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This is my first attempt at doing more than the short play/examination of this tool and I have to say it was great fun using it to develop/aid my story/imagination.

I hope you get some enjoyment reading this:
(I would usually spend some time proof reading and tidying it up but I want to get it posted and not sure when I'll have time otherwise so apologies for that!)

Atmosphere: Breathable mix
Temperature: Temperate
Biosphere: Human-miscible biosphere
Population: Tens of thousands of inhabitants
Tech Level: Tech Level 3. Twentieth-century technology.
World Tags: Oceanic World, Civil War

Cover up the data at the secret world.

My name is Jolin Gawrys, I awake to the sound of alarms ringing.

(Am I in my own quarters?)


(Do I have time to dress?)

Yes, and...

I manage to equip full combat gear with body armour and a selection of weaponry.

(Can I contact anyone from here to find out what's going on?)

No, but...

Tarqin sticks his head around the door, "coming boss?"

"What's happening?"


"The rebel forces have broached the south dome, orders?"

"is it just us two?"


"The rest are separated through out the city, they went with that patrol last night and must have got caught up in the attack."

"Damn them if they had just waited there would have been plenty of fun to go around."

"Right Tarq we need to get across to Western command do you know if the transport links are still working?"


"Okay by foot it is, lead on."
Heading out on to the main concourse the corridors are full of civilians and military personnel rushing in both ways.

"Is any one taking charge yet?"

"I saw that Inquisitor talking with Lord General Phasis on my way here sounded like they were arguing over who has the right priorities." Tarqin grinned. "I think the Inquisitor was one step from shooting him."

"Damn that's all we need if the natives turn on the Inquisitor they might turn on us too, try and get a message through to our ride off this floating city, once we have what we came for we need to get out of this war zone and let the locals argue it out amongst themselves."

(Can Tarqin contact orbit from near by?)


(Is the nearest communications room on our way to the Western command?)


"Come on we need to make up time." Breaking into a fast jog they head for the communication room.

(Is the fighting getting closer yet?)


(Is there any obstacles between us and the communications room?)


Amphibian mercenary.

A squad of local guards have set up a road block to keep people away from the command centre of the South Dome and the nearest access point to the Western dome is also behind them.

(Do they let us through with out issue?)

Yes, but...

Just as we were passing through,
"Hold on a minute lets see those ID tags again. Say's here all off world personnel are only to be granted access under the direct authority of Inquisitor Hawk."
(Is Hawk likely to grant us passage?)

No, but...

he will want to speak to us to find out what we are doing here and who we work for. (does the guard attempt to hold us here for verification?)


(Can he be persuaded?)


"Come on we're part of the Lord Governors command staff, I can notify the Lord General that we are being held up from joining him if you want..." "thinking about it maybe you passed through before we set up the check point, sorry to delay you Sir, right on your way."

Tarqin let out a slow breath, "I thought that was it for us, held by local militia until either this Inquisitor takes us apart or the war catches up with us." moving sharply onwards we reach the communications room. (Do we gain access?)

No, but...

"Please provide authorisation to access this room..." (Do we have the right level of access on our ID cards?)


(Do we have tools that allow us to crack the lock with a false ID?)

Yes, but...

the people inside will know it is false as soon as we enter as the clearance it uses is that of the Lord General..

The door opens, (how many are inside?)

5 = 5[d6]

(Are they all communications staff?)


(Is there any officers?)

No, and...

Five worried junior rating turn as we enter, "Sir, what's happening Sir, the system seems to be glitching again it says your the Lord General?"
(Can we persuade them its an error?)


"Don't worry son it's just a glitch in the system again, I'm Colonel Gawry's of the 91st Hellespont Guard the Lord General sent me to contact the fleet in orbit, do you have a connection established?" "err yes Sir please use terminal 3. Thank you, carry on."

(Do we have a suitable code to use with our ship?)

Yes, and...

"Siphnus do you read this is Hellespont?" "Good to hear you this is Siphnus." "Message reads Ascension in ten hostile thunder eagle in hiding." "Copy Hellespont ascension in ten. Signing off," Jolin turn's to the communications team, "thank you best you secure this room after we leave."

Leaving the communications team behind they head towards Western command, (do we reach it without problem?)


(Is it the rebels?)

Yes, and...

Silicoid killer.

The sudden noise of breaking glass accompanied by screams and explosions causes Jolin and Tarqin to take cover. "Damn it in the Emperors name is there no end to our bad luck today." looking round the corner they can see an assault squad has broached the ceiling of the dome and is rapidly descending to their level.
(How many of them is there?)

9 = 9[d20]

"damn nine plus I think I saw one of their assassins drop in too but I can't be sure. This must be a hit team aiming to take out the command post, we need to help neutralise them before they reach the command centre."

(How many loyalist soldiers are there?)

8 = 8[d20]

(In the opening attack how many of these eight go down?)

6 = 6[d8]

(Do they take any of the attackers with them?)

Yes, but...

(only half the roll)

4 = 4[d9]

So only two attackers fell. (Is the command room sealed off?)


(Is there another way in from here?)


"Right we either need to take them out and then try and persuade them to let us in or we let them breach...?" "Sitting tight sounds like a solid plan to me Sir."

(Do the attackers focus on the door?)


(Can they breach it easily?)


"Look Tarqin is that the assassin..?" a figure dressed in a black body glove approached the door and with a sudden movement punched the door, (does it breach?)

Yes, and...

The door is smashed in. Letting out a breath Tarqin muttered; "damn he must be equipping some type of power fist. Could be one of those battle robots the rebels supposedly captured from the Magos?"
(Can we tell from here?)


(Do we currently have heavy enough weapons to damage either?)


(overt weaponry?)


Tarqin use that Plasma gun and light it up; (Does he hit it?)


(is it mechanical?)


No Damage

"Damn" a glancing hit knocks it from its feet but it gets straight back up apparently unharmed... (does it come for us?)


Ignoring us it turns back to the command room and prepares to enter the wreckage of the doors, (do the defenders fire out?)


(Do they hit any attackers?)


(How many attackers fire in to the room?)

5 = 5[d7]

(Do the remaining two fire at us?)


(Do they hit us?)

No, and...

"they aren't even aiming near us we must have caught them so by surprise that they didn't see where we fired from." Jolin is armed with a custom rifle (does he hit?)


Moderate Injury: Hampers action significantly; will require first aid/medical attention

One rebel is taken out screaming for a medic, the other ignores him and starts to re-aim our way.. A plasma blast envelops him..

Minor Injury: Largely superficial; painful and distracting, but not life threatening

but the damage is largely absorbed by the broken rubble he is kneeling behind though it looks like is arm has painful burns and part of his uniform is alight... he stands up and..

Interestingly / Harsh.

The grenades on his webbing cook off killing him and

1 = 1[d5]

the other wounded rebel facing us. Moving down we approach the doors, (is there still sounds of fighting inside?)

Yes, and...

we can see some of the attackers sheltering just within the door behind consoles trading fire with unseen defenders. (Opening up does Tarqin hit?)


Despite the odds of hitting the plasma gun gives a warning noise and shuts down to avoid overheating.... "in the Emperor's... piece of junk", slinging the Plasma gun he brings a shotgun to bare. Jolin fires.. (does he hit?)


Minor Injury: Largely superficial; painful and distracting, but not life threatening

The body armour one of the attackers is wearing saves there life, switching to a his close combat weapons Jolin draws his power sword and laspistol. (Do the nearest enemy charge us?)


(Are they armed with CCW's?)

Yes, but...

they are still holding their rifles, one try's to drop it and draw his pistol, Jolin's Sword...

Critical Injury: Requires immediate attention; clearly life-threatening if not immediately deadly

....removes his head with one blow, the other mixes it up with Tarqin, (does Tarqin win?)

Yes, but...

No Injury

the strap holding the plasma gun to his back is separated dropping the gun to the floor.

The enemy slumps to the floor with his hands trying to hold his guts in.

(Are there any other immediate threats from enemy troops?)

Yes, but...

They are occupied with the defenders, (do the defenders finish them off?)


(Is the Lord General there?)


(Is he alive?)


(Is he wounded?)

Yes, but...

he is conscious.

(Is this Inquisitor Hawk here?)


(Is there any other senior officers?)

Yes, but...

they are unconscious or too wounded to speak.

(Is there any of the Inquisitors warband here?)

Yes, but...

(are they dead?)

Yes, but...

one lives? (are they conscious?)


(Is the enemy assassin here?)


Jolin surveyed the scene, a couple of ranked support staff seem to be operational along with the Lord General and the outsider. "Lord General did any of you see a black clad assassin enter?"

Bleakly / Historical.

Before he can answer the member of Inquisitor Hawks band speaks up, "who are you and what are you doing here? you look familiar do I know you?"
(does he make the correct connection?)

Yes, and...

Despite the unlikelihood of his recognising us; "You, I know you your one of HIS minions.." (can he be reasoned with?)


Jolin still holding his power sword leaned forward and runs him through; "Heretic.." seems to bubble out of his lips as he slumps to the floor. Shocked the Lord General and his staff look at Jolin with some concern. Raising a hand to placate them Jolin informs the Lord General that he is part of the Lord Governors secret police and that Inquisitor Hawk or his band are suspected of being traitors to the Imperium but due to his rank and position the Lord Governor can not yet challenge him directly. (Do they accept this?)


One of the Generals aides goes to raise his pistol,

Wildly / Glorious.

A black blur eviscerates the Lord General and takes the Major's arm off at the elbow, cursing Jolin and Tarqin back away. Finishing with the General and the Major the assassin..


Breaks off and heads for the exit, unfortunately they are in its path, (can they evade?)


It swings at Tarqin..

Crazily / Juvenile.

He trips over his plasma gun avoiding the lethal swipe.. Jolin steps in a strikes with his power sword..

Severe Injury: Incapacitating and may become Critical if untreated

Taking the right arm completely off he steps back as the machine takes stock with fluid and wiring dripping from the wound in its shoulder. It moves to strike and...

Moderate Damage: Hampers functionality significantly; will require rapair/mechanical attention

A plasma blast takes its leg off at the knee. from the floor Tarqin lets out a sigh of relief cut short as it starts to push it self up onto its remaining leg. "Damn impressive tech this hey Jolin", a sweep of a power sword...

Severe Damage: Incapacitating and may become Critical if not addressed

...severs its body, leaving it lying in a hissing pile of machinery attempting to function still. "Up you get Tarq we still need to complete our objective time is running out". Advancing on the bloody mess that was the Lord General Jolin picks up and wipes of his ornate eagle of office, stepping to the main console the eagle slips neatly into a shaped slot.
A automated voice pipes from damaged speakers, "Welcome Lord General please complete authentication". Jolin pushes a code into his ID chit and slots it into the console; "Authentication confirmed". "Well at least that worked hey!" "Get over to that server Tarq and prepare to download and wipe the files I'm transferring from here".

(Do the files transfer and wipe with out issue?)


"Right uploading masking data to replace it", (does this work okay?)


"Okay lets clear out," removing the Lord Generals Eagle Jolin enters the lock down security codes preventing access from these consoles to the rest of the data stream. Heading out they aim to get to the nearest landing pad, (is there any one in the near vicinity?)

No, but...

they can hear voices from the direction they need to go, (can they tell who it is?)

Yes, and...

a squad of guards led by a Captain come round the corner and spread out when they see the two gore covered men. "Who are you? no sudden moves shouts the Captain". "We arrived too late to Save the Lord General from a Rebel Assassin robot, but we recovered his Eagle to return to the Lord Governor, were part of his security team.."
(Does the Captain lower his guard?)

Yes, and...

"How can we help Sir?" "We need to access landing pad 1A-GFT immediately." The Captain details two men to accompany them. (Setting off do they reach the landing pad without further incidence?)


(Does the door open?)

Yes, but...

There is a rebel fire team piling out onto the landing pad from an old fashioned looking rotor gunship. "Tarqin take it down.."

No Damage

The plasma blast misses the jinking gunship, the two guardsmen open fire on the rebel squad, (how many do they hit?)

9 = 9[d10]

The guardsmen are armed with an old fashioned but effective solid projectile sub-machineguns which sweep the landing pad,

Negligible: Nick/Scratch/Bruise

Severe Injury: Incapacitating and may become Critical if untreated

Negligible: Nick/Scratch/Bruise

Moderate Injury: Hampers action significantly; will require first aid/medical attention

Severe Injury: Incapacitating and may become Critical if untreated

No Injury

Minor Injury: Largely superficial; painful and distracting, but not life threatening

Moderate Injury: Hampers action significantly; will require first aid/medical attention

Negligible: Nick/Scratch/Bruise

Despite hitting nine of the exposed troops only two are taken out completely with another two to three out for the short term. The other five return fire but the doorway provides some cover, (do they hit anyone? Guardsmen)

No Injury

No Injury


No Injury


No Injury

Jolin and Tarqin fire at them (how many do they hit?)

1 = 1[d5]

Severe Injury: Incapacitating and may become Critical if untreated

There concentrated fire takes out another leaving four effectives in the way. The Gunship comes about and opens fire with side mounted rotary canons..

Awkwardly / Rotten.

The doorway explodes in a shower of splinters as the old material exceeds its damage threshold, one of the guardsmen takes the brunt of the impact,

Minor Injury: Largely superficial; painful and distracting, but not life threatening

he is covered in splinters and staggers into the open, where the attackers cut him down with ease. Checking his time Jolin try's his personal communications device, "Siphnus this is Hellespont.." (are they in range yet?)


A Vendetta gunship drops out of the sky and opens up on the rotor gunship...

Critical Damage: Requires immediate attention; clearly disabling if not immediately desctructive

trailing flames it slides out of their sight followed by the crump of it exploding against the dome further down, the Vendetta mops up the remaining rebels and brings itself to a low hover, "best get aboard Hellespont can't wait here all day",

running across Tarqin and Jolin dive on board as it screams into the sky and heads for the low orbit shuttle dock hanging on the horizon like some medieval fortress given flight.

A stooped figure greats them as they land, "well you survived then". Taking the Eagle and data and handing the latter off to a scribe hovering at his side the Inquisitor turned and beckoned them to follow him inside.

"Well done Interrogator Jolin we may make an Inquisitor of you yet hmm, although you need to work on your subtlety can't rely on a convenient local Civil war next time eh".
Wow! Fun and exciting adventure. And great use of the buttons.

If you want to have the colors show up in your post then on the play screen click the "Encode" link and paste the code into your forum post.

Thanks for sharing!
Thanks I was wondering about that I'll have to try it next time. Glad you enjoyed it.
Great battle :]

Definitely use Encode on the next one, so your button results don't interfere with the story. It would also be easier to read with quotes around the dialog, in separate paragraphs, so you can tell when the characters are speaking.

I would offer to do a word list for Warhammer 40k, but it's one of the few games I've never played. You might be able to add one yourself, though, once Mark gets the genre manager working.
Interrogator Jolin Gawrys looked at the view screen,

Atmosphere: Breathable mix
Temperature: Cold
Biosphere: No native biosphere
Population: Failed colony
Tech Level: Tech Level 3. Twentieth-century technology.
World Tags: Oceanic World, Sealed Menace

Engage the enemy at the renegade colony ship.

"A miserable looking place ain't it Sir" the ever repressible Tarqin joined Jolin at the view finder, "so what's the old man got lined up for us this time?"
Giving Tarq a pointed look "the Inquisitor needs us to investigate that abandoned colony ship for suspected cultist activity" pointing to a hulk half submerged in the dusty rock of the planet floor, "this planet was exterminated at an early stage upon the release of a wild virus by some mad priest, however rumours have become more frequent that this rock is housing more than dusty memories and one of the Inquisitors other sources indicates there is enough suspect activity to warrant our intervention."

"Who are we taking with us Sir?" "get suited up and join them in the Siphnus and you'll find out" with a subtle grin Jolin made way to suit up himself.

Jolin climbed on board suited up in fully enclosed vac-command carapace armour naval marine spec, a high impact shotgun slung over one arm and a plasma pistol holstered at his side his power sword sat menacingly on his left hip. Looking around as he secured himself he counted the ... similarly dressed Storm troopers, a stylised I central on their right chest plate and helmet.

7 = 7[d10]

7 troopers armed with hot shot lasguns and himself and Tarq made nine, a small landing party but hopefully more than enough for a supposedly dead world. As the engines powered up Tarq dropped in to the hold and secured a seat his plasma gun needing to be strapped securely.

(Do they reach the planet without incident?)

(Very Likely) Yes, and...

"Sir" the pilots voice sounding tinny in Jolin's ear piece, "we'll set you down on the roof of the hulk, zero activity registering so far", as the Vendetta gunship touched down the elite troopers exited and secured the landing zone with quiet confidence, all out the vendetta lifted off to await their call. (can an obvious hatch/doorway in be seen?)

(Very Likely) Yes.

"Open the hatch" (Does it open?)

(50/50) Yes.

Moving into the gigantic hulk they reform in a corridor, (is anything apparent?)

(50/50) No.

"Formation Delta 5, keep silent and watch your step", as they move down the corridor they come across..

Renegade flagship.

a command room seemingly abandoned along with the ship centuries ago except for the unnerving diagrams painted everywhere, "is that blood?" Tarq asked,

(Very Likely) Yes. +Twist: Item / Ends the scene

"look away" snapped Jolin, "no one look at these symbols" (do they find anything of interest?)

(Somewhat Likely) Yes.

Homing missile launcher.

Power pack.

Homing missile launcher.

"Sir" one of the troopers uncovers a crate containing homing missiles and launchers along with spare power packs, "looks like someone has been using this as an armoury, take anything we can use and then prep charges I want this room scrapped" orders Jolin. (Do the charges destroy the room without problem?)

(Somewhat Likely) No, and...

As the charges are placed a

Harm / Illness.

odd noises start to funnel through the room, "everyone else get out of here now" snaps Jolin, as they get to the corridor a sudden explosion engulfs the room including the storm trooper setting the charges, his sudden scream cuts off as his mic melts. "Move out" (does anyone/thing appear before the next room?)

(50/50) No.

Probability hideout.

"Sir" one of the troopers gestures Jolin over, "I think this is a door sir?" Jolin calls Tarq over and they examine the hidden access point, "right everyone else take cover, get us in", the trooper detailed attempts to find any trap (does he find one?)

(50/50) Yes, and...

carefully he makes safe the wire leading to a bunch of frag and krak grenades which would have incinerated them all. Opening the door, he leads them in too..

Binary system biolab.

what appears to be a lab of sorts with tubes and equipment scattered about like some mad scientists domain. (is there anyone there?)

(Likely) Yes.

Flexible female .

Insecure .

Spontaneous female .

Organized .

Righteous apprentice who is slightly stronger than you and whose motivation is to progress lust, suggest animals, and discourage deprivation; who speaks of prejudiced commands and is focused on your knowledge.

As the squad spreads out it becomes apparent their not alone, a Leith figure in a body glove cartwheels out of know ware and attacks one of the troopers,

Critical Injury: Requires immediate attention; clearly life-threatening if not immediately deadly.

her blades carve him open despite his carapace armour that's some serious weaponry! another body gloved figure attacks from the other side of the room, (does she hit?)

(Somewhat Likely) Yes.

Negligible: Nick/Scratch/Bruise.

The trooper this time is protected by his armour which contains most of the blow, a odd figure in a bloody white coat over a armoured body glove strikes out from behind one of the large bio tanks,

Negligible: Nick/Scratch/Bruise.

"for the emperor!" shouts Jolin as the squad fight back, (do any of the remaining five troopers hit anyone?)

(Likely) Yes.

3 = 3[d5]

Minor Injury: Largely superficial; painful and distracting, but not life threatening.

Minor Injury: Largely superficial; painful and distracting, but not life threatening.

Moderate Injury: Hampers action significantly; will require first aid/medical attention.

A blaze of las fire lights up the fast moving females as they acrobatically avoid the worst of it. One takes a couple of minor injuries but the second is knocked from her feet with a cry as a las blast takes her in the shoulder her left arm hanging uselessly. (Does Tarq hit?)

(Likely) Yes, but... +Twist: Item / Ends the scene

As Tarq lights up his Plasma gun something flicked by the mad doctor causes him to change the trajectory of his shot cutting a tank in half and coating the wounded female fanatic in plasma..


The spilt bio fluid suddenly ignites, "quick this way" Jolin leads the survivors through another door, (do they all make it?)

(Somewhat Likely) Yes.

Republic production plant.

Looking around what appears to be a production room related to the materials used in the lab, "spread out and look for ways out of here encase that fire spreads" (Do they find anything?)

(50/50) No.

(Is there another way out?)

(Likely) No.

"Tarqin, cut me a hole in that wall" Jolin points to the far wall, (Does the plasma cut a hole okay?)

(Sure Thing) Yes.

Time-warped moon.

The next room is undecipherable with weird colours and everything having a twisted or melted look. (Is there anyone there?)

(50/50) No.

(Can they move through this new room?)

(50/50) No.

"Tarq lets try that on this wall, quickly now the sooner we get away from that unholy sight the better"

Cyclic biodome.

More bio constructs this time, (anyone there?)

(Somewhat Likely) Yes.

Conservative soldier who is as strong as you and whose motivation is to embrace lies, secure opulence, and refine communications; who speaks of friendly uncertainty and is focused on your the character.


Bounty hunter.

Insectoid queen.

As the wall clears from the blast a number of figures can be seen, "engage the heretic" Jolin calls, (Do the five remaining troopers hit?)

1 = 1[d5]

Negligible: Nick/Scratch/Bruise.

There fire is mostly blocked or repulsed, a woman seemingly with tentacles for arms leaps through the gap at one of the men, (does it hit?)

(50/50) Yes. +Twist: Item / Ends the scene

Severe Injury: Incapacitating and may become Critical if untreated.

with ease it bites through armour and devours the troopers raised arm, his screams cut out as his suit loses all pressure and he collapses with faint gurgling coming over his mic, (the abomination stops to feed on him?)

(Somewhat Likely) Yes.

Two cultists follow behind one armed with a autogun opens up, (Hits?)

(50/50) Yes.

1 = 1[d2]

Negligible: Nick/Scratch/Bruise.

The other charges with a chainsword Tarq triggers his plasma gun,

Critical Injury: Requires immediate attention; clearly life-threatening if not immediately deadly.

and blows the cultist into pieces. Jolin fires his shotgun at the abomination,

Severe Injury: Incapacitating and may become Critical if untreated.

several of her tentacle's are severed and she/it is thrown back into the bulkhead. The final figure emerges from the room, it is a bounty hunter armoured in full power armour, a bolt pistol in one hand barks out, (hits?)

(Likely) No, but...

One of the troopers launches themselves at this new foe,

Ruthlessly / Empty.

Triggering a krak grenade as he closes with him

Moderate Injury: Hampers action significantly; will require first aid/medical attention.

The blast takes off the lower arm holding the bolt pistol and knocks the bounty hunter from his feet, the trooper..

Severe Injury: Incapacitating and may become Critical if untreated.

is left his armour shredded by the blast but still alive.

The remaining three troopers open fire again

2 = 2[d3]

Moderate Injury: Hampers action significantly; will require first aid/medical attention.

Negligible: Nick/Scratch/Bruise.

The other cultist is dispatched before he can fire again. Tarq activates his plasma gun at the bounty hunter,

(Somewhat Likely) No, and...

with a whine it powers down! "piece of..." Jolin ignites his power sword and charges the bounty hunter as he regains his feet..

(Likely) No.

some how he dodged...

(50/50) Yes.

Minor Injury: Largely superficial; painful and distracting, but not life threatening.

and punched Jolin in the chest flinging him back into the room,(do the remaining three troopers fire next?)

(50/50) Yes.

2 = 2[d3]

Minor Injury: Largely superficial; painful and distracting, but not life threatening.

Severe Injury: Incapacitating and may become Critical if untreated.

The concentrated fire from the three troopers forces him to his knees, scorch holes are scattered over his broad armoured torso,

Kindly / Military.

"yes" yells Tarq as with a sudden start his plasma gun kicks out a solid blast

Minor Injury: Largely superficial; painful and distracting, but not life threatening.

knocking the armoured foe completely from their feet, Jolin steps forward and tries to remove his helm

(Somewhat Likely) No, but...

Oddly / Rare.

"wait" faintly from the fallen bounty hunter, a hiss accompanies the removal of his helm, blood flows freely down his face and he spits blood, "In the name of the emperor what occurs here?" demands Jolin, (does he get answers?)

(Somewhat Likely) Yes.

Inform / Exterior factors.

Exquisit exotic plants.

"Inquisition I assume?" waving any response away "it doesn't matter they knew you would come eventually" "explain?" growled Jolin, "That mad bastard in the medics coat, he hired me from beyond the rim in lucky space, supposed to be a simple job as body guard with some potential Imperial conflict" pausing to spit more blood, "then we came out here and things got weird, he conducted experiments and the lucky ones dies quick, the rest well, you met Shela" with a nod towards the pieces of now dead tentacle girl. "but the pay was good and the work well I'm no puritan"

after some further questioning Jolin stood, "In the name of the Emperor I declare thee Heretic" "fuc.." a plasma blast removed his head along with his parting words.

"Move on" Jolin, Tarq and the remaining three troopers ventured onwards.

Bizarre research station.

Arrogant .

Vulgar .

Enormously / Small.

Cruelty / Disruption.

reaching another room, they spy the mad medic from earlier although there is no sign of the acrobatic fanatic with the lethal blades there is a hulking brute looking as though he has enough muscles for three large men, turning they see he is some sort of mutant, "Kill it, try and capture the other one" The guards open fire

Minor Injury: Largely superficial; painful and distracting, but not life threatening.

Negligible: Nick/Scratch/Bruise.

Minor Injury: Largely superficial; painful and distracting, but not life threatening.

Tarq unleashes his Plasma


and cuts it down before it reaches them, looking nonplussed for a second the medic throws what looks like a syringe at one of the men.

(Likely) Yes.

Negligible: Nick/Scratch/Bruise.

Luckily the armour saves him but even so it sticks from his armour until knocked clear, something that should not be possible. "Catch him" orders Jolin as they set off in pursuit.

(Do the troopers catch up to him?)

(50/50) No, but...

Just as he disappears through a doorway a spinning figure fly's the other way into their path

Minor Injury: Largely superficial; painful and distracting, but not life threatening.

blades slicing into the armour of the lead man, the guards stop and open fire.

(Somewhat Likely) No, but...

spinning she avoids their las fire but comes in range of Jolin and his power sword,

(Likely) Yes.


the hum of the energy field is broken only by the splash of gore as Jolin cuts her in half. Searching her they find..

Force field generator.

Subspace communicator.

"Interesting no wonder she was hard to shoot" exclaimed Tarq, "I'm more interested in this" Jolin indicated the communicator, "this suggests there is a ship in orbit somewhere or at least is expected, we need to finish this soon". Moving on after the fleeing mad man

Robot shipyards.

A shuttle sits in the centre of a cleared out docking space looking ready to leave through the artfully torn side of the colony hulk. "Siphnus" yells Jolin "Ascention now, Reaver in 5" not awaiting confirmation they continue running towards the shuttle. (Do they get there before it takes off?)

(50/50) Yes.

(Can they get in?)

(50/50) Yes, and...

The rear ramp is still down as they charge onboard, (is anyone other than the mad man on board?)

(50/50) Yes, and...

Minor Injury: Largely superficial; painful and distracting, but not life threatening.

A large powered arm with spinning blades cuts into the lead mans armour sending him flying back, manic laughter can be heard from the cockpit as a large pit gladiator emerges from the shuttle forcing them down the ramp. The other two guards open fire

Severe Injury: Incapacitating and may become Critical if untreated.

Negligible: Nick/Scratch/Bruise.

Despite blowing a sizable hole in him the drugged gladiator keeps coming,

Severe Injury: Incapacitating and may become Critical if untreated.

Severe Injury: Incapacitating and may become Critical if untreated.

His fighting arms powered by muscle grafts and drug cocktails sends the other two troopers remaining to the floor with gapping injuries visible through their armour. Tarq fires

Severe Injury: Incapacitating and may become Critical if untreated.

The plasma blast takes one arm clean off. Jolin swings his power sword

Moderate Injury: Hampers action significantly; will require first aid/medical attention.

Still on his feet the Gladiator swings at the nearest target the first trooper who has regained his feet


only to be run threw by the roaring chainfist, Jolin strike again

Minor Injury: Largely superficial; painful and distracting, but not life threatening.

(During this does the shuttle take off?)

(Likely) Yes, but...

leaving the gladiator behind facing Jolin, "Tarq take the shot!"

(Somewhat Unlikely) Yes.

Critical Damage: Requires immediate attention; clearly disabling if not immediately desctructive.

Trailing smoke the shuttle barely clears the exit before disappearing towards the floor the plasma blast having done its job well.

Critical Damage: Requires immediate attention; clearly disabling if not immediately desctructive.

Jolin finally damages the gladiator enough that even with the drugs flowing through his blood he is unable to move. Leaving him Jolin checks the two wounded troopers (do they live?)

(50/50) No, but...

Only one still lives,

Change / Opposition.

As their gunship hovers into view and they get on board with just Jolin, Tarq and one seriously injured trooper remaining, "take us down there should be obvious signs of the shuttle wreckage?" orders Jolin.

"Empty where can he have gone?" Jolin surveys the barren rocks surrounding the smashed shuttle, "Interrogator, message from the ship, energy signature detected in orbit belief a small ship may have appeared in orbit and left before being picked up by the sensors, it came in the far side of the planet during a meteor shower the sensors were screwed."
"Follow up message, trace possibly a teleport was active?" "damn, can we not catch a break here!" cursed Jolin, "back to the ship, patch me through to the Captain" "Captain were on our way back with the Inquisitors permission I advise we attempt to follow that ship trace with all speed, also requesting full spread of Hellstorm missiles is launched to erase the colony hulk. Quarantine buoys need to be deployed around this world too."