Setting is shimmering research lab involving stimpack and neutral asteroid belt.
The setting is mutant pyramid involving above average alien parasite and burning research station. Your quest is to escort the mongreloid judge to the collective floating fortress. Trying to stop you is the judgmental skilled in persuasion. You are currently at the alliance moons.
Escape from the occupied research lab.
Argumentative child.
Gas giant facility.
Silicoid pulverizer.
Credit chip.
Planetary history.
So we have a burning research lab (probably the reason why it is shimmering
) and a child that's arguing with you.
The alliance moons probably orbit the gas giant and that's where the lab is situated, too.
I say the child is the judge, so I won't have to look for her/him.
I use the stimpack.
Is it a girl?
No. +Event: Inform / Tension
It's a boy. He informs you about (his?) tension. Does he need to go to the loo?
Is he afraid?
Yes, and...
He's crying.
Why mongreloid?
Wise musician.
So he's half "wise musician" what kind of people are those?
Heal / Suffering.
They heal the suffering. What do they look like?
Distracted teenager.
Sheepish? So they're sheepoids (in a _non_ silly way!)
No, I just can't ...
Been googeling for something good and then thought of that Star Wars - like Billy Ocean video ("loverboy");
He's some kind of Han Solo who looks like some bad-booty-ish sheep. So that should do.
I thought of using the stimpack on him too but that would probably only make it worse ...
The mutant pyramid is just a weirdly shaped pyramid-oid the lab is situated in.
Siliconoids are basically stone-people. A weapon made by them to pulverize ought to be ... powerful.
So I have a real good gun, some money and I'm like ... Indiana Jones (cause I'm a History buff)
That's all really nice, but now what?
Looks like something for the bad words list? But didn't I read something about a built in chance for stuff from other genres showing up?
Whatever it is - I'll make it a being from another dimension. Should be close enough. It's opposition, but what does it want?
Carry / Anger.
Carry the kid away?
Yes, and...
Kick my sissy booty - I get it ... <_<
I shoot it with the pulverizer.
Am I good at that?
No, and...
and what?
Desert / Travel.
We are now traveling through a desert.
Probably even in another dimension.
So, how are my survival skills?
No, and...
(are they good?) No water?
Yes, and...
No food.
Can I see any structures? Like buildings or anything?
Good thing.
What is it?
Increase / A representative.
Another pyramid. Lokks a bit like the other one we just left?
No, but...
Return / Plans.
Might be a ship. We could make plans to return to our own dimension there. So, let's go then!
Any obstacles?
Yes, but... +Event: Overthrow / Stalemate
Someone shows up and helps us. They keep the others in check and we can make it to the pyramid.
(I said it was a pyramid because they were used to make the states representative e.g. the pharaoh look better - increase his status or something)
Who tried to stop us?
Insectoid warrior.
Lovely! Love insectoids!
Who tried to stop them? Same guys?
Yes, and...
Calm physicist.
What species?
Attach / Technology.
Cyborg. Human?
"Okay, folks - nobody moves, nobody gets hurt!" You will let those guys go to the pyramid over there - is that understood?"
(Like that guy)
We enter the pyramid.
(What did the guy from the other dimension look like?)
Charming child.
So what do we see inside of the pyramid?
Setting is crystalline stargate involving worn-out flux capacitor and very high quality particle gun.
A stargate! But how can we recharge the capacitor? (ties in really nicely, I have to say!)
Siliconoids are basically chrystalline beings - is the battery from my pulverizer of any help?
Yes, and...
It's actually quite simple to do?
No. +Event: Celebrate / Benefits
I swap guns. We are quite happy that we found a way out. It maybe won't be easy but at least it's something!
I say the 'and' means we found food and stuff - even enough for a little party.
The physicist should know what to do, but what about me? Any good?
Yes, and... +Event: Waste / Pain
The kid's too.
Also: Hangover ...
So, the stimulant probably doesn't work anymore.
So, how hard is it?
5 = 5[d10]
5 success levels ("excellent")
So, we're all very good at it - what about me? d6?
higher than d10?
The kid? d8?
Yes, but...
a malus (too much sugar last night)
the Physicist - d10?
Int? Good?
Yes, but...
hungover - get it. (maybe that's what the stimulant was good for)
Yes, but...
yes, you already said that.
Kid - high Int?
No, but...
d4 (he's a judge after all)
43 = 4[d4]+1[d4]+3[d4]+3[d4]+3[d4]+4[d4]+1[d4]+1[d4]+2[d4]+2[d4]+1[d10]+8[d10]+1[d10]+5[d10]+4[d8]
Not sure whether every one gets to roll his or her 3d4 - so:
40 = 3[d4]+3[d4]+2[d4]+3[d4]+7[d10]+2[d10]+6[d10]+10[d10]+4[d8]
Not much worse - we did it in no time.
(Found it a bit easy, may have to tweak that a bit)
So what's our bonus, because we were so good?
Open / Energy.
Well, I agree - powering a stargate with just a gun's battery is probably enough of a bonus ;-)
So, what happens now?
Ambush / Allies.
K, the bugs are back - they work together now.
Let's get outta here then.
Is the Physician still with us?
No, but...
We can escape.
Trying to manipulate the stargate, so it breaks down after we used it.
Think I forgoz my Int - is it high?
No, but...
18 = 4[d4]+3[d4]+4[d4]+6[d10]+1[d4]
Very good to excellent.
Neglect / Emotions.
We can hear them cry out in frustration (do bugs do that?) as the power cell burns out giving it's last to help us going back to our dimension.
Where are we now?
Demilitarized ruins.
I just wondered - if the kid's a jugde - is the parasite maybe inside of him (somewhat like a "Trill" in Star Trek?)
Yes, and...
The judge's actually him?
No, but...
Oh, okay. So the kid probably "transports" the parasite? (talking "stargate" & pyramids: Also Goa'uld.
Is it more like a "being sick" parasite?
We search the ruins - what can we find out?
Guide / Suffering.
Some guy lies there, suffering. Is he wounded?
No, but...
Is he sick?
Is he hungry?
Did I think of taking some food along?
"Here, you're starving man! Have some of this!"
What does he look like?
Shy student.
Is it a guy?
A girl. Is she Human?
What kind of Alien?
Lazy monk.
But rather close: She's monkey-oid! Hello cousin!
So she'll be our guide?
She shows us around the ruins - are those in fact old? Or were those structures destroyed in a war?
Passion / Weather.
Militarized frigate.
So, is it old?
No, and...
The war's not over long?
So, who fought here?
Silicoid pulverizer.
Ditzy female worker.
Silics vs. communist Amazons. Insectoids?
Maybe rodents?
Punish / Technology.
Ditzy Silicoid programmer.
Probably some faction of the Silicoids.
No, and...
Nothing like that at all. The parasites?
So, are they all female? Like bees or something?
K. (Now I'm a bit disappointed, but it's still cool)
So, there was a frigate involved - did it destroy all the structures here?
Did it defend them?
Yes, but... +Event: Fight / Joy
It didn't succeed. Is it still here?
Someone's having fun fighting. Maybe the girl and the kid?
Let's find that ship - maybe we can get away from here!
Does the girl know where it is?
Let's go there then.
What does it look like?
Harm / Opposition.
Battered. Thought so.
Does it still fly?
Yes, and...
and what?
Assist / Home.
Navigational systems still working, too! *Huzza!*
Temporal flux medical station.
We enter the ship and find that there's something weird going on at the medical station.
Due to a Star Trek wiki, it's something you can find in someone's "bioelectric pattern". It means that person has been to or is from another time.
Is it one of us?
No. +Event: Harm / Technology
So, it's someone here at the sickbay.
Did someone get harmed?
Yes, and... +Event: Refuse / Tactics
I guess something blew up on us. Probably the tactical system. Who got hurt?
Persecute / Masses.
K, we all got hurt. Let's treat those wounds then. Anyone good at medicine?
So some bot will have to do. Anything here?
No, but...
We call one to get here asap.
So, who's that temporal flux guy here at the sick bay?
Angry corporal.
Pessimistic statesman who is as strong as you and whose motivation is to guide racism, advance family, and report nature; who speaks of insane plans and is focused on your contacts.
Dangerous fugitive.
Is he a Christalline?
Does the girl have a parasite?
The ship's not Christalline, is it?
So, what does he do here (he?)
Yes, and...
Very manly, I guess. Why has he been to another time? Maybe he tried not to get hit in the battle?
Does that technology still work?
What a petty ... <_<
Is it hard to repair?
Yes, and...
He wants to keep it?
Yes, and...
He's dangerous. Does he ask about the parasites?
Yes, and...
Negligence / Love.
He doesn't like them. We already thought so.
Do they tell him?
Does he have means to find out?
Device broken?
No, but...
He doesn't have it right now?
Yes, and... +Event: Desert / Dispute
The power cell's out of - well - power.
DOes the medi-bot arrive?
Yes, but...
Pursue / Expectations.
It needs modification to be able to do medic-stuff?
K, who's good at that? The girl?
Int? High?
No, and...
A malus. (d4's actually not that high, so it's probably d6 then)
Int = d4?
No. +Event: Pursue / Death
Does the Sergeant try to kill us?
The bot?
No, but...
The bot tries to kill the sergeant?
Yes, and...
It's good at it?
It does so right now?
Yes. +Event: Postpone / Anger
"Hey, easy folks! Didn't mean it like that!" The sergeant calms down a bit.
I decide to call another bot for help. Successfully?
Yes, but... +Event: Move / A burden
Might take a while.
Probably better not to tell him, we plan to reprogram it.
Is he clever?
No, but...
"Only" d8.
Am I good at bluffing?
Yes, and...
I'll get a bonus.
14 = 1[d4]+4[d4]+1[d4]+2[d4]+6[d6]
15 = 2[d4]+1[d4]+1[d4]+5[d8]+6[d8]
Bonus higher than 1?
K, made it.
2 = 2[d5]
K, only by one. But still ...
18 = 3[d4]+4[d4]+4[d4]+6[d6]+1
Excellent! I say it has a d10 now.
How bad were we hurt.
Minor Injury: Largely superficial; painful and distracting, but not life threatening.
Minor Injury: Largely superficial; painful and distracting, but not life threatening.
Negligible: Nick/Scratch/Bruise.
Negligible: Nick/Scratch/Bruise.
Dex? High?
No, and...
a malus?
No, but...
It's very low. 1?
d4 then.
10 = 1[d4]+1[d4]+2[d4]+4[d10]+2[d4]
16 = 1[d4]+3[d4]+1[d4]+7[d10]+4[d4]
13 = 4[d4]+2[d4]+2[d4]+4[d10]+1[d4]
15 = 2[d4]+1[d4]+3[d4]+5[d10]+4[d4]
So it heals us all. Nice. What now?
Praise / Tension.
K, ppl are glad the bot treated their wounds so well, yet there's still tension.
I talk to the other's if we should put him into a cell or something.
No, but...
"Let's keep an eye on him"
Are there any other Chrissies on board?
Yes, but...
We don't know. We ask him.
10 = 1[d4]+2[d4]+2[d4]+3[d6]+2[d4]
24 = 2[d4]+4[d4]+4[d4]+7[d8]+7[d8]
He kinda sees right through my bluff.
Can't get anything out of him.
11 = 3[d4]+3[d4]+2[d4]+2[d6]+1
The monkey girl uses the ship's computer though and finds a couple other ones. Many?
Yes, but...
Usurp / Hope.
Their morale is low. Let's try to bluff them to gather at the same spot.
11 = 3[d4]+3[d4]+1[d4]+2[d6]+2[d4]
Are they're all that clever?
No, but...
rather. d6.
12 = 1[d4]+2[d4]+2[d4]+3[d6]+4[d6]
Malus due to morale higher than 1?
No, and...
Now they know. Great.
More than 10?
Many more?
Like 20?
No, and... +Event: Triumph / Fears
Between 10 and 20. Their fears overcome them. Do they do what we want?
We use a force field to imprison them.
Monkey-girl keeps looking for others. We probably shouldn't leave them here - they could either be a danger for the people here or get imprisoned or worse by their enemies. Does monkey-firl want to come with us?
Pretty please?
19 = 2[d4]+3[d4]+4[d4]+6[d6]+4[d4]
8 = 1[d4]+1[d4]+4[d4]+2
I can persuade her to come with us, but I feel bad about it now - is it her family?
We contact them. What do they say?
Travel / Legal matters.
probably plan to call the police. Are they hungry too?
Yes, and...
No, but...
Probably weak from starving. We bring them some food and ask them if they want to leave with us. Also others here in the region.
Okay then - we promise to come back with some food and leave monkey girl with their family.
Do they all have parasites?
We get the ship into orbit. Am I good at that?
Is the kid good at that?
Yes, but...
Not very. d4?
No, and...
a malus. d6?
Yes, but...
Maybe it's the parasite?
Int? High?
Yes, and...
A bonus?
No, and...
It's very high?
No, but...
Oh, the ship's computer helps us, right?
Yes. +Event: Abuse / Jealously
K, let's say we made it.
Mutant badlands.
The orbit?
Yes, and... +Event: Dominate / Suffering
The computer's so good - one could get jealous. It feels like we kinda "abuse" the system as it does everything for us.
A station?
K, the post apocalyptic space station threatens us. Obviously those guys are just hungry but there's not much we can do.
Weapons, however are offline. We could try and bluff them or just ... fly away.
"Go for it!!!"
Change / Stalemate.
They fire at us, but we are fast enough to evade.
28 = 3[d4]+2[d4]+4[d4]+6[d20]+13[d20]
34 = 1[d4]+1[d4]+3[d4]+20[d20]+9[d20]
19 = 1[d4]+1[d4]+3[d4]+8[d20]+6[d20]
30 = 3[d4]+4[d4]+2[d4]+20[d20]+1[d20]
K, they got us. Probably better to negotiate. As we already promised to bring food, we try that.
11 = 3[d4]+3[d4]+1[d4]+3[d4]+1[d6]
They're probably not very bright: 2
12 = 3[d4]+3[d4]+4[d4]+2
Still better than us. They don't really believe us. Now what?
Imprison / Messages.
Do they send us a message, they want to imprison us?
No, but...
The prisoners try to contact us?
No. +Event: Harm / Danger
They try to message them. Some hatemail, no doubt as we get attacked again.
Minor Injury: Largely superficial; painful and distracting, but not life threatening.
K, try to persuade them again.
14 = 2[d4]+2[d4]+4[d4]+3[d4]+3[d6]
7 = 3[d4]+1[d4]+1[d4]+2
2 success levels. That's actually good. Malus because of the Chrystallines:
Severe Injury: Incapacitating and may become Critical if untreated.
Very high. I'll say it's 5 - so that's no success level then for us.
19 = 4[d4]+3[d4]+3[d4]+4[d4]+5[d6]
10 = 3[d4]+4[d4]+1[d4]+2
So that'S 14 to 10 - 2 success levels.
5 = 5[d7]
6 = 6[d7]
(I used "obfuscate" and "point" btw.)
12 = 4[d4]+1[d4]+3[d4]+2[d4]+2[d6]
8 = 2[d4]+1[d4]+3[d4]+2
2 = 2[d7]
That was "dismiss".
It's only 3 success levels but I say we made it.
Next stop: The floating fortress. Is it far?
Yes, and...
Hard to reach, I guess. Well, then we will have to find some food first. Is there anything close? Like a agricultural world?
No, and...
Adversity / Illness.
Someone's ill. The starving people on the planet?
The Chrystallines?
No, and...
They're actually quite healthy? So it's us?
Maybe the symbiont?
Yes, and...
The boy too.
Me too?
K, so what kind of planet is close?
Mysterious production plant.
Maybe it can produce food! Let's go there, then.
We try to contact them.
Bestow / Illness.
They're probably afraid that they will get ill, too.
I ask the medi-bot what it is:
Adjourn / Peace.
The boy gets rages and stuff - maybe a tranquilizer?
Do they have food to spare at all?
What do they produce?
Disrupt / Dreams.
Stim-packs or something. Why is it mysterious though? Maybe drugs?
Yes. +Event: Delay / A project
What project?
Deceive / Technology.
A ship uncloakes.
Deceitful athlete.
Devoted merchant who is as strong as you and whose motivation is to achieve wrath, obtain ghosts, and collaborate the populous; who speaks of hostile news and is focused on your campaign.
"ghosts" could be a "bad word" here - dunno.
Apparently this merchant wants to pi ... infuriate me.
Maybe the judgmental skilled in persuasion sent him?
He probably threatens to destroy our ship.
As the Chryssies are far more than us he probably also tries to 'colaborate' with them.
(Or the guys from the station? Or both?)
I try to talk to him:
14 = 3[d4]+3[d4]+2[d4]+1[d4]+5[d6]
Is he clever?
No, but...
Waste / Prison.
The Chryssies warn him of me.
No, but...
A bonus. Is it high?
No, and...
Only once. 2?
7 = 1[d4]+1[d4]+2[d4]+3
7 = 7[d7]
3 to none. That looks rather good. Probably was just bluffing.
Does he know where to get medicine and food?
Yes. +Event: Stop / Illness
He sold the medicine right from his ship. Good thing! Now where to get some food. Also: Does he have information about the floating fortress?
Oh, okay. Could have been worse. We fly to the coordinates he gave us for some food.
Mnemonic battleship.
*when we asked where to get some food for the starving people.
I take the opportunity to learn something about History; A "mnemonic battleship" should know a lot about wars and stuff.
We tell them that the people are starving and need food. Do they agree to help?
Maybe like U.N. troops?
No, but...
Or Star Trek federation type guys?
That is nice. Those people oughta help 'em down there. Also: The guys at the station ("Don't get shot!"
Do they know anything about the floating fortress?
Could they repair our weapons?
Also, they might be able to take care of the Chrystals?
Yes, but... +Event: Abandon / Wounds
When we try to beam them over, they're all gone. Only one is still there and he's wounded. I tell them about the time-travelling device and they scan for chronoton particles.
We question the the wounded guy as he gets treated by their doctor. Does he talk?
So did they use their devices?
Did his malfunction and that's why he's wounded?
No. +Event: Propose / Rumour
Did they wound him?
Yes, and...
Left him there for good. He's more than willing to talk!
Travel / Energy.
He tells us how they got the energy to travel. Did it harm our ship?
Do I get the plans for that device?
We leave the last Chrystalline with them and fare them all goodbye.
As our guns work again I am more than confident we can make it to the "Floating Fortress".
End of part 1
Tachyon badlands.
The setting is mutant pyramid involving above average alien parasite and burning research station. Your quest is to escort the mongreloid judge to the collective floating fortress. Trying to stop you is the judgmental skilled in persuasion. You are currently at the alliance moons.
Escape from the occupied research lab.
Argumentative child.
Gas giant facility.
Silicoid pulverizer.
Credit chip.
Planetary history.
So we have a burning research lab (probably the reason why it is shimmering

The alliance moons probably orbit the gas giant and that's where the lab is situated, too.
I say the child is the judge, so I won't have to look for her/him.
I use the stimpack.
Is it a girl?
No. +Event: Inform / Tension
It's a boy. He informs you about (his?) tension. Does he need to go to the loo?
Is he afraid?
Yes, and...
He's crying.
Why mongreloid?
Wise musician.
So he's half "wise musician" what kind of people are those?
Heal / Suffering.
They heal the suffering. What do they look like?
Distracted teenager.
Sheepish? So they're sheepoids (in a _non_ silly way!)
No, I just can't ...
Been googeling for something good and then thought of that Star Wars - like Billy Ocean video ("loverboy");
He's some kind of Han Solo who looks like some bad-booty-ish sheep. So that should do.
I thought of using the stimpack on him too but that would probably only make it worse ...
The mutant pyramid is just a weirdly shaped pyramid-oid the lab is situated in.
Siliconoids are basically stone-people. A weapon made by them to pulverize ought to be ... powerful.
So I have a real good gun, some money and I'm like ... Indiana Jones (cause I'm a History buff)
That's all really nice, but now what?
Looks like something for the bad words list? But didn't I read something about a built in chance for stuff from other genres showing up?
Whatever it is - I'll make it a being from another dimension. Should be close enough. It's opposition, but what does it want?
Carry / Anger.
Carry the kid away?
Yes, and...
Kick my sissy booty - I get it ... <_<
I shoot it with the pulverizer.
Am I good at that?
No, and...
and what?
Desert / Travel.
We are now traveling through a desert.

So, how are my survival skills?
No, and...
(are they good?) No water?
Yes, and...
No food.
Can I see any structures? Like buildings or anything?
Good thing.

Increase / A representative.
Another pyramid. Lokks a bit like the other one we just left?
No, but...
Return / Plans.
Might be a ship. We could make plans to return to our own dimension there. So, let's go then!
Any obstacles?
Yes, but... +Event: Overthrow / Stalemate
Someone shows up and helps us. They keep the others in check and we can make it to the pyramid.
(I said it was a pyramid because they were used to make the states representative e.g. the pharaoh look better - increase his status or something)
Who tried to stop us?
Insectoid warrior.
Lovely! Love insectoids!
Who tried to stop them? Same guys?
Yes, and...
Calm physicist.
What species?
Attach / Technology.
Cyborg. Human?
"Okay, folks - nobody moves, nobody gets hurt!" You will let those guys go to the pyramid over there - is that understood?"
(Like that guy)
We enter the pyramid.
(What did the guy from the other dimension look like?)
Charming child.
So what do we see inside of the pyramid?
Setting is crystalline stargate involving worn-out flux capacitor and very high quality particle gun.
A stargate! But how can we recharge the capacitor? (ties in really nicely, I have to say!)
Siliconoids are basically chrystalline beings - is the battery from my pulverizer of any help?
Yes, and...
It's actually quite simple to do?
No. +Event: Celebrate / Benefits
I swap guns. We are quite happy that we found a way out. It maybe won't be easy but at least it's something!
I say the 'and' means we found food and stuff - even enough for a little party.
The physicist should know what to do, but what about me? Any good?
Yes, and... +Event: Waste / Pain
The kid's too.
Also: Hangover ...
So, the stimulant probably doesn't work anymore.
So, how hard is it?
5 = 5[d10]
5 success levels ("excellent")
So, we're all very good at it - what about me? d6?
higher than d10?
The kid? d8?
Yes, but...
a malus (too much sugar last night)
the Physicist - d10?
Int? Good?
Yes, but...
hungover - get it. (maybe that's what the stimulant was good for)
Yes, but...
yes, you already said that.
Kid - high Int?
No, but...
d4 (he's a judge after all)
43 = 4[d4]+1[d4]+3[d4]+3[d4]+3[d4]+4[d4]+1[d4]+1[d4]+2[d4]+2[d4]+1[d10]+8[d10]+1[d10]+5[d10]+4[d8]
Not sure whether every one gets to roll his or her 3d4 - so:
40 = 3[d4]+3[d4]+2[d4]+3[d4]+7[d10]+2[d10]+6[d10]+10[d10]+4[d8]
Not much worse - we did it in no time.
(Found it a bit easy, may have to tweak that a bit)
So what's our bonus, because we were so good?
Open / Energy.
Well, I agree - powering a stargate with just a gun's battery is probably enough of a bonus ;-)
So, what happens now?
Ambush / Allies.
K, the bugs are back - they work together now.
Let's get outta here then.
Is the Physician still with us?
No, but...
We can escape.
Trying to manipulate the stargate, so it breaks down after we used it.
Think I forgoz my Int - is it high?
No, but...
18 = 4[d4]+3[d4]+4[d4]+6[d10]+1[d4]
Very good to excellent.
Neglect / Emotions.
We can hear them cry out in frustration (do bugs do that?) as the power cell burns out giving it's last to help us going back to our dimension.
Where are we now?
Demilitarized ruins.
I just wondered - if the kid's a jugde - is the parasite maybe inside of him (somewhat like a "Trill" in Star Trek?)
Yes, and...
The judge's actually him?
No, but...
Oh, okay. So the kid probably "transports" the parasite? (talking "stargate" & pyramids: Also Goa'uld.
Is it more like a "being sick" parasite?
We search the ruins - what can we find out?
Guide / Suffering.
Some guy lies there, suffering. Is he wounded?
No, but...
Is he sick?
Is he hungry?
Did I think of taking some food along?
"Here, you're starving man! Have some of this!"
What does he look like?
Shy student.
Is it a guy?
A girl. Is she Human?
What kind of Alien?
Lazy monk.
But rather close: She's monkey-oid! Hello cousin!
So she'll be our guide?
She shows us around the ruins - are those in fact old? Or were those structures destroyed in a war?
Passion / Weather.
Militarized frigate.
So, is it old?
No, and...
The war's not over long?
So, who fought here?
Silicoid pulverizer.
Ditzy female worker.
Silics vs. communist Amazons. Insectoids?
Maybe rodents?
Punish / Technology.
Ditzy Silicoid programmer.
Probably some faction of the Silicoids.
No, and...
Nothing like that at all. The parasites?
So, are they all female? Like bees or something?
K. (Now I'm a bit disappointed, but it's still cool)
So, there was a frigate involved - did it destroy all the structures here?
Did it defend them?
Yes, but... +Event: Fight / Joy
It didn't succeed. Is it still here?
Someone's having fun fighting. Maybe the girl and the kid?

Let's find that ship - maybe we can get away from here!
Does the girl know where it is?
Let's go there then.
What does it look like?
Harm / Opposition.
Battered. Thought so.
Does it still fly?
Yes, and...
and what?
Assist / Home.
Navigational systems still working, too! *Huzza!*
Temporal flux medical station.
We enter the ship and find that there's something weird going on at the medical station.
Due to a Star Trek wiki, it's something you can find in someone's "bioelectric pattern". It means that person has been to or is from another time.
Is it one of us?
No. +Event: Harm / Technology
So, it's someone here at the sickbay.
Did someone get harmed?
Yes, and... +Event: Refuse / Tactics
I guess something blew up on us. Probably the tactical system. Who got hurt?
Persecute / Masses.
K, we all got hurt. Let's treat those wounds then. Anyone good at medicine?
So some bot will have to do. Anything here?
No, but...
We call one to get here asap.
So, who's that temporal flux guy here at the sick bay?
Angry corporal.
Pessimistic statesman who is as strong as you and whose motivation is to guide racism, advance family, and report nature; who speaks of insane plans and is focused on your contacts.
Dangerous fugitive.
Is he a Christalline?
Does the girl have a parasite?
The ship's not Christalline, is it?
So, what does he do here (he?)
Yes, and...
Very manly, I guess. Why has he been to another time? Maybe he tried not to get hit in the battle?
Does that technology still work?
What a petty ... <_<
Is it hard to repair?
Yes, and...
He wants to keep it?
Yes, and...
He's dangerous. Does he ask about the parasites?
Yes, and...
Negligence / Love.
He doesn't like them. We already thought so.
Do they tell him?
Does he have means to find out?
Device broken?
No, but...
He doesn't have it right now?
Yes, and... +Event: Desert / Dispute
The power cell's out of - well - power.
DOes the medi-bot arrive?
Yes, but...
Pursue / Expectations.
It needs modification to be able to do medic-stuff?
K, who's good at that? The girl?
Int? High?
No, and...
A malus. (d4's actually not that high, so it's probably d6 then)
Int = d4?
No. +Event: Pursue / Death
Does the Sergeant try to kill us?
The bot?
No, but...
The bot tries to kill the sergeant?
Yes, and...
It's good at it?
It does so right now?
Yes. +Event: Postpone / Anger
"Hey, easy folks! Didn't mean it like that!" The sergeant calms down a bit.
I decide to call another bot for help. Successfully?
Yes, but... +Event: Move / A burden
Might take a while.
Probably better not to tell him, we plan to reprogram it.
Is he clever?
No, but...
"Only" d8.
Am I good at bluffing?
Yes, and...
I'll get a bonus.
14 = 1[d4]+4[d4]+1[d4]+2[d4]+6[d6]
15 = 2[d4]+1[d4]+1[d4]+5[d8]+6[d8]
Bonus higher than 1?
K, made it.
2 = 2[d5]
K, only by one. But still ...
18 = 3[d4]+4[d4]+4[d4]+6[d6]+1
Excellent! I say it has a d10 now.
How bad were we hurt.
Minor Injury: Largely superficial; painful and distracting, but not life threatening.
Minor Injury: Largely superficial; painful and distracting, but not life threatening.
Negligible: Nick/Scratch/Bruise.
Negligible: Nick/Scratch/Bruise.
Dex? High?
No, and...
a malus?
No, but...
It's very low. 1?
d4 then.
10 = 1[d4]+1[d4]+2[d4]+4[d10]+2[d4]
16 = 1[d4]+3[d4]+1[d4]+7[d10]+4[d4]
13 = 4[d4]+2[d4]+2[d4]+4[d10]+1[d4]
15 = 2[d4]+1[d4]+3[d4]+5[d10]+4[d4]
So it heals us all. Nice. What now?
Praise / Tension.
K, ppl are glad the bot treated their wounds so well, yet there's still tension.
I talk to the other's if we should put him into a cell or something.
No, but...
"Let's keep an eye on him"
Are there any other Chrissies on board?
Yes, but...
We don't know. We ask him.
10 = 1[d4]+2[d4]+2[d4]+3[d6]+2[d4]
24 = 2[d4]+4[d4]+4[d4]+7[d8]+7[d8]
He kinda sees right through my bluff.
Can't get anything out of him.
11 = 3[d4]+3[d4]+2[d4]+2[d6]+1
The monkey girl uses the ship's computer though and finds a couple other ones. Many?
Yes, but...
Usurp / Hope.
Their morale is low. Let's try to bluff them to gather at the same spot.
11 = 3[d4]+3[d4]+1[d4]+2[d6]+2[d4]
Are they're all that clever?
No, but...
rather. d6.
12 = 1[d4]+2[d4]+2[d4]+3[d6]+4[d6]
Malus due to morale higher than 1?
No, and...
Now they know. Great.
More than 10?
Many more?
Like 20?
No, and... +Event: Triumph / Fears
Between 10 and 20. Their fears overcome them. Do they do what we want?
We use a force field to imprison them.
Monkey-girl keeps looking for others. We probably shouldn't leave them here - they could either be a danger for the people here or get imprisoned or worse by their enemies. Does monkey-firl want to come with us?
Pretty please?
19 = 2[d4]+3[d4]+4[d4]+6[d6]+4[d4]
8 = 1[d4]+1[d4]+4[d4]+2
I can persuade her to come with us, but I feel bad about it now - is it her family?
We contact them. What do they say?
Travel / Legal matters.
probably plan to call the police. Are they hungry too?
Yes, and...
No, but...
Probably weak from starving. We bring them some food and ask them if they want to leave with us. Also others here in the region.
Okay then - we promise to come back with some food and leave monkey girl with their family.
Do they all have parasites?
We get the ship into orbit. Am I good at that?
Is the kid good at that?
Yes, but...
Not very. d4?
No, and...
a malus. d6?
Yes, but...
Maybe it's the parasite?
Int? High?
Yes, and...
A bonus?
No, and...
It's very high?
No, but...
Oh, the ship's computer helps us, right?
Yes. +Event: Abuse / Jealously
K, let's say we made it.
Mutant badlands.
The orbit?
Yes, and... +Event: Dominate / Suffering
The computer's so good - one could get jealous. It feels like we kinda "abuse" the system as it does everything for us.
A station?
K, the post apocalyptic space station threatens us. Obviously those guys are just hungry but there's not much we can do.
Weapons, however are offline. We could try and bluff them or just ... fly away.
"Go for it!!!"
Change / Stalemate.
They fire at us, but we are fast enough to evade.
28 = 3[d4]+2[d4]+4[d4]+6[d20]+13[d20]
34 = 1[d4]+1[d4]+3[d4]+20[d20]+9[d20]
19 = 1[d4]+1[d4]+3[d4]+8[d20]+6[d20]
30 = 3[d4]+4[d4]+2[d4]+20[d20]+1[d20]
K, they got us. Probably better to negotiate. As we already promised to bring food, we try that.
11 = 3[d4]+3[d4]+1[d4]+3[d4]+1[d6]
They're probably not very bright: 2
12 = 3[d4]+3[d4]+4[d4]+2
Still better than us. They don't really believe us. Now what?
Imprison / Messages.
Do they send us a message, they want to imprison us?
No, but...
The prisoners try to contact us?
No. +Event: Harm / Danger
They try to message them. Some hatemail, no doubt as we get attacked again.
Minor Injury: Largely superficial; painful and distracting, but not life threatening.
K, try to persuade them again.
14 = 2[d4]+2[d4]+4[d4]+3[d4]+3[d6]
7 = 3[d4]+1[d4]+1[d4]+2
2 success levels. That's actually good. Malus because of the Chrystallines:
Severe Injury: Incapacitating and may become Critical if untreated.
Very high. I'll say it's 5 - so that's no success level then for us.
19 = 4[d4]+3[d4]+3[d4]+4[d4]+5[d6]
10 = 3[d4]+4[d4]+1[d4]+2
So that'S 14 to 10 - 2 success levels.
5 = 5[d7]
6 = 6[d7]
(I used "obfuscate" and "point" btw.)
12 = 4[d4]+1[d4]+3[d4]+2[d4]+2[d6]
8 = 2[d4]+1[d4]+3[d4]+2
2 = 2[d7]
That was "dismiss".
It's only 3 success levels but I say we made it.
Next stop: The floating fortress. Is it far?
Yes, and...
Hard to reach, I guess. Well, then we will have to find some food first. Is there anything close? Like a agricultural world?
No, and...
Adversity / Illness.
Someone's ill. The starving people on the planet?
The Chrystallines?
No, and...
They're actually quite healthy? So it's us?
Maybe the symbiont?
Yes, and...
The boy too.
Me too?
K, so what kind of planet is close?
Mysterious production plant.
Maybe it can produce food! Let's go there, then.
We try to contact them.
Bestow / Illness.
They're probably afraid that they will get ill, too.
I ask the medi-bot what it is:
Adjourn / Peace.
The boy gets rages and stuff - maybe a tranquilizer?
Do they have food to spare at all?
What do they produce?
Disrupt / Dreams.
Stim-packs or something. Why is it mysterious though? Maybe drugs?
Yes. +Event: Delay / A project
What project?
Deceive / Technology.
A ship uncloakes.
Deceitful athlete.
Devoted merchant who is as strong as you and whose motivation is to achieve wrath, obtain ghosts, and collaborate the populous; who speaks of hostile news and is focused on your campaign.
"ghosts" could be a "bad word" here - dunno.
Apparently this merchant wants to pi ... infuriate me.
Maybe the judgmental skilled in persuasion sent him?
He probably threatens to destroy our ship.
As the Chryssies are far more than us he probably also tries to 'colaborate' with them.
(Or the guys from the station? Or both?)
I try to talk to him:
14 = 3[d4]+3[d4]+2[d4]+1[d4]+5[d6]
Is he clever?
No, but...
Waste / Prison.
The Chryssies warn him of me.
No, but...
A bonus. Is it high?
No, and...
Only once. 2?
7 = 1[d4]+1[d4]+2[d4]+3
7 = 7[d7]
3 to none. That looks rather good. Probably was just bluffing.
Does he know where to get medicine and food?
Yes. +Event: Stop / Illness
He sold the medicine right from his ship. Good thing! Now where to get some food. Also: Does he have information about the floating fortress?
Oh, okay. Could have been worse. We fly to the coordinates he gave us for some food.
Mnemonic battleship.
*when we asked where to get some food for the starving people.
I take the opportunity to learn something about History; A "mnemonic battleship" should know a lot about wars and stuff.
We tell them that the people are starving and need food. Do they agree to help?
Maybe like U.N. troops?
No, but...
Or Star Trek federation type guys?
That is nice. Those people oughta help 'em down there. Also: The guys at the station ("Don't get shot!"

Do they know anything about the floating fortress?
Could they repair our weapons?
Also, they might be able to take care of the Chrystals?
Yes, but... +Event: Abandon / Wounds
When we try to beam them over, they're all gone. Only one is still there and he's wounded. I tell them about the time-travelling device and they scan for chronoton particles.
We question the the wounded guy as he gets treated by their doctor. Does he talk?
So did they use their devices?
Did his malfunction and that's why he's wounded?
No. +Event: Propose / Rumour
Did they wound him?
Yes, and...
Left him there for good. He's more than willing to talk!
Travel / Energy.
He tells us how they got the energy to travel. Did it harm our ship?
Do I get the plans for that device?

We leave the last Chrystalline with them and fare them all goodbye.
As our guns work again I am more than confident we can make it to the "Floating Fortress".
End of part 1
Tachyon badlands.