08-23-2015, 05:31 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-24-2015, 01:08 AM by Lil_misfit.)
So I used this as a game session to get used to the rules of Goblins! and here is what ended up happening.
(Goblins! rules are found here: http://goblins.diceofdoom.com/) ITS FREE
A magical weapon lays hidden must be found to slay a beast once feared. Two great forces of evil will rise against one force of good. On December 5th as the last 3 leaves fall off the great tree a great event will happen. A war will begin with a "rat" acting as the friend of many but only truly serving one. As the great tree once again blossoms the war will intensify as more great weapons of war are made.
In this strange world where mythical beast and man are considered the norm and a long forgotten catastrophe has destroyed the way of life for many, life goes on. Little does anyone know that the fortune that was told will affect all races and beasts alike. It all starts in a goblin village at the edge of the wasteswamps.
Here we meet the Swamplins (Goblins who live in a swamp) and our two brave.... "heroes" Bloo and Der. Goblin Brothers. But in these times goblins are sought after for slave labor. As the brothers stroll around the village soon a guard races into the village yelling, "FLEE FLEE AND HIDE! SLAVERS ARE COMIN' TO TAKE US GOBINS AWAY!" The Leader of the Guard gathers the Goblin Milita to fight off the slavers to let the Females and babys escape. This has happened all to often to nearby villages but now it is happening to the Swamplins.
Does Der (not liking to be told what to do) go and fight the slavers? (Very Likely)
(Very Likely | 10[d10]) Yes, and...
Yes and he doesn't wait for his brother's response before he is dragging him behind the goblin militia.
The goblin militia is how big?
14 = 9[d10]+5[d10]
The two brothers follow behind the row of 14 other goblins. Der puts on his bread helmet and holds in his two hands the heavy stick he found earlier today while Bloo wears his Metal Helmet and carries his broken stick in his hands hoping to look somewhat intimidating.
So what do the goblin militia face at the gate of the village walls?
Oooh, it is not a normal human slaver but a gargoyle possibly sent by some wizard to get slaves for their horrendous experiments.
Is he carrying anything like a weapon? (Some what likely)
(Somewhat Likely | 9[d10]) Yes. +Twist: NPC / Appears
This gargoyle carries a crossbow! But the gargoyle does not arrive alone as.....
Greedy paladin.
A corrupt paladin marches in through the forest wearing...
Crossbow bolts.
Scroll case.
The normal tattered clothes of a wastelander but he too carries a crossbow by the look of it. In his hands is a scroll not yet taken out of the case. The goblins shut the gate and prepare for the enemy's attack!
The goblin militia (even though they are wussys) they stand their ground! Der of course stands his ground as he chose this fight but Bloo trys to sneak away but Der sees him and chases him. Bloo Runs along the palisade walls as Der chases him. Der catches Bloo and tackles him. Does Der convince Bloo to stay? (50/50)
(50/50 | 6[d10]) Yes, but...
Yes but its too late to get back to the militia as the battle has started without them! Turn Order 1 Goblin Militia (15) 2 Gargoyle (12) 3 Greedy Paladin (10) 4 Der 5 Bloo
The goblins jump from the walls to attack gettin' medium range to the paladin. Only one goblin stays on the wall and that is the leader of the militia! The Gargoyle is medium distance from the goblin militia so he launches a bolt! The bolt slams into one militia goblin going through his arm into his chest. (13 Militia) Then Flys in the air to get closer. The greedy paladin grins as the goblins rush towards him! He walks closer then opens his scroll and reads it. Soon he turns into a Giant paladin! Der and Bloo rush towards the battle
The goblins rush towards the greedy paladin and attack him! They fail to hurt the now Giant Paladin. The gargoyle now is flying above the goblins and he launches another bolt killing another goblin as the bolt goes through his leg into the ground. (12 Militia) The Greedy Paladin Stomps down with his giant food crushing the legs of another militia goblin killing him. (11 militia) Der and Bloo are now with the Leader of the Militia as he screams insults towards the enemy slavers. "Yous musts helps uss!!" He says to Der and Bloo Der throws his beloved pet rock at the gargoyle but he misses.
The goblin militia fight back! Only scratching his leg with a spear. (The Paladin Resists this attack with his 1 pointy point) The Gargoyle, still flying, shoots another bolt wounding the Leader of the Militia. The Paladin again smashes the ground with his giant feet killing another brave soul (10 militia). Does der charge into battle?
(50/50 | 6[d10]) Yes, but...
Yes but Bloo does not follow him towards the giant.
What does Bloo Do?
Bloo tries to notice anything else
is there anything else to notice?
(50/50 | 8[d10]) Yes. +Twist: NPC / Appears
Ignorant Half-elf slave.
3 = 3[d13]
Bloo sees the half elf bound in chains at the edge of the woods!
The goblin militia has lost quite a few goblins but numbers do not matter to goblins! Does the wounded Leader of the Militia run away?
(Somewhat Unlikely | 2[d10]) No.
The Leader though wounded stays to fight! He takes the broken stick of Bloo and throws them at the Gargoyle! He hits the gargoyle with no effect. The goblin militia continue to attack the Giant, another spear goes into the giants leg hurting him! The Gargoyle swoops down low and shoots a bolt at the goblin pack by the giants feet killing another militia goblin (9 militia) The greedy paladin's scroll is slowly wearing off! He smashes the ground again killing another goblin! (8 militia) Der finally reaches the giants feet. Is the gargoyle low enough to hit?
(50/50 | 6[d10]) Yes, but...
Yes but the giant's smash stunned him for a second missing his chance. So instead he attacks with the stick at the giant but deals no damage!
What does bloo do?
Work hard.
Bloo decides to rush towards the giant leaving the wounded Leader behind knowing there could be slaves to save!
The leader does what?
He continues to Yell and shout from the wall. The Goblins attack the giant with their fists and spears but they can't seem to hurt the giant! The Gargoyle launches a bolt hovering above the crowd of goblins wounding another goblin. The Paladin is slowly becoming smaller... he gets into a fit of rage! He smashes the ground with his fist killing a goblin. (7 goblins) Der attacks the giant with his stick Smashing one of the giants arms bruising the giant's fist! Bloo catches up to Der but with no weapon to use he starts hitting the giant with his metal helmet bruising his legs! The leader of the Militia Continues to shout and yell from the tower! The goblin militia attacks with their remaining spears and they land killing the paladin! The few remaining spears go right after the gargoyle! Two spears break on impact of the stone skin but one lands putting cracks in the gargoyles head! The Gargoyle Launches a bolt killing another goblin (6 goblins) Does he run away?
(50/50 | 1[d10]) No, and...
No and he flys out of range towards the hidden slave!
Der rushes after him. Can he catch him?
(Likely | 10[d10]) Yes, and...
Yes and he manages to get a hit on the gargoyle killing him sending his stone body to the ground!
Der so excited eats his bread helmet to celebrate his victory! Bloo begins to look for the other slave. The militia return to the village with the good news. But all is not good.
1 = 1[d13]
Does bloo find more than 1 slave?
(50/50 | 10[d10]) Yes, and...
Yes and he finds that they all are alive.
8 = 8[d13]
There are 8 slaves in total! What does bloo do?
He takes them to his village where hopefully they will be nice to these 8 halfelf slaves.
Enemy soldier.
As everyone leaves no one sees the paladin's apprentice hiding in the bushes. He runs off to go tell of his master's death...
Well I left it on a cliff hanger and I had fun with it. It just got really late. Should I do more? I did this to learn how combat and the obsessions affect the goblins actions. It was alot of fun! Sadly not a lot of the apocalyptic stuff got in this session so maybe next time!
(Goblins! rules are found here: http://goblins.diceofdoom.com/) ITS FREE
A magical weapon lays hidden must be found to slay a beast once feared. Two great forces of evil will rise against one force of good. On December 5th as the last 3 leaves fall off the great tree a great event will happen. A war will begin with a "rat" acting as the friend of many but only truly serving one. As the great tree once again blossoms the war will intensify as more great weapons of war are made.
In this strange world where mythical beast and man are considered the norm and a long forgotten catastrophe has destroyed the way of life for many, life goes on. Little does anyone know that the fortune that was told will affect all races and beasts alike. It all starts in a goblin village at the edge of the wasteswamps.
Here we meet the Swamplins (Goblins who live in a swamp) and our two brave.... "heroes" Bloo and Der. Goblin Brothers. But in these times goblins are sought after for slave labor. As the brothers stroll around the village soon a guard races into the village yelling, "FLEE FLEE AND HIDE! SLAVERS ARE COMIN' TO TAKE US GOBINS AWAY!" The Leader of the Guard gathers the Goblin Milita to fight off the slavers to let the Females and babys escape. This has happened all to often to nearby villages but now it is happening to the Swamplins.
Does Der (not liking to be told what to do) go and fight the slavers? (Very Likely)
(Very Likely | 10[d10]) Yes, and...
Yes and he doesn't wait for his brother's response before he is dragging him behind the goblin militia.
The goblin militia is how big?
14 = 9[d10]+5[d10]
The two brothers follow behind the row of 14 other goblins. Der puts on his bread helmet and holds in his two hands the heavy stick he found earlier today while Bloo wears his Metal Helmet and carries his broken stick in his hands hoping to look somewhat intimidating.
So what do the goblin militia face at the gate of the village walls?
Oooh, it is not a normal human slaver but a gargoyle possibly sent by some wizard to get slaves for their horrendous experiments.
Is he carrying anything like a weapon? (Some what likely)
(Somewhat Likely | 9[d10]) Yes. +Twist: NPC / Appears
This gargoyle carries a crossbow! But the gargoyle does not arrive alone as.....
Greedy paladin.
A corrupt paladin marches in through the forest wearing...
Crossbow bolts.
Scroll case.
The normal tattered clothes of a wastelander but he too carries a crossbow by the look of it. In his hands is a scroll not yet taken out of the case. The goblins shut the gate and prepare for the enemy's attack!
The goblin militia (even though they are wussys) they stand their ground! Der of course stands his ground as he chose this fight but Bloo trys to sneak away but Der sees him and chases him. Bloo Runs along the palisade walls as Der chases him. Der catches Bloo and tackles him. Does Der convince Bloo to stay? (50/50)
(50/50 | 6[d10]) Yes, but...
Yes but its too late to get back to the militia as the battle has started without them! Turn Order 1 Goblin Militia (15) 2 Gargoyle (12) 3 Greedy Paladin (10) 4 Der 5 Bloo
The goblins jump from the walls to attack gettin' medium range to the paladin. Only one goblin stays on the wall and that is the leader of the militia! The Gargoyle is medium distance from the goblin militia so he launches a bolt! The bolt slams into one militia goblin going through his arm into his chest. (13 Militia) Then Flys in the air to get closer. The greedy paladin grins as the goblins rush towards him! He walks closer then opens his scroll and reads it. Soon he turns into a Giant paladin! Der and Bloo rush towards the battle
The goblins rush towards the greedy paladin and attack him! They fail to hurt the now Giant Paladin. The gargoyle now is flying above the goblins and he launches another bolt killing another goblin as the bolt goes through his leg into the ground. (12 Militia) The Greedy Paladin Stomps down with his giant food crushing the legs of another militia goblin killing him. (11 militia) Der and Bloo are now with the Leader of the Militia as he screams insults towards the enemy slavers. "Yous musts helps uss!!" He says to Der and Bloo Der throws his beloved pet rock at the gargoyle but he misses.
The goblin militia fight back! Only scratching his leg with a spear. (The Paladin Resists this attack with his 1 pointy point) The Gargoyle, still flying, shoots another bolt wounding the Leader of the Militia. The Paladin again smashes the ground with his giant feet killing another brave soul (10 militia). Does der charge into battle?
(50/50 | 6[d10]) Yes, but...
Yes but Bloo does not follow him towards the giant.
What does Bloo Do?
Bloo tries to notice anything else
is there anything else to notice?
(50/50 | 8[d10]) Yes. +Twist: NPC / Appears
Ignorant Half-elf slave.
3 = 3[d13]
Bloo sees the half elf bound in chains at the edge of the woods!
The goblin militia has lost quite a few goblins but numbers do not matter to goblins! Does the wounded Leader of the Militia run away?
(Somewhat Unlikely | 2[d10]) No.
The Leader though wounded stays to fight! He takes the broken stick of Bloo and throws them at the Gargoyle! He hits the gargoyle with no effect. The goblin militia continue to attack the Giant, another spear goes into the giants leg hurting him! The Gargoyle swoops down low and shoots a bolt at the goblin pack by the giants feet killing another militia goblin (9 militia) The greedy paladin's scroll is slowly wearing off! He smashes the ground again killing another goblin! (8 militia) Der finally reaches the giants feet. Is the gargoyle low enough to hit?
(50/50 | 6[d10]) Yes, but...
Yes but the giant's smash stunned him for a second missing his chance. So instead he attacks with the stick at the giant but deals no damage!
What does bloo do?
Work hard.
Bloo decides to rush towards the giant leaving the wounded Leader behind knowing there could be slaves to save!
The leader does what?
He continues to Yell and shout from the wall. The Goblins attack the giant with their fists and spears but they can't seem to hurt the giant! The Gargoyle launches a bolt hovering above the crowd of goblins wounding another goblin. The Paladin is slowly becoming smaller... he gets into a fit of rage! He smashes the ground with his fist killing a goblin. (7 goblins) Der attacks the giant with his stick Smashing one of the giants arms bruising the giant's fist! Bloo catches up to Der but with no weapon to use he starts hitting the giant with his metal helmet bruising his legs! The leader of the Militia Continues to shout and yell from the tower! The goblin militia attacks with their remaining spears and they land killing the paladin! The few remaining spears go right after the gargoyle! Two spears break on impact of the stone skin but one lands putting cracks in the gargoyles head! The Gargoyle Launches a bolt killing another goblin (6 goblins) Does he run away?
(50/50 | 1[d10]) No, and...
No and he flys out of range towards the hidden slave!
Der rushes after him. Can he catch him?
(Likely | 10[d10]) Yes, and...
Yes and he manages to get a hit on the gargoyle killing him sending his stone body to the ground!
Der so excited eats his bread helmet to celebrate his victory! Bloo begins to look for the other slave. The militia return to the village with the good news. But all is not good.
1 = 1[d13]
Does bloo find more than 1 slave?
(50/50 | 10[d10]) Yes, and...
Yes and he finds that they all are alive.
8 = 8[d13]
There are 8 slaves in total! What does bloo do?
He takes them to his village where hopefully they will be nice to these 8 halfelf slaves.
Enemy soldier.
As everyone leaves no one sees the paladin's apprentice hiding in the bushes. He runs off to go tell of his master's death...
Well I left it on a cliff hanger and I had fun with it. It just got really late. Should I do more? I did this to learn how combat and the obsessions affect the goblins actions. It was alot of fun! Sadly not a lot of the apocalyptic stuff got in this session so maybe next time!