looks at me, and lets go.
He looks at me as though he is confused. I don't care. Everything is much better now.
Everything begins to darken, and I accept my fate. I close my eyes and relax. A minute later I open them again.
I see a mirror in the distance, surrounded by nothingness. I forgot about that thing. Someone must have taken it, but why?
I see my cousin in the mirrors reflection. I blink, and then the creature is in the mirror instead. I blink once more, and see myself looking out at me.
I close my eyes and decide not to look any more, and all feeling leaves my body. I wash my hands of all of this.
I am free.